#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Rect} Rectangle@section{categories} Geometry @section{ClassMethods} @section{method} new Return a new Rect with the given upper left corner and dimensions. @section{method} newSides Return a new Rect with the given boundaries. @section{method} fromPoints Return a new Rect defined by the given Points. @section{InstanceMethods} @section{method} left Get or set the value of the boundary. @section{method} top Get or set the value of the boundary. @section{method} right Get the value of the boundary. @section{method} bottom Get the value of the boundary. @section{method} set Set the boundaries to the given values. @section{method} setExtent Set the dimensions. @section{method} width Set or get the width. @section{method} height Set or get the height. @section{method} origin Return the upper left corner as a Point. @section{method} extent Return a Point whose x value is the height and whose y value is the width. @section{method} leftTop Return the upper left corner as a Point. @section{method} rightTop Return the upper right corner as a Point. @section{method} leftBottom Return the lower left corner as a Point. @section{method} rightBottom Return the lower right corner as a Point. @section{method} moveBy Returns a new Rect which is offset by x and y. @section{method} moveTo Returns a new Rect whose upper left corner is moved to (x, y). @section{method} moveToPoint Returns a new Rect whose upper left corner is moved to aPoint. @section{method} resizeBy Returns a new Rect whose dimensions have been changed by (x, y). @section{method} resizeTo Returns a new Rect whose dimensions are (x, y). @section{method} insetBy Returns a new Rect whose boundaries have been inset by (x, y). If only one argument is supplied, it will be used for both x and y. @section{method} insetAll Returns a new Rect whose boundaries have been inset by the given amounts. @section{method} contains Answers whether aPoint is in the receiver. @section{method} union, | Returns a new Rect which contains the receiver and aRect. @section{method} sect, & Returns a new Rect which is the intersection of the receiver and aRect.