#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{EZNumber} Wrapper class for label and number box@section{categories} GUI>EZ-GUI @section{related} Classes/NumberBox @section{description} EZNumber is wrapper class which creates an (optional) link::Classes/StaticText::, and a link::Classes/NumberBox::. @section{subsection} Some Important Issues Regarding NumberBox If the parent is @racketblock[nil::, then EZNumber will create its own window. See link::Classes/EZGui:: more options. ] @section{subsection} Scrolling and Arrow Keys EZNumber scrolls by default, using the step size of the link::Classes/ControlSpec::. If the controlSpec's step is set to 0, or is not set, then the the stepping and scrolling will be guessed according to the @racketblock[minval:: and ] @racketblock[maxval:: values of the spec on creation of the view. Unlike the step variable of a regular link::Classes/NumberBox::, ] @racketblock[controlSpec.step:: is also the smallest possible increment for the EZNumber. By default, the shift-key modifier will allow you to step by 100 x ] @racketblock[controlSpec.step::, while the ctrl-key will give you 10x ] @racketblock[controlSpec.step::. Since the alt-key would give you 0.1 of the minimum step, it is disabled by default, but you can change that by setting ] @racketblock[numberView.alt_step:: to any value you like. Accordingly you can customize the other modifiers to fit your needs. See link::Classes/NumberBox::. ] @section{classmethods} @section{method} new @section{argument} parent The parent view or window. If the parent is nil, then EZNumber will create its own link::Classes/Window::, and place it conveniently on the screen if the bounds are a link::Classes/Point::. If the bounds are a link::Classes/Rect::, then the link::Classes/Rect:: determines the window bounds. @section{argument} bounds An instance of link::Classes/Rect:: or link::Classes/Point::. Default value is @racketblock[160@20::. ] @section{argument} label The label. Default value is @racketblock[nil::. If ] @racketblock[nil::, then no link::Classes/StaticText:: is created. ] @section{argument} controlSpec The link::Classes/ControlSpec:: for scaling the value. @section{argument} action A link::Classes/Function:: called when the value changes. The function is passed the EZNumber instance as its argument. @section{argument} initVal The value to initialize the slider and number box with. If @racketblock[nil::, then it uses the link::Classes/ControlSpec::'s default value. ] @section{argument} initAction A link::Classes/Boolean:: indicating whether the action function should be called when setting the initial value. The default is @racketblock[false::. ] @section{argument} labelWidth Number of pixels width for the label. The default is 60. In the @racketblock[\horz:: layout, if you specify the ] @racketblock[numberWidth::, then the ] @racketblock[labelWidth:: is ignored and is set to the ] @racketblock[bounds.width - unitWidth - numberWidth::. ] @section{argument} numberWidth Number of pixels width for the number box. The default is 45. In \line2 layout, numberWidth defaults to the bounds.width minus the unitWidth. @section{argument} unitWidth Number of pixels width for the unit label. The default is 0. If @racketblock[unitWidth:: is 0, then no ] @racketblock[unitLabel:: is created. In the ] @racketblock[\line2:: layout, if you specify the ] @racketblock[numberWidth::, then the ] @racketblock[unitWidth:: is ignored and is set to the ] @racketblock[bounds.width - unitWidth - numberWidth::. ] @section{argument} labelHeight Default is 20; @section{argument} layout @racketblock[\line2::, or ] @racketblock[\horz::. The default is ] @racketblock[\horz::; ] @racketblock[\line2:: is a two line version. ] @section{argument} gap A link::Classes/Point::. By default, the view tries to get its parent's gap, otherwise it defaults to @racketblock[2@2::. Setting it overrides these. ] @section{argument} margin A link::Classes/Point::. This will inset the bounds occupied by the subviews of view. @section{discussion} @racketblock[ ( w = Window.new.front; g = EZNumber(w, // parent 150@20, // bounds " test ", // label \freq, // controlSpec { |ez| (ez.value.asString ++" is the value of " ++ ez).postln }, // action 330, // initValue true // initAction ); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white); ); // Simplest version, no parent view, so a window is created ( g = EZNumber(label:" test ", controlSpec: \amp.asSpec.step_(0.01) ); g.action_({ |ez| (ez.value.asString ++" is the value of " ++ ez).postln }); ); :: The contained views can be accessed via the EZNumber instance variables: ] @racketblock[labelView::, ] @racketblock[numberView::. ] @section{instancemethods} @section{method} numberView Returns the numberView @section{method} action A function to be evaluated when the value changes. Te first argument will be the EZNumber. @section{argument} arg1 An instance of link::Classes/Function:: or link::Classes/Function@section{List} . Default value is nil. @section{method} value The value of the slider @section{method} round Rounds the values in the number box. @section{method} controlSpec An instance of link::Classes/ControlSpec:: for scaling the values. @section{method} value Gets/sets the list/menu to the index at value. Does not perform the action. @section{argument} val An link::Classes/Integer::. valueAction Sets the value and performs the action at the index value and the global action. @section{argument} val An link::Classes/Integer::. @section{method} doAction Performs the action at the current index and the global action. @section{method} set Set the args after creation. @section{method} enabled Sets/gets if the list is enabled. @section{argument} bool An instance of link::Classes/Boolean::. Default is @racketblock[true::. ] @section{subsection} Changing Appearance @section{method} setColors @section{argument} stringBackground An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[background:: of the label and unit views. ] @section{argument} stringColor An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[stringColor:: of the label and unit views. ] @section{argument} numBackground An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[background:: of the number view. ] @section{argument} numStringColor An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[stringColor:: of the number view. ] @section{argument} numNormalColor An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[normalColor:: of the number view. ] @section{argument} numTypingColor An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[typingColor:: of the number view. ] @section{argument} background An instance of link::Classes/Color::. The @racketblock[background:: of the enclosing view. ] @section{method} font Set the link::Classes/Font:: used by all the views. @section{argument} font An instance of link::Classes/Font::. @section{examples} @racketblock[ // Simplest version ( // basic use w=Window.new.front; g=EZNumber(w, 170@16," test ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white); ); // lots of numberviews on on view ( w=Window.new.front; w.view.decorator=FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); w.view.decorator.gap=2@2; 40.do{ g=EZNumber(w, 170@16," test ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.8)); }; ); // click these parentheses to see all features and layouts ( m=nil; m=2@2; //comment for no margin ///////////////// /// Layout \horz ( // all features g=EZNumber(nil, 170@20," freq ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180,50); ); ( // no unitView g=EZNumber(nil, 170@20," freq ", \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180, -20); ); ( // no label, with unit. use window name as label g=EZNumber(nil, 120@20,nil, \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180, -90); g.window.name="Freq"; ); ( // no units, no label; use window name as label; g=EZNumber(nil, 120@20, nil, \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\horz,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(-180, -160); g.window.name="Freq"; ); ///////////////// /// Layout \line2 ( // all features g=EZNumber(nil, 120@42," freq ", \freq,unitWidth:30, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(100,50); ); ( // no unitView, with label g=EZNumber(nil, 170@42," freq ", \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(100, -50); ); ( // no unitView, no label; use window name as label g=EZNumber(nil, 170@20,nil, \freq,unitWidth:0, numberWidth:60,layout:\line2,margin:m); g.setColors(Color.grey,Color.white,background: Color.grey(0.7)); g.window.bounds = g.window.bounds.moveBy(100,-150); g.window.name="Freq"; ); ) // Sound example ( // start server s.waitForBoot({ var w, startButton, noteControl, cutoffControl, resonControl; var balanceControl, ampControl; var node, cmdPeriodFunc; // define a synth SynthDef("window-test", { arg note = 36, fc = 1000, rq = 0.25, bal=0, amp=0.4, gate = 1; var x; x = Mix.fill(4, { LFSaw.ar((note + {0.1.rand2}.dup).midicps, 0, 0.02) }); x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq).softclip; x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq, amp).softclip; x = Balance2.ar(x[0], x[1], bal); x = x * EnvGen.kr(Env.cutoff, gate, doneAction: Done.freeSelf); Out.ar(0, x); }, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0] ).add; // make the window w = Window("another control panel", Rect(200, 400, 300, 180)); w.front; // make window visible and front window. w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); w.view.background = Color.rand; // add a button to start and stop the sound. startButton = Button(w, 75 @ 20); startButton.states = [ ["Start", Color.black, Color.green], ["Stop", Color.white, Color.red] ]; startButton.action = {|view| if (view.value == 1) { // start sound node = Synth( "window-test", [ "note", noteControl.value, "fc", cutoffControl.value, "rq", resonControl.value, "bal", balanceControl.value, "amp", ampControl.value.dbamp ]); } { // set gate to zero to cause envelope to release node.release; node = nil; }; }; // create controls for all parameters w.view.decorator.nextLine; noteControl = EZNumber(w, 160 @ 20, "Note ", ControlSpec(24, 60, \lin, 1), {|ez| node.set( "note", ez.value )}, 36); w.view.decorator.nextLine; cutoffControl = EZNumber(w, 160 @ 20, "Cutoff ", ControlSpec(200, 5000, \exp), {|ez| node.set( "fc", ez.value )}, 1000); w.view.decorator.nextLine; resonControl = EZNumber(w, 160 @ 20, "Reson", ControlSpec(0.1, 0.7), {|ez| node.set( "rq", ez.value )}, 0.2); w.view.decorator.nextLine; balanceControl = EZNumber(w, 160 @ 20, "Balance ", \bipolar, {|ez| node.set( "bal", ez.value )}, 0); w.view.decorator.nextLine; ampControl = EZNumber(w, 160 @ 20, "Amp ", \db, {|ez| node.set( "amp", ez.value.dbamp )}, -6); // set start button to zero upon a cmd-period cmdPeriodFunc = { startButton.value = 0; }; CmdPeriod.add(cmdPeriodFunc); // stop the sound when window closes and remove cmdPeriodFunc. w.onClose = { node.free; node = nil; CmdPeriod.remove(cmdPeriodFunc); }; }); ) :: ]