SuperCollider CLASSES (extension)


CutMixer amplitude algorithm
Inherits from: Object
Subclasses: CutAmp1


SQPushFXAmp2 is intended to be used in the ampfunc parameter of CutMixer. It randomly drops repeats according to a table of probabilities depending on the current position in the bar. It is apparently inspired by Squarepusher.

The alias CutAmp1 is available for backward compatibility.

Class Methods

*new (ampchance: 0.1, amptemplate)



Controls the overall probability that a given repeat will be dropped.


An array of 16 float values from 0 to 1, each value corresponding to one sixteenth of the bar. The decision to drop a repeat is done by the following process: look up the current time in the table, multiply that probability by ampchance, and then drop the repeat with that probability.

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods

-initSQPushFXAmp2 (ac: 0.1, ampt)

-updateblock (block)

-value (repeat, block)


~buf = BBCutBuffer(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/break.aiff", 8);

BBCut2(CutGroup([CutBuf3(~buf, 0.3), CutMixer(0, 1, SQPushFXAmp2(0.5))]), SQPusher1()).play(2.5);