class:: TdefGui summary:: a line of editing controls for a Tdef, and optionally its envir categories:: Libraries>JITLib>GUI, Live Coding related:: Classes/TdefAllGui, Classes/PdefGui, Classes/PdefAllGui, Classes/EnvirGui description:: A gui showing the link::Classes/Tdef::'s name, playing state, source state, and envir state. Optionally, its envir can also be edited. subsection::First example code:: g = TdefGui(); // make a TdefGui g.object = Tdef(\a); // show when a Tdef is put in Tdef(\a, { "boing".postln }); // show whether it has a source Tdef(\a).play; // show whether playing, stopped, or ended, and pausable Tdef(\a).set(\abc, 123); // show whether the tdef has an envir g = TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 3); // with an envirgui for 3 items Tdef(\a).set(\a, 12, \lofreq, [1, 10], \str, "someString", \oops, \oneSymbolTooMany); ( // put it in an existing window - margin becomes 0@0 w = Window().front; w.addFlowLayout; TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 0, w); TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 3, w); ) :: subsection::Details on the GUI elements definitionList:: ## name button || when selected, typing the delete key will delete its Tdef. ## play/stop button || indicates whether the tdef is playing: table:: ## " >" || if stopped, ## " _" || if playing and active, ## " |" || if it is playing, but the stream has ended. :: ## pause/resume button || only visible if one can pause or resume the Tdef, i.e. while it is playing. table:: ## "paus" || shown when you can pause it, ## "rsum" || shown when you can resume it. :: ## src button || opens a document to edit the source (function) of the Tdef. table:: ## green || a source exists, ## white || the source is nil. :: ## env button || strong::click:: opens a document to edit the envir of the Tdef, strong::option-click:: opens a new TdefGui with a big enough link::Classes/EnvirGui:: for the Tdef's envir. table:: ## green || the Tdef has an envir, ## white || the envir is nil. :: :: ClassMethods:: subsection::Creation Methods method::new Create a new link::Classes/JITGui:: that will be watching an object and display its state. argument::object the object to watch argument::numItems the number of display items to use, e.g. how many fields for text, or how many EZSliders for single-number parameters. argument::parent a parent view on which to display. If nil, a new window is created; strong::parent:: can also be an existing window or a composite view. argument::bounds a desired size and position where to display a JITGui. can be nil, a link::Classes/Point::, or a link::Classes/Rect::. JITGuis know their minimum size ( strong::minSize:: ), and if bounds is nil, minSize is used. if bounds is a point or rect, it will be set to at least minSize. With a rect one can also supply a position where to display. If a point,shown size is the maximum of bounds and minSize argument::makeSkip A flag whether to make a skipjack. If one uses a TdefGui as part of a larger gui ensemble, one may want to call checkUpdate on all of them together, not with separate skipJacks. argument::options a list of additional information, e.g. flags about optional buttons. (this is used is some subclasses) InstanceMethods:: method::object a link::Classes/Tdef::, or nil method::numItems the number of items in the envirGui method::parent the parent view method::bounds the bounds of the link::#-zone:: method::zone the link::Classes/CompositeView:: within which the TdfGui is shown method::nameBut, playBut, pauseBut, srcBut, envBut the buttons method::envirGui the gui for the Tdef's envir - if numItems > 0. method::object put an object in the gui. method::moveTo (if the jitGui is in its own window) move it to some specific location. method::clear (if the jitGui is in its own window) set the TdefGui's object to nil method::close (if the jitGui is in its own window) and close its window. subsection::Internal methods method::srcString a compileString that recreates the Tdef. code:: // assume g from above is still there g.srcString; :: method::editString a compileString that recreates the Tdef's envir at edKey. method::editStrings a compileString that recreates the Tdef's envir at edKeys. argument::edKeys Default value is nil. code:: // assume g from above is still there g.editString; Tdef(\a).set(\foo, \bar); g.editString(\foo); g.editStrings; :: method::getUsedKeys the keys in use in the envir code:: g.getUsedKeys; :: method::openDoc open a document with some strings at some location. used with src button, env button. code:: g.openDoc(g.editStrings); :: method::makeEnvirGui make an envirGui within zone. Examples:: code:: ( Tdef(\a, { |e| { |i| i.postln; 0.5.wait } }); t = TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 4); Tdef(\a).set(\freq, 200, \dur, 0.1, \otto, 12, \ann, 1234); ) Tdef(\a).stop; Tdef(\a).play; Tdef(\a).pause; Tdef(\a).resume; t.object_(nil); t.object_(Tdef(\a)); ( w = Window("put it in a selfmade window").front; w.addFlowLayout; w.view.decorator.shift(50, 50); TdefGui(Tdef(\a), 12, w) ) Tdef(\b, { |e| { |i| Tdef(\a).set(\otto, 8.rand); exprand(0.1, 3.0).wait } }); Tdef(\b).play; TdefGui(Tdef(\b)); // see all Tdefs: TdefAllGui(16); ::