#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Unpack1FFT} Unpack a single value (magnitude or phase) from an FFT chain@section{categories} UGens>FFT @section{related} Classes/PackFFT, Classes/UnpackFFT Unpack1FFT(chain, bufsize, binindex, whichmeasure=0) @section{description} Takes an FFT chain and extracts a single scalar value as a demand-rate stream. To call it you need a "demander" which fires whenever the FFT chain fires - this is normally achieved using link::Classes/PackFFT:: but can also be done using link::Classes/Demand::. @section{Note} The main purpose of this UGen is as a component in pvcollect, pvcalc, and pvcalc2 processes. You're welcome to use it on its own - the example below shows basic usage. But most people won't typically need to use it directly. :: @section{classmethods} @section{private} categories @section{method} new @section{argument} chain an FFT chain @section{argument} bufsize the size of the expected input FFT frames @section{argument} binindex the integer index of the bin you want to query @section{argument} whichmeasure 0 for magnitude and 1 for phase. None of these arguments can be modulated. @section{examples} @racketblock[ ( s.waitForBoot({ c = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); }) ) // Let's extract the DC component - i.e. the magnitude at index zero. ( x = { var fftsize = 1024; var sig, chain, unp; sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, c, BufRateScale.kr(c), loop: 1); chain = FFT(LocalBuf(fftsize), sig); unp = Unpack1FFT(chain, b.numFrames, 0, 0); // Demand some data from the unpacker Demand.kr(chain>=0, 0, unp).poll(chain>=0, "unpacked value"); (sig*0.1).dup; }.play(s); ) x.free; :: ]