#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Warp} specification of a shape for a mapping of numerical input@section{related} Classes/ControlSpec, Classes/Spec @section{categories} Control, Spec @section{description} The subclasses of Warp specify translations from input (a number) to an output (another number). This is an abstract class - already available shapes are emphasis::linear, exponential, sine, cosine, decibel, curve:: (this is similar to the curves in envelopes, see also link::Classes/Env::). Warps are internally created by link::Classes/ControlSpec::. Usually they are created by the message strong::asWarp::, understood by symbols and numbers. A warp has a link::Classes/Spec:: to specify a certain range of input and output values. @racketblock[ // create a new warp: a = \exp.asWarp; a = -4.asWarp; // a curve warp; :: ] @section{ClassMethods} @section{private} initClass @section{InstanceMethods} @section{method} map Maps and constrains a strong::value:: between 0 and 1 to the output domain. @section{method} unmap in the output domain to a value in the range between 0 and 1. @racketblock[ g = -3.asWarp; g.map(0.5); g.unmap(0.9); // fore and back translation should be identical: g.unmap(g.map(0.5)); :: ]