TITLE:: FileDialog summary:: Operating system interface for Open file, save file, select directory dialogs categories:: GUI>Accessories related:: Classes/Dialog, Classes/File DESCRIPTION:: This is the interface for your standard operating system modal file dialogs to open files, save files and select directories. See also Dialog which makes it a bit simpler without the need to set fileMode and acceptMode manually. At the moment selecting a directory is only possible with FileDialog. CLASSMETHODS:: METHOD:: new Open a modal dialog ARGUMENT:: okFunc handler function for: user selected a file and clicked ok. Argument to the function is either a single path, an array of paths, or multiple paths passed in as separate arguments. This depends on what fileMode and stripResult were specified. ARGUMENT:: cancelFunc handler function for: user cancelled ARGUMENT:: fileMode Integer Determines the type of dialog. list:: ## 0 QFileDialog AnyFile The name of a file, whether it exists or not. ## 1 QFileDialog ExistingFile The name of a single existing file. ## 2 QFileDialog Directory The name of a directory. Both files and directories are displayed. ## 3 QFileDialog ExistingFiles The names of zero or more existing files. :: 0 or 3 implies that the user can type in a new file name. ARGUMENT:: acceptMode Integer This determines what the accept button says: "Open" or "Save" list:: ## 0 QFileDialog AcceptOpen ## 1 QFileDialog AcceptSave :: ARGUMENT:: stripResult If selecting multiple files (using fileMode 3) then you have the choice of having your okFunc called with a list or with each of the paths as separate items. If you want to select only one item then use stripResult = true so that your okFunc will be passed the item instead of a list. list:: ## true: okFunc(path1, path2, path3) ## false: okFunc(paths) :: returns:: a FileDialog METHOD:: qtClass private EXAMPLES:: code:: FileDialog({ |path| }, { }); ::