SQPushFXAmp2 is intended to be used in the ampfunc parameter of CutMixer. It randomly drops repeats according to a table of probabilities depending on the current position in the bar. It is apparently inspired by Squarepusher.
The alias CutAmp1 is available for backward compatibility.
ampchance |
Controls the overall probability that a given repeat will be dropped. |
amptemplate |
An array of 16 float values from 0 to 1, each value corresponding to one sixteenth of the bar. The decision to drop a repeat is done by the following process: look up the current time in the table, multiply that probability by ampchance, and then drop the repeat with that probability. |
~buf = BBCutBuffer(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/break.aiff", 8); BBCut2(CutGroup([CutBuf3(~buf, 0.3), CutMixer(0, 1, SQPushFXAmp2(0.5))]), SQPusher1()).play(2.5);