class:: StartUp summary:: register functions to be evaluated after the startup is finished related:: Classes/ShutDown, Classes/ServerBoot, Classes/ServerTree, Classes/CmdPeriod categories:: Control description:: StartUp registers functions to perform an action after the library has been compiled, and after the startup file has run. For instance this is used for creating link::Classes/SynthDef:: in the strong::initClass:: function of class files in order to be able to make the synthdef directory customizable by the startup script. If an object is registered, strong::doOnStartUp:: must be implemented. Otherwise a function can be used. ClassMethods:: method::add Registers an object or function to be evaluated after startup is finished. method::defer Registers an object or function to be evaluated after startup is finished, or immediately, if this has happened already. method::remove Removes an object that was previously registered. method::run Call the object in order. Examples:: code:: *initClass { StartUp.add { // something to do... } } ::