#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{LinkedList} doubly linked list@section{categories} Collections>Ordered @section{description} LinkedList implements a doubly linked list. Most methods are inherited from the superclasses. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{method} addFirst Add an item to the head of the list. @section{method} add Add an item to the tail of the list. @section{method} remove Remove an item from the list. @section{method} pop Remove and return the last item in the list. @section{method} popFirst Remove and return the first item in the list. @section{method} first Return the first item in the list. @section{method} last Return the last item in the list. @section{method} at Return the item at the given index in the list. This requires a scan of the list and so is O(n). @section{method} put Put the item at the given index in the list. This requires a scan of the list and so is O(n). @section{method} removeAt Remove and return the item at the given index in the list. This requires a scan of the list and so is O(n).