#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{LIDInfo} Helper class for LID to hold the information about an LID device.@section{categories} Platform>Linux, External Control>HID @section{related} Classes/LID @section{description} This class contains the basic information about an LID device to access and open it. The class is mostly used internally and rarely accessed directly by the user. This class is populated with information read from the device, and represents some of the internal information of the device. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{METHOD} open Open the device that is described by this LIDInfo @section{returns} an LID - the device @section{METHOD} postInfo post the LIDInfo in a human readable way @section{METHOD} findArgs An Array of the arguments that can be passed into @racketblock[LID.findBy:: to find this device. ] @section{METHOD} name The name of the device, as reported by the device itself. @section{METHOD} vendorID The vendor ID of the device, this is a number encoded by the device itself. @section{METHOD} productID The product ID of the device, this is a number encoded by the device itself. @section{METHOD} path The path of the device, this is a path defined by the operating system, essential to distinguish devices with the same vendor and product ID from each other. @section{METHOD} version The version number of the device. @section{METHOD} physical The physical location of the device, as defined by the operating system. @section{METHOD} unique The unique identifier of the device, as defined by the operating system. @section{METHOD} bustype The bustype of this device