#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{ObjectTable} associate objects with IDs@section{categories} Collections>Unordered @section{description} An ObjectTable is used to associate an id with an object. This is useful for enabling references to objects on remote systems via Open Sound Control. @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{private} initClass @section{method} add Put an object in the main ObjectTable and generate an Integer id. @section{argument} obj the object to put in the table. @section{method} put Put an object in the main ObjectTable under a specific key. @section{argument} key a link::Classes/Symbol::. @section{argument} obj the object to put in the table. @section{method} at Get an object in the main ObjectTable. @section{argument} id an link::Classes/Integer:: or link::Classes/Symbol::. @section{method} getID Get the ID of an object in the table. @section{argument} obj an object in the table. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{method} add Put an object in an ObjectTable and generate an Integer id. @section{argument} obj the object to put in the table.