2D chaos ugens similar to sc chaos ugens, but x is mapped to freq, y to amplitude. arguments are minfreq, maxfreq, parameters. where applicable, the parameters arguments are in the same order as sc chaos ugens
{ Henon2DC.ar(440, 1880, LFNoise2.kr(1, 0.1, 1.3), 0.3).dup }.play { Gbman2DL.ar(200, 800).dup }.play // each also has a corresponding trigger { Ringz.ar(StandardTrig.ar(10, 20), 2205, 0.02).fold2(0.5).dup }.play // can be k-rate { SinOsc.ar(Latoocarfian2DN.kr(4, 16, mul:220, add:440)).cubed.fold2(0.6).dup }.play // trig & oscillator ( { var trig, sig; trig=LatoocarfianTrig.kr(4, 12, [1.1, 1.5]); sig=Latoocarfian2DC.ar(420, 8200, Lag.kr(TRand.kr(0.4, 0.8, trig), 0.1), Lag.kr(TRand.kr(2.0, 3.0, trig), 0.1), d:[1.0, 1.05], mul:Latch.kr(trig, trig)); (sig.cubed * 2).tanh }.play )
and there are a few chaos patterns as well. Phenon, etc. (see class file). these output arrays where applicable and are normalized from 0-1 by default (you can remove normalization by setting the n argument to false).
p=Pstandard.new; x=p.asStream; 20.do({ x.next.postln });