CLASS:: LevelIndicator summary:: a level indicator GUI widget categories:: GUI>Views related:: Classes/RangeSlider DESCRIPTION:: A level indicator view, suitable for use as a level or peak meter, etc. CLASSMETHODS:: private::key INSTANCEMETHODS:: private::valueAction METHOD:: value Get or set the current level of the view. argument:: val A link::Classes/Float:: between 0 and 1. returns:: A link::Classes/Float:: METHOD:: warning METHOD:: critical Set the warning and critical thresholds. If meter value is above either threshold, link::#-warningColor or link::#-criticalColor will be shown, respectively (by default, yellow and red). If link::#-drawsPeak:: is true warning color will be displayed based on link::#-peakLevel:: rather than value. argument:: val A link::Classes/Float::. code:: a = LevelIndicator(bounds:Rect(10, 10, 20, 160)).front; a.value = 0.5; a.warning = 0.6; a.critical = 0.9; a.value = 0.7; a.value = 0.9; :: METHOD:: style Sets the style of the view. argument:: val An link::Classes/QLevelIndicatorStyle:: \continuous or \led (see link::#-stepWidth::) code:: ( w = Window().front.layout_( HLayout( LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(1/3), LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(2/3), ) ) ) :: METHOD:: stepWidth The width of each led light, for \led. argument:: val An positive link::Classes/Integer::. code:: ( w = Window().front.layout_(HLayout( LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(0.8).stepWidth_(1), LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(0.8).stepWidth_(3), LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(0.8).stepWidth_(10), LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(0.8).stepWidth_(50), )); ) :: METHOD:: numSteps The number of steps used in \led style. argument:: val An positive link::Classes/Integer::. code:: ( a = LevelIndicator(bounds:Rect(10, 10, 80, 400)).front(); a.value = 1; = \led; a.numSteps = 4; ) :: METHOD:: image note:: Not yet implemented in Qt GUI :: argument:: image An link::Classes/Image::. The default image is the SC cube. METHOD:: numTicks The number of ticks to display in the view's scale. argument:: number An link::Classes/Integer:: >= 0. code:: ( w = Window(bounds:100@400).front().background_(; w.layout_(HLayout( LevelIndicator() .numTicks_(16) .value_(0.75) )) ) :: METHOD:: numMajorTicks The number of ticks in the view's scale which will be large sized. argument:: number An link::Classes/Integer:: >= 0. code:: ( w = Window(bounds:100@400).front().background_(; w.layout_(HLayout( LevelIndicator() .numMajorTicks_(16) .numTicks_(16) .value_(0.75) )) ) :: METHOD:: drawsPeak Determines whether the view draws a separate peak display. This can be useful for displaying both peak and RMS values. If drawsPeak is true link::#-warning:: and link::#-critical:: will be displayed based on link::#-peakLevel:: rather than value. argument:: bool A link::Classes/Boolean::. By default the peak is not drawn. code:: ( w = Window().front().layout_(HLayout( LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(0.75).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.9), LevelIndicator().style_(\led).value_(0.75).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.9) )) ) :: METHOD:: peakLevel Sets the level of the peak display. (See link::#-drawsPeak::.) argument:: val A link::Classes/Float::. code:: ( w = Window().front().layout_(HLayout( LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(0.1).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.3), LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(0.1).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.5), LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(0.1).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.7), LevelIndicator().style_(\continuous).value_(0.1).drawsPeak_(true).peakLevel_(0.9), )) ) :: METHOD:: meterColor METHOD:: warningColor METHOD:: criticalColor Sets the color of the meter, as well as the warning and critical colors. argument:: color A link::Classes/Color::. code:: ( l = LevelIndicator(bounds:Rect(100, 100, 100, 400)).front().value_(1).style_(\led); l.meterColor =; l.warningColor =; l.criticalColor =; ) :: code:: ( // inverse l.background =; l.meterColor =; l.warningColor =; l.criticalColor =; ) :: EXAMPLES:: code:: ( // something to meter s.waitForBoot({ b =, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); x = { var colum, noise, imp, delimp, mul = 1; imp =; delimp =; colum =, b,, loop: 1) * mul; // measure rms and Peak, '/levels', [,, delimp).lag(0, 3))]); colum; }.play; a = LevelIndicator(bounds:Rect(100, 100, 100, 400)).front; a.onClose_({;; }); o = OSCFunc({arg msg; { a.value = msg[3].ampdb.linlin(-40, 0, 0, 1); a.peakLevel = msg[4].ampdb.linlin(-40, 0, 0, 1); }.defer; }, '/levels', s.addr); }) ) ( a.warning = -6.dbamp; a.critical = -3.dbamp; ) // optionally show peak level a.drawsPeak = true; ( = \led; a.stepWidth = 3; ) // different colors ( a.meterColor =; a.warningColor =; a.criticalColor =; ) // all styles can have ticks ( a.background = Color.clear; a.numTicks = 11; // includes 0; ) // Single blinking square level indicator ( = \led; a.numTicks = 0; a.drawsPeak = false; a.bounds = a.bounds.resizeTo(90, 90); a.numSteps = 1; ) ::