#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{NumChannels} Ensures the number of output channels@section{categories} UGens>Multichannel @section{description} Ensures the output has the stated number of channels, regardless of the number of input channels. @section{classmethods} @section{method} ar @section{argument} input the audio signal @section{argument} numChannels an integer @section{argument} mixdown true/false, whether you want to mixdown or just use the first channel @section{discussion} Mono input is copied. Multi-channels clumped and if @racketblock[mixdown:: is true mixed down, else the first channel used. ] @section{Examples} @racketblock[ ( { NumChannels.ar( SinOsc.ar(100,0,0.2), // 1 becomes 2 2) }.play ) ( { NumChannels.ar( SinOsc.ar([100,200,300],0,0.2), // 3 becomes 2 2) }.play ) ( { NumChannels.ar( SinOsc.ar([100,200,300,100],0,0.2), // 4 becomes 2 2) }.play ) :: ]