class:: Lag2UD summary:: Exponential lag categories:: UGens>Filters related:: Classes/Lag, Classes/Lag2, Classes/Lag3, Classes/LagUD, Classes/Lag3UD description:: Lag2 is equivalent to, time), time), thus resulting in a smoother transition. This saves on CPU as you only have to calculate the decay factor once instead of twice. See link::Classes/Lag:: for more details. classmethods:: method:: ar, kr argument:: in input signal. argument:: lagTimeU 60 dB lag time in seconds for the upgoing signal. argument:: lagTimeD 60 dB lag time in seconds for the downgoing signal. examples:: code:: ( // used to lag pitch SynthDef( \lag2ud_help, { arg freq=300,lagup=1, lagdown=5; 0, // sine wave // lag the frequency freq, lagup, lagdown ), 0, // phase 0.2 // sine amplitude ) ); }).add; ) x = \lag2ud_help ); // create the synth x.set( \freq, 500 ); // set the frequency to a higher value (takes 1 second) x.set( \freq, 100 ); // set the frequency to a lower value (takes 5 seconds); ::