SuperCollider CLASSES


The interpreter defines a context in which interactive commands are compiled and executed.
Inherits from: Object


The interpreter is an object that handles the translation and execution of code at runtime. It is that what runs any program code and defines a context for it.

a = 5 + 7;

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


In the interpreter, this refers to the interpreter itself, e.g.: this.postln

The interpreter defines global variables (az), that can be used for interactive programming. Except these single letter variables ("interpreter variables"), all variables have to be defined by the keyword var (see: Assignment Statements, and Scoping and Closure).

// typical usage
a = 4;
b = 3;
b = b + a;

// some sound
a = Synth(\default);
g = fork { loop { 0.1.wait; a.set(\freq, 200 + 20.0.rand2.postln) } };

// an overview of all the variables
NOTE: Use these variables with a bit of extra care – as they are global, they remain in memory and one piece of code may happen to interfere with another one. The variable s is by convention bound to the default server (Server) and should not be changed.


set the values of the variables a through z to nil.

x = 123;

Compile & Interpret

-interpret (string ... args)

Compile and execute a String.

this.interpret("(123 + 4000).postln");

-interpretPrint (string ... args)

Compile and execute a String, printing the result.

this.interpretPrint("123 + 4000");

-compile (string)

Compile a String and return a Function.

z = this.compile("(123 + 4000).postln");

-compileFile (pathName)

Reads the file at pathName, compiles it and returns a Function. The file must contain a valid SuperCollider expression, naturally. This will not compile class definitions, only expressions.

-executeFile (pathName ... args)

Reads the file at pathName, compiles it and executes it, returning the result. The file must contain a valid SuperCollider expression, naturally. This will not compile class definitions, only expressions.


-cmdLine = value

Returns the previously interpreted code.

1 + 2;


-codeDump = value

this interpreter variable can be set to evaluate a function with any successfully compiled code. see e.g. the class History.

a = [ ]; // store all the code evaluated in a
this.codeDump = { |code| a = a.add(code) };
1 + 3;
f = { "hallo" };
codeDump = nil; // reset to nil.


-preProcessor = value

can be used to modify code before it is interpreted. Given appropriate delimiters, this can be used to implement little languages.

// silly but simple: understand a Saw for every SinOsc
this.preProcessor = { |code| code.replace("SinOsc", "Saw") };

{ * 0.1 }.play;

preProcessor = nil; // reset to nil.


-a = value


-b = value


-c = value


-d = value


-e = value


-f = value


-g = value


-h = value


-i = value


-j = value


-k = value


-l = value


-m = value


-n = value


-o = value


-p = value


-q = value


-r = value


-s = value


-t = value


-u = value


-v = value


-w = value


-x = value


-y = value


-z = value

Global variables ("interpreter variables") for interactive programming (see Accessing).

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods



