#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{GbmanL} Gingerbreadman map chaotic generator@section{categories} UGens>Generators>Chaotic @section{related} Classes/GbmanN @section{description} A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations: teletype:: x(n+1) = 1 - y(n) + |x(n)| y(n+1) = x(n) :: The behavior of the system is dependent only on its initial conditions and cannot be changed once it's started. sclang code translation: @racketblock[ ( var xi = 1.2, yi = 2.1, size = 64; plot(size.collect { var x; xi = 1 - yi + abs(x = xi); yi = x; xi }); ) :: Reference: Devaney, R. L. "The Gingerbreadman." Algorithm 3, 15-16, Jan. 1992. ] @section{classmethods} @section{method} ar @section{argument} freq Iteration frequency in Hertz @section{argument} xi Initial value of x @section{argument} yi Initial value of y @section{examples} @racketblock[ // default initial params { GbmanL.ar(MouseX.kr(20, SampleRate.ir)) * 0.1 }.play(s); // different initial params { GbmanL.ar(MouseX.kr(20, SampleRate.ir), -0.7, -2.7) * 0.1 }.play(s); // wait for it... { GbmanL.ar(MouseX.kr(20, SampleRate.ir), 1.2, 2.0002) * 0.1 }.play(s); // as a frequency control { SinOsc.ar(GbmanL.ar(40)*400+500)*0.4 }.play(s); :: ]