class:: PdefAllGui summary:: see all Pdefs and their state categories:: Libraries>JITLib>GUI, Live Coding related:: Classes/TdefAllGui, Classes/PdefGui description:: PdefAllGui uses link::Classes/PdefGui:: views to display all Pdefs, or a selection. Overview: link::Overviews/JITLib:: ClassMethods:: subsection::Creation method::new argument::numItems the maximum number of Pdefs that can be shown. argument::parent a parent view on which to display. If nil, a new window is created; strong::parent:: can also be an existing window or a composite view. argument::bounds a desired size and position where to display a JITGui. can be nil, a link::Classes/Point::, or a link::Classes/Rect::. JITGuis know their minimum size ( strong::minSize:: ), and if bounds is nil, minSize is used. if bounds is a point or rect, it will be set to at least minSize. With a rect one can also supply a position where to display. If a point,shown size is the maximum of bounds and minSize. argument::makeSkip ///// Not Done Yet, but on the list A flag whether to make a skipjack. argument::options ///// Not Done Yet, but on the list the only option for PdefAllGui will be [\makeEdit]. adding a "front" PdefGui that also shows the front Pdef's envir. Examples:: code:: ( Pdef(\a, { |e| { |i| i.postln; 0.5.wait } }); Pdef(\b, { |e| { |i| Pdef(\a).set(\otto, 8.rand); exprand(0.1, 3.0).wait } }); t = PdefAllGui(8); ) // if you have too many Pdefs, an ezscroller lets you select "abcdefghijk".do { |ch| Pdef(ch.asSymbol) }; // you can also filter which ones you see: Pdef(\a_otti); Pdef(\a_annerl); Pdef(\a_bebe); // or better from gui t.prefix_("a_"); t.filtering_(true); // if prefix is "", it will filter anything with "_" in it. t.prefix_(""); t.filtering_(false); ::