#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{OSCArgsMatcher} Test for specific OSC arguments before evaluating a Function@section{categories} External Control>OSC>Matchers @section{related} Classes/OSCFunc, Guides/OSC_communication @section{description} OSCArgMatcher matches an argument template to a link::Classes/Function:: or similar object. When its value method is called, it evaluates the function if all of the arguments in its template pass a link::Reference/matchItem:: test. This is used by link::Classes/OSCMessageDispatcher:: and link::Classes/OSCMessagePatternDispatcher:: to match incoming OSC messages to instances of link::Classes/OSCFunc:: or link::Classes/OSCdef:: using sender address. This class is private, and generally users should not need to address instances directly. @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{METHOD} new Make a new OSCArgsMatcher @section{argument} argTemplate An link::Classes/Array:: comprising a template for determining if incoming arguments match. For each argument that you wish to test, you may include a constant (for exact matching), @racketblock[nil:: (indicating that all possible values and types will match), or a link::Classes/Function:: to test the incoming argument (see link::Reference/matchItem:: for examples). These should be in the same order as the items in the incoming OSC message, starting from index 1. (Index 0 is the OSC address.) ] @section{argument} func A link::Classes/Function:: or similar object which will respond to the incoming message. When evaluated it will be passed the arguments msg, time, addr, and recvPort, corresponding to the message as an link::Classes/Array:: in the form @racketblock[[OSCAddress, ...otherArgs]::, the time that the message was sent, a link::Classes/NetAddr:: corresponding to the IP address of the sender, and an link::Classes/Integer:: corresponding to the port on which the message was received. ] @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{private} init @section{METHOD} value Test if an incoming message's arguments match, and if so evaluate this object's function. In normal usage (within an OSCFunc) this is done behind the scenes. @section{argument} testMsg An link::Classes/Array:: in the form @racketblock[[OSCAddress, …msgArgs]::. ] @section{argument} time The time that the message was sent as a link::Classes/Float::. @section{argument} addr A link::Classes/NetAddr:: corresponding to the IP address of the sender. @section{argument} recvPort An link::Classes/Integer:: corresponding to the port on which the message was received. @section{EXAMPLES} @racketblock[ // Basic example (standalone use) m = OSCArgsMatcher([1, nil, 2], {'matches!'.postln}); m.value(['/myAddress', 1, 3, 2], 0.0, NetAddr.localAddr, NetAddr.langPort); // matches! :: ]