#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{SCImage} image component@section{categories} GUI>Views @section{related} Classes/SCImageFilter, Classes/SCImageKernel @section{description} SCImage is an image component for the macOS SuperCollider client. SCImage is currently a wrapper around different models : you can use it for bitmap operations, image embedding for custom UI and for more advanced image processing as applying filters and kernels, both provided with the CoreImage framework. SCImage currently supports most formats including tiff, bmp, gif, jpeg, png, tga...ect.. for reading. But for for writing it supports only those in @racketblock[SCImage.formats::. ] @section{NOTE} link::Classes/GUI:: Issue : since it is macOS only, be sure to call @racketblock[GUI.cocoa:: before any SCImage.call :: ] @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{PRIVATE} initClass, prFromWindowRect, prFreeAll @section{METHOD} new Creates a new SCImage instance. multiple stands here for multiple arguments. @section{ARGUMENT} multiple May be a... @section{list} ## link::Classes/Number:: to create an strong::empty:: image of size multiple as width and height @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new(400); // Create a 400x400 pixels SCimage. i.dump; i.free; i = SCImage.new(400,200); // Create a 400x200 pixels SCimage. i.dump; i.free; :: ## link::Classes/Point:: to create an strong::empty:: image of size multiple.x as width and multiple.y as height ] @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new(400@200); // Create a 400x200 pixels SCimage. i.dump; i.free; :: ## link::Classes/String:: to create an image from a strong::local file:: or from an strong::URL:: (http://, ftp://, file:///) ] @racketblock[ // Path string i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); [i.width, i.height].postln; i.plot; i.free; // URL string - http:// or ftp:// - blocks until image is downloaded i = SCImage.new("http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif"); i.plot; i.url; i.free; :: :: ] @section{METHOD} color Creates a new SCImage instance filled with the specified color. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.color(400, 200, Color.blue(0.9,0.1)); i.plot(freeOnClose:true); :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} args multiple arguments. the last argument should be a valid link::Classes/Color:: @section{METHOD} open Creates a new SCImage instance from the local file at strong::path::. @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.open("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.plot(freeOnClose:true); i.url.postln; ) :: ] @section{METHOD} openURL Creates a new SCImage instance from a valid image at the specified URL strong::path::. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.openURL("file:///Library/Desktop%20Pictures/Ripples%20Blue.jpg"); i.url; w = i.plot(freeOnClose:true); :: ] @section{METHOD} fromImage Creates a new SCImage instance from another SCImage. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new(SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); j = SCImage.fromImage(i); i.dump; j.dump; [i, j].do(_.plot); [i, j].do(_.free); :: ] @section{METHOD} fromWindow Creates a new SCImage from a portion of a SCWindow. this can be used to capture either a window or a specific SCView. @racketblock[ // WINDOW Example: // First create a window and draw inside of it ( w = SCWindow.new; w.front; // comment this to copy offscreen window w.view.background_(Color.white); w.drawFunc = { SCPen.translate(100, 100); 10.do{ // set the Color SCPen.color = Color.blue(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)); SCPen.addWedge((100.rand)@(100.rand), rrand(10, 100), 2pi.rand, 2pi.rand); SCPen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose); } }; w.refresh; ) // then grab the window ( i = SCImage.fromWindow(w); w.close; i.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) // VIEW Capture Example: // First create a window and add some views inside of it ( w = SCWindow.new.front; b = [10, 80].asSpec; c = SCNumberBox(w, Rect(20, 20, 60, 40)); a = SCSlider(w, Rect(20, 80, 100, 40)) .focusColor_(Color.red(alpha:0.2)) .action_({ c.value_(b.map(a.value).round(0.01)) // round the float so it will fit in the SCNumberBox }); ) // then grab the window ( i = SCImage.fromWindow(w, a.bounds); w.close; i.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} window the SCWindow object. @section{ARGUMENT} rect optional. the constrained rect to capture inside the SCWindow. By default, it is the window size. @section{SUBSECTION} Class variables and attributes @section{METHOD} formats returns all the valid image formats as an link::Classes/Array:: @racketblock[ SCImage.formats; :: ] @section{METHOD} compositingOperations returns all the valid compositing operations you can use when drawing an SCImage as an link::Classes/Array:: @racketblock[ SCImage.compositingOperations; :: ] @section{METHOD} interpolations returns an link::Classes/Array:: of the different levels of interpolation you can specify when drawing an SCImage. @racketblock[ SCImage.interpolations; :: ] @section{METHOD} closeAllPlotWindows close all the SCImage plot windows currently opened. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{PRIVATE} prLockFocus, prDrawAtPoint, prSync, prApplyFilters, prTileInRect, prUpdatePixelsInRect, prGetPixel, prInit, prSetInterpolation, prFree, prSetPixel, prLoadPixels, prSetBackground, prApplyKernel, prUpdatePixels, prWriteToFile, prUnlockFocus, prInitFromURL, prSetColor, prGetColor, prSetName, prGetInterpolation, prDrawInRect @section{SUBSECTION} commons / general attributes @section{METHOD} width returns or set the width of the receiver @section{METHOD} height returns or set the height of the receiver @section{METHOD} setSize set the size of the receiver @section{METHOD} bounds returns the bounds of the receiver. @section{METHOD} free deallocate the receiver. this method is useful if you want to manage and reclaim yourself resources. otherwise you do not need to call this method since each object is automatically garbage collected. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); SCImage.all; i.free; SCImage.all; :: ] @section{METHOD} scalesWhenResized flag to tell or set if the receiver should update its bitmap representation to scale when a resize operation if performed @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.bounds.postln; // getting the dimensions w =i.plot; ) // changing the size of an image ( i.scalesWhenResized_(true); i.setSize(400, 400 / (i.width / i.height)); a =i.plot; ) ( a.close; w.close; i.free; ) :: ] @section{METHOD} url returns or set the url of the receiver. Returning only if any where supplied at creation, otherwise returns nil. Setting may be used for different purpose but try to supply a valid one since it is used for archiving the image as an object. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new("http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif"); i.url; i.plot; i.free; :: ] @section{METHOD} accelerated if true, the receiver currently use the CoreImage model, possibly caching its data on GPU, if not the bitmap model. Set it to switch representation. @section{WARNING} this method should never be used directly unless you know perfectly what you are doing. Since the SCImage will switch internally and manage itself the syncronization between representations. :: @section{METHOD} interpolation get or set the level of interpolation used when rendering the image - it has not effect when the SCImage is accelerated. see link::#*interpolations:: for a valid range of values. @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new(SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); w = i.plot; i.interpolation; // get the image current interpolation mode ) ( i.interpolation = 'none'; // experiment with interpolation modes w.refresh; ) ( i.interpolation = 'low'; w.refresh; ) ( i.interpolation = 1; // same as 'low' w.refresh; ) ( i.interpolation = 'high'; w.refresh; ) ( i.interpolation = 'default'; w.refresh; ) ( i.accelerated_(true); i.interpolation = 'none'; // does not work on coreimage accelerated image w.refresh; ) i.free; :: ] @section{SUBSECTION} saving and archiving @section{METHOD} write write the SCImage to a file. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.dump i.write("~/Desktop/my_image.png"); i.free; // storeOn / asCompileString i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.url; i.asCompileString; i.writeArchive("~/Desktop/my_image.scd".standardizePath); i.free; i = nil; Document.open("~/Desktop/my_image.scd".standardizePath); i = Object.readArchive("~/Desktop/my_image.scd".standardizePath); i.plot; i.free; :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} path the location where to save it @section{ARGUMENT} format (optional) format to use. see SCImage.formats for supported formats. If nil, it will get the format depending on the path extension. @section{SUBSECTION} rendering @section{METHOD} plot plots the image in a SCWindow. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); w = i.plot; w.close; w = i.plot(showInfo:false); w.close; i.free; // other option - image will be automatically freed when closed SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg").plot("Hello", freeOnClose:true); :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} name the title of the SCWindow. may be nil. @section{ARGUMENT} bounds the bounds of the SCWindow. may be nil. @section{ARGUMENT} freeOnClose flag to tell if the SCWindow should free the SCImage when closed. @section{ARGUMENT} background additional background to apply to the SCWindow. may be useful for artifacts due to alpha / compositing... @section{ARGUMENT} showInfo shows pixel coordinates while the mouse is over the image's plot window. @section{METHOD} lockFocus sets the receiver as the current graphic context. So you can use SCPen to draw inside of it. @section{METHOD} unlockFocus restore the graphic context state. the receiver is not anymore the current graphic context. @racketblock[ ( j = SCImage.new(400,300); j.lockFocus; SCPen.translate(100, 100); 1000.do{ // set the Color SCPen.color = Color.green(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)); SCPen.addAnnularWedge( (100.rand)@(100.rand), rrand(10, 50), rrand(51, 100), 2pi.rand, 2pi.rand ); SCPen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose); }; j.unlockFocus; ) j.plot; j.write("~/Desktop/my_drawing.png"); // write the image j.free; :: ] @section{METHOD} draw shortcut for drawing inside an image. equivalent to : @section{list} ## receiver.lockFocus ## aFunction ## receiver.unlockFocus :: @racketblock[ ( j = SCImage.new(400,300); j.draw({ arg image; SCPen.translate(100, 100); 1000.do { // set the Color SCPen.color = Color.green(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)); SCPen.addAnnularWedge( (100.rand)@(100.rand), rrand(10, 50), rrand(51, 100), 2pi.rand, 2pi.rand ); SCPen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose); }; }).plot(freeOnClose:true); ) // String drawing support on the image // drawStringAtPoint(string, point, font, color); ( j = SCImage.new(150,50); j.draw({ arg bounds; j.drawStringAtPoint("Hello, world!", 10@10, Font("Lucida Grande", 24), Color.black); }); ) j.plot; j.write("~/Desktop/hello.png"); j.free; :: ] @section{METHOD} drawStringAtPoint renders *correctly* a String inside an SCImage :) @racketblock[// to fix to have a compliant interface:: ] @racketblock[ ( var width, height, tgHeight, ratio, str, font, color, strb, targetWidth=400, shadowColor, run = true; shadowColor = Color.black; color = Color.gray(0.8); str = "I Love Pixels"; font = Font("Monaco", 10); strb = str.bounds(font); width = strb.width; height = strb.height; ratio = height / width; i = SCImage(width@(height)); i.draw({|bb| SCPen.smoothing_(false); i.drawStringAtPoint(str, 0@0, font, color); }); i.interpolation_(\none); tgHeight = targetWidth * ratio; w = SCWindow.new("", Rect(400,400, 450, 150)).drawFunc_({ SCPen.setShadow(2@2, 0.4, color:Color.red); i.drawInRect(Rect(5,5,targetWidth, tgHeight)); }); w.view.background_(Color.white); w.onClose_({run = false; i.free;}); w.front; ) :: ] @section{METHOD} drawAtPoint render the image or a portion of it in the current graphic context. @racketblock[ ( var operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0, i, w; i = SCImage.new( // "http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/theme/sc01/icon.supercollider.gif" // SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/duck_alpha.png" SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/Swamp.png" ); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage", Rect(120, 400, 360, 180)).front; SCSlider.new(w, Rect(10, 150, 150, 16)) .value_(1.0) .action_({ arg sl; fraction = sl.value; w.refresh; }); SCPopUpMenu.new(w, Rect(170, 150, 100, 16)) .items_( SCImage.compositingOperations.collect({ arg i; i.asString }) ) .value_(2) .action_({ arg pm; operation = SCImage.compositingOperations.at(pm.value); w.refresh; }); w.onClose_({ i.free }); // free the image when the window is closed w.drawFunc_({ i.drawAtPoint(10@10, nil, operation, fraction); }); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} point the link::Classes/Point:: where to draw it @section{ARGUMENT} fromRect the portion of the SCImage to use @section{ARGUMENT} operation the compositing operation to use. @racketblock['sourceOver':: is the default. ] @section{ARGUMENT} fraction the opacity to use, ranging from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) @section{METHOD} drawInRect render the image or a portion of it in a specified rectangle of the current graphic context. This may stretch the image depending on the destination rect. @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new( // "http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/theme/sc01/icon.supercollider.gif" SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/icon.supercollider.png" ); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage", Rect(120, 400, 360, 180)).front; w.onClose_({ i.free }); // free the image when the window is closed w.drawFunc_({ i.drawInRect(Rect(10,10,50,50), Rect(10,10,50,50), 2, 1.0); // only a section }); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} rect the link::Classes/Rect:: where to draw it @section{ARGUMENT} fromRect the portion of the SCImage to use @section{ARGUMENT} operation the compositing operation to use. @racketblock['sourceOver':: is the default. ] @section{ARGUMENT} fraction the opacity to use, ranging from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) @section{METHOD} tileInRect tile the image or a portion of it in a specified rectangle of the current graphic context. This may stretch the image depending on the destination rect. @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new( // "http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/theme/sc01/icon.supercollider.gif" SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/icon.supercollider.png" ); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage", Rect(120, 400, 360, 180)).front; w.onClose_({ i.free }); // free the image when the window is closed w.drawFunc_({ i.tileInRect(w.view.bounds, nil, 2, 1.0); // all image contents }); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} rect the link::Classes/Rect:: where to draw it @section{ARGUMENT} fromRect the portion of the SCImage to use @section{ARGUMENT} operation the compositing operation to use. @racketblock['sourceOver':: is the default. ] @section{NOTE} Compositing operations are currently disabled for tileInRect :: @section{ARGUMENT} fraction the opacity to use, ranging from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) @section{SUBSECTION} Instance Methods / accessing and setting pixels @section{METHOD} setPixel fill a pixel located at x @ y. @racketblock[ i = SCImage.color(60, 60, Color.blue(0.1,0.1)); w = i.plot; i.setPixel([255,0,0,255].asRGBA, 0, 0); // setting red w.refresh; ("pixel at 0 @ 0:"+i.getPixel(0,0).rgbaArray).postln; i.free; :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} rgbaInteger an 32 bit link::Classes/Integer:: containing color information packed as 8bit RGBA @section{METHOD} getPixel retrieve the pixel value at x @ y as a RGBA integer @racketblock[ // A simple example on how to manipulate pixels with SCImage b = Int32Array[ Integer.fromRGBA(255,0,0,255), // red Integer.fromRGBA(0,255,0,255), // green Integer.fromRGBA(0,0,255,255), // blue Integer.fromRGBA(255,0,255,255) // purple ]; b[0].red; // 255 see Integer.red b[0].green; // 0 see Integer.green b[0].blue; // 0 see Integer.blue b[0].alpha; // 255 see Integer.alpha a = SCImage.new(b.size@1).pixels_(b).interpolation_(\none); a.plot; // Set + Get a.setPixel([255, 0, 255, 128].asRGBA /* create an Integer from 0-255 integer rgba value */, 0, 0).plot; p = a.getPixel(0,0); p.red; // 255 p.green; // 0 p.blue; // 255 p.alpha; // 128 // now another important example a.setPixel([255, 0, 255, 0].asRGBA, 1, 0).plot; // clear color -> alpha is 0 p = a.getPixel(1,0); p.red; // you expect 255 but you get 0 ??? Why = because SCImage uses premultiplied color component value internally // meaning all Red, Green, and Blue component are premultiplied by the alpha // if alpha is 0 you get 0 back for all components. p.green; // 0 p.blue; // 0 p.alpha; // 0 p = a.getColor(1,0); // more explicit - but same here :: ] @section{METHOD} setColor fill the pixel located at x @ y with the specified strong::color::. @section{METHOD} getColor retrieve the pixel value at x @ y as a link::Classes/Color::. @section{METHOD} pixels retrieve or set all the pixels of the receiver. @section{NOTE} Carefull: the returned Array is a link::Classes/Int32Array:: of size receiver.width * receiver.height containing all pixel values as 32bit Integer :: @section{ARGUMENT} array an link::Classes/Int32Array:: of size receiver.width * receiver.height containing all pixel values as 32bit Integer @section{METHOD} loadPixels load all the pixels of the receiver in an array. it is better and faster to call this function instead of link::#-pixels:: if you plan to retrieve frequently the pixel data (since it won't allocate a new array everytime !) @racketblock[ // exec one line at a time i = SCImage.new( // "http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/theme/sc01/icon.supercollider.gif" SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/icon.supercollider.png" ); // first grab the pixels p = i.pixels; // do some mods - here invert i.invert; // reload directly in my array - do not need to call i.pixels again i.loadPixels(p); i.free; p; :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} array the array that will be filled. Should be an link::Classes/Int32Array:: of size receiver.width * receiver.height. @section{ARGUMENT} region the targeted rectangular region. (nil by default, meaning full size) @section{ARGUMENT} start the start index of the array. @section{METHOD} setPixels set the pixels in a specific portion of the receiver. @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new(20@20); i.pixels_( Int32Array.fill(i.width * i.height, { Integer.fromRGBA(255.rand,127.rand,255.rand,255) }) ); //i.interpolation_(\none); // uncomment to see the difference w = i.plot(freeOnClose:true); i.pixels.postln; ) ( i = SCImage.color(50@50, Color.white); i.setPixels( Int32Array.fill(20*20,{Integer.fromRGBA(255.rand, 127.rand, 255.rand, 255)}), Rect(10,10,20,20) ); i.interpolation_(\none); // uncomment to see the difference w = i.plot(freeOnClose:true); i.pixels.postln; ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} array an link::Classes/Int32Array:: of size strong::rect::.width * strong::rect::.height containing all pixel values as 32bit Integer @section{ARGUMENT} rect a rectangle defining the portion to update in the receiver. By default strong::rect:: is nil, meaning full image size. @section{ARGUMENT} start the array start index. @section{SUBSECTION} Instance Methods / Attributes for SCImageFilter support see link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: for more info @section{METHOD} applyFilters apply an array of link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: to the image. this should be considered as an in place operation, meaning the SCImage is altered after it. @racketblock[ // ******** Built In CoreImage Generators ******** // Generators are not filters, they actually create an image but do not need an input image // you just have to create an image of a new size // ** The Simple Random Filter ** ( f = SCImageFilter.new(\CIRandomGenerator); a = SCImage.new(500@500); a.applyFilters(f); w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true, background:Color.black); a.bounds.postln; ) // ** The StarShine example ** ( var width=500, height=500, centerVector; centerVector = [ width*0.5, height*0.5 ]; a = SCImage.new(500@500); f = SCImageFilter.new(\CIStarShineGenerator); f.center_(centerVector); f.radius_(width*0.05); f.color_(Color.blue); f.crossWidth_(2.0); f.crossAngle_(0.0); f.crossOpacity_(-4.0); a.applyFilters(f); w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true, background:Color.gray); // change background to see ) // ** Starshine + Pixellate + ZoomBlur ** ( var width=500, height=500, centerVector; centerVector = [ width*0.5, height*0.5 ]; a = SCImage.new(500@500); f = SCImageFilter.new(\CIStarShineGenerator); g = SCImageFilter.new(\CIPixellate); h = SCImageFilter.new(\CIZoomBlur); f.center_(centerVector); f.radius_(width*0.05); f.color_(Color.blue); f.crossWidth_(2.0); f.crossAngle_(0.0); f.crossOpacity_(-4.0); g.center_(centerVector); h.center_(centerVector); h.amount_(50); a.applyFilters([f, g, h]); w = a.plot(freeOnClose:true, background:Color.black); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} filters a SCImageFilter or an array of link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: to be applied @section{ARGUMENT} crop the crop region to finally use. This may be required for extending bounds since some SCImageFilter / CoreImageFilters require to set a wider region (to be applied correctly) or may create a huge image. Setting crop to nil sets no crop region. In case the current maximum size of a filtered SCImage is 4096 / 4096. Any larger size will be clipped. by default crop is constrained to the receiver bounds. @section{ARGUMENT} region @section{NOTE} supported only in macOS 10.5 and later. :: option to constrain the filter to a specific region IN the SCImage. @section{METHOD} filteredWith returns a new SCImage, copy of the receiver filtered with an array of SCImageFilter. arguments are the same as link::#-applyFilters:: (except for strong::region::). @section{NOTE} Beware: you are responsible for freeing the newly created SCImage !!! :: @section{METHOD} filters filters is the instance variable that holds the array of SCImageFilter attached to the receiver. This is a convenient for applying filters out place and changing the SCImageFilter's attributes. see link::#-addFilter::, link::#-removeFilter:: see link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: for an example on how to use the strong::filters:: array. @section{METHOD} addFilter you can also attach filters to the receiver for real-time changing operations. In this case the receiver will create a cache before each rendering to maintain his previous state, and allowing you to use filters without applying them in place. The cache is managed directly by the receiver. you can add several filters to the receiver, the first filter in the array is the first applied in the rendering chain. see link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: for an example on how to use strong::addFilter::. @section{ARGUMENT} filter a SCImageFilter to apply before rendering of the image @section{METHOD} removeFilter see link::Classes/SCImageFilter:: for an example on how to use strong::removeFilter::. @section{ARGUMENT} filter the SCImageFilter to remove from the rendering chain. @section{METHOD} flatten if link::#-filters:: is not zero sized, this method will apply all those filters in place. if the image is accelerated this method force a bitmap representation of the receiver. @section{METHOD} invert invert the receiver @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.invert; i.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) :: ] @section{METHOD} crop crop the receiver @racketblock[ ( i = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); i.crop( Rect(10,10,120,100) ); i.plot(freeOnClose:true); ) :: ] @section{ARGUMENT} aRect the cropping region @section{SUBSECTION} Instance Methods / Attributes for SCImageKernel support see link::Classes/SCImageKernel:: for examples and more info. @section{METHOD} applyKernel apply a Kernel in place. the receiver is modified after this call. @section{ARGUMENT} kernel a link::Classes/SCImageKernel:: @section{EXAMPLES} @section{SUBSECTION} Views addition you can now use a SCImage as a valid view background. 16 drawing modes are defined to behave differently. @section{definitionList} ## tileMode values: || @section{table} ## 1 || fixed to left, fixed to top ## 2 || horizontally tile, fixed to top ## 3 || fixed to right, fixed to top ## 4 || fixed to left, vertically tile ## 5 || horizontally tile, vertically tile ## 6 || fixed to right, vertically tile ## 7 || fixed to left, fixed to bottom ## 8 || horizontally tile, fixed to bottom ## 9 || fixed to right, fixed to bottom ## 10 || fit ## 11 || center, center (scale) ## 12 || center , fixed to top ## 13 || center , fixed to bottom ## 14 || fixed to left, center ## 15 || fixed to right, center ## 16 || center, center (no scale) :: ## SCView:backgroundImage_ || strong@section{image} - the SCImage to use strong::tileMode:: - the mode to use. by default fixed to left, fixed to top strong::alpha:: - opacity 0 < x < 1 strong::fromRect:: - the portion of the image to use. by default use the full image. :: @racketblock[ ( b = 1.0; a = SCImage.new(SCDoc.helpSourceDir +/+ "images/vduck2.jpg"); r = Rect(20,3,40,40); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage background" /*, textured:false*/ ); w.view.background_(Color.gray); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 5, b, r); w.front; ) // monte carlo :) exec every line to test // r = nil; // uncomment for full image w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 1, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 2, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 3, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 4, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 5, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 6, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 7, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 8, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 9, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 10, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 11, b, r); // find best ratio - move to see w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 12, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 13, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 14, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 15, b, r); w.view.backgroundImage_(a, 16, b, r); // this is safe even if window is still open because Background object holds the SCImage a.free; w.close; ( a = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage background"); l = SC2DSlider.new(w, Rect(10,10,200,200)) .backgroundImage_( a, 5, 1, Rect(0,0,10,10) ); w.front; a.free; // safe ) ( var bounds = Rect(10,10,150,18); a = SCImage.new("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); w = SCWindow.new("SCImage background"); l = SCSlider.new(w, bounds) .backgroundImage_(a); w.front; a.free; // safe ) :: ]