#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{PatternProxy} stream reference@section{categories} Libraries>JITLib>Patterns, Live Coding @section{related} Classes/Pdefn @section{description} Keeps a reference to a stream that can be replaced while playing. Multiple streams are thus handled without creating dependencies. @section{ClassMethods} @section{private} at, hasGlobalDictionary, parallelise, postRepository, removeAll, basicNew, clear, event @section{method} new create a new instance with a pattern (the source). the pattern should be a emphasis::value pattern:: (see link::Classes/Pdefn::). for event pattern proxy, see: link::Classes/EventPatternProxy::. instead of a pattern, a strong::function:: can be passed in, creating a routine. @section{method} default a default source, if none is given. the default is 1.0 (it is not 0.0 in order to make it safe for durations) @section{method} defaultQuant set the default quantization value for the class. (default: nil) @section{method} defaultValue a default return value, if no source is given. the default is 1.0 (it is not 0.0 in order to make it safe for durations). This is used in link::#-endless::. @section{InstanceMethods} @section{method} asStream Return a link::Classes/Stream:: from this pattern. One pattern proxy can be used to produce any number of independent streams. @racketblock[ a = PatternProxy.new; a.source = Pgeom(1, Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), inf); b = a.asStream; c = a.asStream; b.next; b.next; b.next; c.next; // c is independent from b c.next; a.source = Pgeom([1, 2, 3], Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), inf); // replace the source b.next; c.next; :: ] @section{method} embedInStream Given a link::Classes/Stream:: like e.g. link::Classes/Routine::, yield all values from the pattern in the proxy before continuing. One pattern proxy can be used to produce values for any number of independent streams. @section{argument} inval The inval is passed into all substreams and can be used to control how they behave from the outside. @section{argument} embed See link::Classes/Object#-streamArg:: for explanation. @section{argument} default Replacement for @racketblock[nil:: outputs of the source pattern. One use case is link::#-endless::. ] @racketblock[ a = PatternProxy.new; a.source = Pgeom(1, Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), 4); r = Routine { loop { 2.yield; 3.yield; a.embedInStream }; }; r.nextN(12); // the next 12 values from r a.source = Pgeom([1, 2, 3], Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), inf); // replace the source r.nextN(12); // the next 12 values from r :: ] @section{method} source set the source. If a quantization is given, schedule this change to the next beat @section{method} clear set the source to nil @section{method} quant set or get the quantization value @section{method} condition provide a condition under which the pattern is switched when a new one is inserted. the stream value and a count is passed into the function. the methods strong::count_(n):: simply counts up to n and switches the pattern then @section{method} embedInStream just like any pattern, embeds itself in stream @section{subsection} Methods implemented for subclasses PatternProxy implements some methods for the benefits of its subclasses link::Classes/Pdefn:: / link::Classes/Pdef:: / link::Classes/Tdef:: which are not useful for link::Classes/PatternProxy:: and link::Classes/TaskProxy::. @section{method} envir provide a default environment for the proxy. If given, it is used as an environment for the routine function. When set for the first time, the routine pattern is rebuilt. @section{method} set set arguments in the environment. If there is none, it is created and the pattern is rebuilt. @section{method} endless returns a Prout that plays the proxy endlessly, replacing strong::nil:: with a strong::default:: value (1). This allows to create streams that idle on until a new pattern is inserted. @section{Examples} @racketblock[ a = PatternProxy(Pseq([1, 2, 3], inf)); x = Pseq([0, 0, a], inf).asStream; t = Task({ loop({ x.next.postln; 0.3.wait }) }).play; a.source = Pseq([55, 66, 77], inf); a.source = Pseq([55, 66, 77], 1); t.stop; :: ] @racketblock[ // PatternProxy, like Pdefn can be accessed in multiple streams ( SynthDef("Pdefhelp", { arg out, freq, sustain=1, amp=1, pan; var env, u=1; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.03, sustain), 1, doneAction: Done.freeSelf); 5.do { var d; d = exprand(0.01, 1); u = SinOsc.ar(d * 300, u, rrand(0.1,1.2) * d, 1) }; Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(SinOsc.ar(u + 1 * freq, 0, amp * env), pan)); }).add; s.boot; ) ( x = PatternProxy.new; x.source = Pseq([0, 3, 2], inf); Pset(\instrument, \Pdefhelp, Ppar([ Pbind(\degree, x), Pbind(\degree, x, \dur, 1/3) ]) ).play; ) x.source = Prand([0, 3, [1s, 4]], inf); x.source = Pn(Pshuf([0, 3, 2, 7, 6], 2), inf); // if quant is set, the update is done at the next beat or whatever is specified: x.quant = 4; x.source = Pn(Pseries(0, 1, 8), inf); x.quant = nil; // reactivate immediacy ( x.source = Prout { loop { 4.do { |i| #[2, 3, 4].choose.yield; #[5, 0, 11].choose.yield; #[6, 3, 4].choose.do { |j| (i % j).yield }; } } } ) :: ]