#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Delay1} Single sample delay.@section{related} Classes/Delay2 @section{categories} UGens>Delays @section{description} Delays the input by 1 audio frame or control period. @section{classmethods} @section{method} ar, kr @section{argument} in Input signal. @section{argument} mul Output will be multiplied by this value. @section{argument} add This value will be added to the output. @section{discussion} For audio-rate signals the delay is 1 audio frame, and for control-rate signals the delay is 1 control period. @section{Examples} @racketblock[ ( plot({ var z; z = Dust.ar(1000); [z, z - Delay1.ar(z)] // [ original, subtract delayed from original ] })) :: ]