class:: SCImageKernel summary:: kernel class to use with SCImage categories:: GUI>Views related:: Classes/SCImage, Classes/SCImageFilter DESCRIPTION:: code::// very experimental :):: Currently this class represents the CoreImage strong::CIKernel:: you can apply to a link::Classes/SCImage::. The Kernel language is a subset of the OpenGL Shading Language. more information about the Kernel Language can be found here : and here: here is the translation table between Kernel language Objects and SuperCollider objects table:: ## strong::Kernel Language Object:: || strong::SuperCollider Object:: ## sampler || link::Classes/SCImage:: ## __color || link::Classes/Color:: ## float || link::Classes/Number:: ## vec2, vec3, vec4 || link::Classes/Array:: ## __table || link::Classes/SCImage:: (basically the __table modifier just use Images as a data providers - LUT) :: CLASSMETHODS:: METHOD::new creates a new SCImageKernel ARGUMENT::shader optional. the shader code string. nil by default ARGUMENT::values optional. the values that match the kernel proc function defined in the shader string. nil by default ARGUMENT::bounds optional. not used for now. nil by default INSTANCEMETHODS:: METHOD::shader get or set the shader string. METHOD::values get or set the values array. When setting the object indexes in the values Array must match the argument declaration order as defined in the main emphasis::kernel vec4 routine::. See link::#Examples:: for more info. METHOD::isValid very basic verification to tell if all arguments of the shader are set. METHOD::compile compile the SCImageKernel object (and cache it). NOTE:: when rendered the first time, the kernel object is always compiled first. If you plan to change the shader string after, you must explicitely compile it to make it effective. :: EXAMPLES:: code:: /**** Kernels ****/ // very experimental // COLOR INVERSION SHADER EXAMPLE ( a = +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); // get the image k =; k.shader_(" vec4 invertPixel(vec4 pix) { return vec4(1.0 - pix.r, 1.0 - pix.g, 1.0 - pix.b, pix.a); } kernel vec4 _invertColor(sampler source) { vec4 pixel; pixel = sample(source, samplerCoord(source)); unpremultiply(pixel); return unpremultiply(invertPixel(pixel)); } "); // the argument order should be kept in the array // here we need only the "sampler" argument which should be as the translation table informs you a SCImage // the signature of the Kernel function is normally 'kernel vec4' // you can of course add other functions in the shader k.values_([a]); k.isValid.postln; // is it ok a.applyKernel(k); w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) ( // ANOTHER APPLE KERNEL EXAMPLE - See CoreImage programming guide for original example a = +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); // get the image k =; k.shader_(" vec2 testVec(float x, float y) { return vec2(x, y); } kernel vec4 testKernelFromApple( sampler src, __color color, float distance, float slope ) { vec4 t; float d; d = destCoord().y * slope + distance; t = unpremultiply(sample(src, samplerCoord(src))); t = (t - d*color) / (1.0-d); return premultiply(t); } "); // as stated in the Apple Example // distance - min: 0.0 max: 1.0 // slope - min: -0.01 max: 0.01 k.values_( [ a, // arg 0: the SCImage Color.white, // arg 1: color 0.5, // arg 2: distance -0.002 // arg 3: slope ] ); a.applyKernel(k); w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) ( // OK a Better Colorful Kernel a =; // get the image k =; k.shader_( // shader/kernel from // Generates spherical and planar displacement maps for VBO-based 3D heightfield. // " const float PI = 3.14159265359; const float TWOPI = 6.28318530718; kernel vec4 _heightMap(sampler image, vec3 scale) { vec2 xyNorm = samplerCoord(image) / samplerSize(image); float u = xyNorm.x * PI; float v = xyNorm.y * TWOPI; vec3 spherical; spherical.r = cos(v) * sin(u); spherical.g = sin(v) * sin(u); spherical.b = cos(u); spherical.r = (spherical.r * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.x; spherical.g = (spherical.g * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.y; spherical.b = (spherical.b * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale.z; return vec4(spherical,1.0); } "); k.values_([a, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]); // k.isValid; // is it ok a.applyKernel(k); //.flatten; // ensure a bitmap rep so the kernel is not applied at each rendering call - uncomment that and rescale the plot window to see the difference. w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) ::