#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{FreqShift} Frequency Shifter.@section{related} Classes/Hilbert, Classes/HilbertFIR @section{categories} UGens>Filters>Nonlinear, UGens>Filters>Pitch @section{description} FreqShift implements single sideband amplitude modulation, also known as frequency shifting, but not to be confused with pitch shifting. Frequency shifting moves all the components of a signal by a fixed amount but does not preserve the original harmonic relationships. @section{classmethods} @section{method} ar @section{argument} in The input signal. @section{argument} freq Amount of shift in cycles per second. @section{argument} phase Phase of the frequency shift (0..2pi). @section{argument} mul @section{argument} add @section{Examples} @racketblock[ // shifting a 100Hz tone by 1 Hz rising to 500Hz {FreqShift.ar(SinOsc.ar(100),XLine.kr(1,500,5),0,[0.1,0.1])}.play(s); // shifting a complex tone by 1 Hz rising to 500Hz {FreqShift.ar(Klang.ar(`[[101,303,606,808]]),XLine.kr(1,500,10),0,[0.1,0.1])}.play(s); // modulating shift and phase {FreqShift.ar(SinOsc.ar(10),LFNoise2.ar(0.3,1500),SinOsc.ar(500).range(0,2pi),[0.1,0.1])}.play(s); // the ubiquitous houston example ( b = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); {FreqShift.ar(PlayBuf.ar(1,b.bufnum,BufRateScale.kr(b.bufnum),loop:1),LFNoise0.kr(0.45,1000),0,[1,1])}.play(s); ) // shifting bandpassed noise {FreqShift.ar(BPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(0.2),1000,0.001),LFNoise0.kr(5.5,1000),0,[32,32])}.play(s); :: ] @section{subsection} More Examples send a SynthDef, run the routine then send a different SynthDef @racketblock[ (// simple detune & pitchmod via FreqShift SynthDef("frqShift1",{arg frq,detune=1.5; var e1,left,right; e1 = EnvGen.ar(Env.new([0,0.1,0],[1,2.3]),1,doneAction: Done.freeSelf); left = SinOsc.ar(frq,0,e1); // original tone left = left + FreqShift.ar(left,frq*detune); // shift and add back to original right = FreqShift.ar(left,SinOsc.kr(3.23,0,5)); Out.ar(0, [left,right] * 0.1); }).add; ) (// the routine r = Routine({ var table,pitch; table = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]; inf.do{ pitch = (48+(12*2.rand) + table.choose).midicps; Synth.grain(\frqShift1, [\frq, pitch]); 3.wait; }; }; ).play; ) (// shift pulse wave in opposite directions SynthDef("frqShift1",{arg frq,detune=0.15; var e1,snd,left,right; e1 = EnvGen.ar(Env.new([0,1,0],[0.02,3.2]),1,doneAction: Done.freeSelf); snd = Pulse.ar(frq,SinOsc.kr(2.3).range(0.2,0.8),e1); // original tone left = FreqShift.ar(snd,XLine.kr(-0.1,-200,2)); // shift and add back to original right = FreqShift.ar(snd,XLine.kr(0.1,200,2)); Out.ar(0, [left,right] * 0.1); }).add ) (// FreqShift >> feedback >>> FreqShiftc SynthDef("frqShift1",{arg frq; var e1,snd,snd2,in; in = FreqShift.ar(InFeedback.ar(0,1)*3.2,XLine.ar(0.01,frq*1.5,1)); // shift the feedback e1 = Env.new([0,0.1,0],[0.02,2.98]); snd = SinOsc.ar(frq,0,EnvGen.ar(e1,1,doneAction: Done.freeSelf)); snd2 = FreqShift.ar(snd+in,SinOsc.ar(4.24,0.5,3),0,0.5); // subtle modulating shift OffsetOut.ar([0,1], Limiter.ar(snd2+snd * 0.5,1,0.005)); }).add; ) (// ssllooww columbia tuned shift detune r.stop; // stop old routine Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav", bufnum:99); SynthDef("frqShift1",{arg frq, bufnum; var e1,snd,left,right; e1 = Env.new([0,1,0],[3,1],-4); snd = PlayBuf.ar(1, bufnum, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum) * 0.01, loop:1); left = FreqShift.ar(snd,frq*2,0,EnvGen.ar(e1,1,doneAction: Done.freeSelf)); // subtle shift of the output right = FreqShift.ar(snd,frq*3,0,EnvGen.ar(e1,1,doneAction: Done.freeSelf)); Out.ar(0, [left,right] * 3); }).add; (// the routine r = Routine({ var table,pitch; table = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]; inf.do{ pitch = (48+(12*2.rand) + table.choose).midicps; s.sendMsg("s_new","frqShift1",-1,1,1, "frq", pitch, "bufnum", 99); 3.wait; }; }; ).play; ) :: ]