#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{SoundFileView} Sound file display@section{categories} GUI>Views @section{related} Classes/SoundFile @section{description} A sound file viewer with numerous options. Zoom in and out using Shift + right-click + mouse-up/down; Scroll using right-click + mouse-left/right. @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{PRIVATE} key @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{SUBSECTION} Data @section{METHOD} soundfile @section{argument} An Instance of SoundFile to display. @section{METHOD} read Reads a section of the link::#-soundfile:: and displays it in the view. For large files, you may want to use readWithTask instead. The 'block' argument has no effect; the display resolution is infinite. @section{argument} startFrame The beginning of the section, in frames. @section{argument} frames The size of the section, in frames. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. @section{argument} closeFile If true, closes the SoundFile after reading. @section{argument} doneAction A Function called when the file reading has completed. @section{METHOD} readFile Reads a section of an open instance of SoundFile, and displays it in the view. For large files, you may want to use the method readWithTask instead. The 'block' argument has no effect; the display resolution is infinite. @section{argument} aSoundFile An open instance of SoundFile. @section{argument} startFrame The beginning of the section, in frames. @section{argument} frames The size of the section, in frames. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. @section{argument} closeFile If true, closes the SoundFile after reading. @section{argument} doneAction A Function called when the file reading has completed. @section{METHOD} readWithTask Reads a section of the link::#-soundfile:: asynchronously (in the background), updating the link::#-readProgress:: along the way. If the @racketblock[showProgress:: argument is ] @racketblock[true::, a SoundFileViewProgressWindow opens to show the progress. The 'block' argument has no effect; the display resolution is infinite. The 'showProgress' argument has no effect; the view always displays reading progress within itself. ] @section{argument} startFrame The beginning of the section, in frames. @section{argument} frames The size of the section, in frames. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. @section{argument} doneAction An optional function to be evaluated on completion. @section{argument} showProgress Whether to open a progress window. Defaults to @racketblock[true::. ] @section{METHOD} readFileWithTask Reads a section of an open instance of SoundFile asynchronously (in the background), updating the link::#-readProgress:: along the way. If the @racketblock[showProgress:: argument is ] @racketblock[true::, a SoundFileViewProgressWindow opens to show the progress. The 'block' argument has no effect; the display resolution is infinite. The 'showProgress' argument has no effect; the view always displays reading progress within itself. ] @section{argument} soundFile An open instance of SoundFile. @section{argument} startFrame The beginning of the section, in frames. @section{argument} frames The size of the section, in frames. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. @section{argument} doneAction An optional function to be evaluated on completion. @section{argument} showProgress Whether to open a progress window. Defaults to @racketblock[true::. ] @section{METHOD} data Gets the display data, or sets custom data instead of a sound file. It is not possible to get the data. Setting this property assumes 1 channel and sample rate of 44100 Hz. Use link::#-setData:: instead if you want more control. @section{argument} An Array of Floats; multiple channel data should be interleaved. @section{METHOD} setData Sets custom display data instead of a sound file, interpreting it using specified number of channels and sample rate. @section{argument} data An Array of Floats; multiple channel data should be interleaved. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. (since the port to QT, the 'block' argument has no effect; the display resolution is infinite). @section{argument} startFrame An integer. @section{argument} channels An integer. @section{argument} samplerate An integer. @section{METHOD} alloc Allocates a desired amount of display channels and frames; all frames have initial value of 0. @section{argument} frames An Integer. @section{argument} channels An Integer. @section{argument} samplerate An Integer. @section{METHOD} set Overwrites a range of display data with another data. This method can be used after link::#-alloc:: or link::#-setData:: has been called, but not while the view is displaying a sound file. @section{argument} offset The frame at which to start overwriting; an Integer. @section{argument} data The new data; an Array of Floats; multiple channel data should be interleaved. @section{METHOD} startFrame The beginning of the read section of the soundfile, or 0 if link::#-alloc:: or link::#-setData:: has been used. @section{METHOD} numFrames The total amount of frames in the view; this is unrelated to link::#-zoom#zooming:: and link::#-scroll#scrolling::. @section{METHOD} readProgress The reading progress, updated periodically when reading a soundfile using link::#-readWithTask:: or link::#-readFileWithTask::. @section{SUBSECTION} Navigation @section{METHOD} viewFrames The amount of currently visible frames in the view. @section{METHOD} zoom Zooms by a factor relative to current zoom. @section{argument} A Float. @section{METHOD} zoomToFrac Zooms to a specific scale. @section{argument} A Float. @section{METHOD} zoomAllOut Zooms to the link::#-currentSelection#current selection::. @section{METHOD} zoomSelection Zooms to a specific selection. @section{argument} The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{METHOD} scrollPos The scrolling position of the view, as a fraction of the total scrolling range. @section{returns} A Float in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. @section{METHOD} scrollTo Scrolls to a fraction of the total scrolling range. @section{argument} A Float in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. @section{METHOD} scroll Scrolls by a fraction of the visible range. @section{argument} A Float. @section{METHOD} scrollToStart Scrolls to the beginning. @section{METHOD} scrollToEnd Scrolls to the end. @section{SUBSECTION} Selection @section{METHOD} selections All the selections. @section{returns} An array of 64 arrays of start frames and sizes: [ [ start0, size0 ] , [ start1, size1 ], ... ]. @section{METHOD} selection The selection at index. @section{returns} An Array of the form @racketblock[[start, size]::, where start and size denote frames. ] @section{METHOD} setSelection Sets the selection at index. @section{argument} index An Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} selection An Array of the form @racketblock[[start, size]::, where start and size are Integers and denote frames. ] @section{METHOD} currentSelection The index of the current selection @section{argument} An integer between 0 an 63. @section{METHOD} selectionStart The start frame of a selection. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{returns} An Integer. @section{METHOD} setSelectionStart Sets the start frame of a selection. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} frame The starting frame of the selection, an Integer. @section{METHOD} selectionSize The size of a selection. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{returns} An Integer. @section{METHOD} setSelectionSize Sets the size of a selection. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} frames The size in frames of the selection, an Integer. @section{METHOD} selectionStartTime The start of a selection in seconds. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{returns} A Float. @section{METHOD} selectionDuration The size of a selection in seconds. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{returns} A Float. @section{METHOD} selectAll Sets a selection to span the whole data range. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{METHOD} selectNone Sets the size of a selection to 0. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{METHOD} setSelectionColor Sets the color of a selection. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} color A Color. @section{METHOD} setEditableSelectionStart Sets whether the start point of a selection can be edited. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} editable A Boolean. @section{METHOD} setEditableSelectionSize Whether the end point of a selection can be edited. @section{argument} index The index of the selection; an Integer between 0 an 63. @section{argument} editable A Boolean. @section{METHOD} readSelection @section{note} Not implemented :: Read the data within a selection. @section{argument} block The block size - visual resolution of the display. An Integer of the form 2**n. @section{argument} closeFile If true, closes the SoundFile after reading. @section{METHOD} readSelectionWithTask @section{note} Not implemented :: Read the data within the current selection asynchronously (in the background), showing the progress in a separate window. @section{SUBSECTION} Display @section{METHOD} gridOn Whether the grid is displayed. Defaults to @racketblock[true::. ] @section{argument} A Boolean. @section{METHOD} gridResolution The resolution of the grid. @section{argument} An instance of Float. @section{METHOD} gridOffset Sets the grid offset. @section{argument} An integer. @section{METHOD} gridColor The color of the grid. @section{argument} A Color. @section{METHOD} drawsWaveForm Whether the data is displayed. Defaults to @racketblock[true::. ] @section{argument} A Boolean. @section{METHOD} timeCursorOn Whether the time cursor is displayed. Defaults to @racketblock[false::. ] @section{argument} A Boolean. @section{METHOD} timeCursorPosition The position of the time cursor in frames. @section{argument} An Integer. @section{METHOD} timeCursorColor The color of the time cursor. @section{argument} A Color. @section{METHOD} elasticMode ??? @section{SUBSECTION} Actions @section{METHOD} action The object to be evaluated whenever the user interacts with the view. @section{METHOD} metaAction The object to be evaluated on Ctrl + click. @section{EXAMPLES} @section{SUBSECTION} Basic example @racketblock[ // To zoom in/out: Shift + right-click + mouse-up/down // To scroll: right-click + mouse-left/right ( w = Window.new("soundfile test", Rect(200, 300, 740, 100)); a = SoundFileView.new(w, Rect(20,20, 700, 60)); f = SoundFile.new; f.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); f.inspect; a.soundfile = f; a.read(0, f.numFrames); a.elasticMode = true; a.timeCursorOn = true; a.timeCursorColor = Color.red; a.timeCursorPosition = 2050; a.drawsWaveForm = true; a.gridOn = true; a.gridResolution = 0.2; w.front; ) :: ] @section{SUBSECTION} Step by step examples @racketblock[ ( // make a simple SoundFileView y = Window.screenBounds.height - 120; w = Window.new("soundfile test", Rect(200, y, 740, 100)).alwaysOnTop_(true); w.front; a = SoundFileView.new(w, Rect(20,20, 700, 60)); f = SoundFile.new; f.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); // f.inspect; a.soundfile = f; // set soundfile a.read(0, f.numFrames); // read in the entire file. a.refresh; // refresh to display the file. ) // To zoom in/out: Shift + right-click + mouse-up/down // To scroll: right-click + mouse-left/right // reading file a.read(0, f.numFrames / 2).refresh; // read first half a.read.refresh; // read entire file by default a.read(f.numFrames / 2).refresh; // read second half a.read(0, -1).refresh; // -1 also reads entire file, like buffer. // the resolution of the view is always infinite; // you can always zoom in until you see a single sample. a.read(0, -1).refresh; // for longer files, you can use: a.readWithTask; // zoom is relative a.zoom(0.2).refresh; a.zoom(2).refresh; a.zoom(2).refresh; a.zoomToFrac(0.5); // zoom to half file size a.zoomAllOut; a.gridOn = true; // time grid, 1 second by default, a.gridResolution = 0.2; // or set resolution in seconds a.gridColor = Color.cyan; // color is changeable. a.gridOffset_(0.1); // not sure if this is working? a.timeCursorOn = true; // a settable cursor a.timeCursorPosition = 2050; // position is in frames. a.timeCursorColor = Color.white; // toggle drawing on/off a.drawsWaveForm = false; a.drawsWaveForm = true; // these methods should return view properties: a.gridOn a.gridResolution a.gridColor a.timeCursorOn a.timeCursorPosition a.timeCursorColor // Selections: multiple selections are supported. // e.g. use selection 0: a.setSelectionColor(0, Color.red); // set...( index, value ) a.selectionStart(0); // at index a.setSelectionStart(0, 12345); a.setSelectionSize(0, 12345); a.setSelectionStart(0, 1234); a.selectionStart(0); // now selection 1 a.setSelectionColor(1, Color.white); a.setSelectionStart(1, 1234).setSelectionSize(1, 1234 * 2); a.selectionStart(1); a.setSelectionStart(0, 12345); // the current selection gets changed when click/dragging in view. a.currentSelection; // index of current selection; a.currentSelection_(1); // switch current selection - try click/drag white now. a.currentSelection; a.selections.size; // 64 selections a.selections[0]; a.selections[1]; a.selections; // setSelection (index, selection); a.setSelection(0, [234, 2345]); a.selection(1); // returns [start, size]. a.elasticMode = true; // not sure if this is working yet? ( // mouseUpAction a.mouseUpAction = { ("mouseUp, current selection is now:" + a.selections[a.currentSelection]).postln; }; ) // lock selection 0: a.currentSelection_(0); a.setEditableSelectionStart(0, false); a.setEditableSelectionSize(0, false); // unlock selection 0: a.setEditableSelectionStart(0, true); a.setEditableSelectionSize(0, true); a.selectionStartTime(0); a.selectionDuration(0); a.setSelectionStart(0, 12345); a.setSelectionSize(0, 12345); a.readSelection.refresh; a.readSelection(16).refresh; // in higher resolution a.read.refresh; // go back to entire file. a.dataNumSamples; // visual data have this many points a.data.plot; a.setData(a.data.reverse); a.zoom(0.25); // scrolling is normalized a.scrollTo(0.5); // a.scrollTo(0.6); // a.scroll(12); // scroll is in viewFrames. a.zoom(4); w.close; :: ]