#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{OSCFuncBothMessageMatcher} Matches incoming messages to responder funcs based on receive port and sender address@section{categories} External Control>OSC>Matchers @section{related} Classes/AbstractMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCFuncAddrMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCFuncRecvPortMessageMatcher, Classes/OSCFuncBothMessageMatcher @section{description} This is used by link::Classes/OSCMessageDispatcher:: and link::Classes/OSCMessagePatternDispatcher:: to match incoming OSC messages to instances of link::Classes/OSCFunc:: or link::Classes/OSCdef:: using receive port and sender address. This class is private, and generally users should not need to address instances directly. @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{METHOD} new Make a new instance. @section{argument} addr The link::Classes/NetAddr:: to attempt to match. @section{argument} recvPort The receive port to attempt to match, in the form of an link::Classes/Integer::. @section{argument} func The link::Classes/Function:: to evaluate if a match is found. @section{returns} An OSCFuncBothMessageMatcher. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{private} init @section{METHOD} value Check to see if a message matches, and evaluate func if it does. @section{argument} msg The OSC message as an link::Classes/Array:: in the form @racketblock[[OSCAddress, other args]::. ] @section{argument} time A link::Classes/Float:: indicating the time the incoming message was sent. @section{argument} testAddr A link::Classes/NetAddr:: indicating the source of the message. @section{argument} testRecvPort An link::Classes/Integer:: indicating the port on which the message was received.