#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{NetAddr} network address@section{related} Classes/OSCFunc @section{categories} Control, External Control>OSC @section{ClassMethods} @section{private} initClass @section{method} new create new net address. @section{note} To send messages internally, loopback IP is used: "":: @section{argument} hostname a link::Classes/String::, either an IP number (e.g. "") or a hostname such as "otherHost.local". @section{argument} port a port number, like 57110. @section{method} fromIP create new net address using an integer IP number. @section{method} langPort Get the port sclang is currently listening on (may change after a recompile). @section{method} localAddr Get a NetAddr which corresponds to localhost and the port sclang is listening on. @section{method} disconnectAll close all TCP connections. @section{method} broadcastFlag Get or set the broadcast flag (whether or not broadcast messages can be sent). @section{method} matchLangIP Test an IP address to see if it matches that of one of the NICs on this computer. @section{argument} ipstring A link::Classes/String:: to test containing an IP number in dot decimal notation (e.g. ""). @section{returns} A link::Classes/Boolean:: indicating whether a match was found. @section{InstanceMethods} @section{private} prConnect, prDisconnect, prConnectionClosed, recover @section{method} sendMsg Convert the argument list to an OSC message and send it to the NetAddr without a timestamp. The first argument is the OSC address, and the remaining arguments are the arguments in the OSC message. If you leave off the initial "/" in the OSC address, one will be prepended. The technical details of how sclang objects are converted to OSC messages is given in the link::Guides/OSC_communication:: helpfile. @racketblock[ n = NetAddr("localhost", 12345); n = s.addr; // Example sending symbols, integers, and a float n.sendMsg('/s_new', \default, 2000, 0, s.defaultGroup.nodeID, \freq, 60.midicps); // The initial forward slash can be omitted n.sendMsg(\n_set, 2000, \gate, 0); // Using the performList syntax, you can use an array to store an OSC message ~msg = [\n_set, 2000, \gate, 0]; n.sendMsg(*~msg); :: ] @section{method} sendBundle send a bundle with timestamp to the addr. @section{method} sendRaw send a raw message without timestamp to the addr. @section{method} connect open TCP connection. @section{argument} disconnectHandler called when the connection is closed (either by the client or by the server). @section{method} disconnect close TCP connection. @section{method} ip returns the ip number (as a link::Classes/String::). @racketblock[ n = NetAddr("localhost", 57110); n.ip; :: ] @section{method} isLocal Test if this NetAddr ip number matches that of one of this hosts NICs, or the loopback address. @section{returns} A link::Classes/Boolean::. @section{Examples} @racketblock[ n = NetAddr("", 57120); // 57120 is sclang default port r = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time; [time, msg].postln }, '/good/news', n); n.sendMsg("/good/news", "you", "not you"); n.sendMsg("/good/news", 1, 1.3, 77); n.sendBundle(0.2, ["/good/news", 1, 1.3, 77]); r.free; n.disconnect; // note that different NetAddr objects with the same port and ip are independent. r = OSCFunc({ "message arrived".postln }, '/x'); n = NetAddr("", 57120); n.sendMsg("/x") u = NetAddr("", 57120); u.sendMsg("/x"); n.disconnect u.sendMsg("/x"); r.free; u.disconnect; :: ]