#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Osc} Interpolating wavetable oscillator.@section{related} Classes/COsc, Classes/OscN, Classes/VOsc, Classes/VOsc3, Classes/Wavetable @section{categories} UGens>Generators>Deterministic @section{description} Linear interpolating wavetable lookup oscillator with frequency and phase modulation inputs. This oscillator requires a buffer to be filled with a wavetable format signal. This preprocesses the Signal into a form which can be used efficiently by the Oscillator. The buffer size must be a power of 2. This can be achieved by creating a Buffer object and sending it one of the "b_gen" messages ( link::Classes/Buffer#-sine1::, link::Classes/Buffer#-sine2::, link::Classes/Buffer#-sine3:: ) with the wavetable flag set to true. This can also be achieved by creating a link::Classes/Signal:: object and sending it the 'asWavetable' message, thereby creating a Wavetable object in the required format. Then, the wavetable data may be transmitted to the server using the link::Classes/Buffer#*sendCollection:: or link::Classes/Buffer#*loadCollection:: methods. @section{classmethods} @section{method} ar, kr @section{argument} bufnum Buffer index. @section{argument} freq Frequency in Hertz. @section{argument} phase Phase offset or modulator in radians. (Note: phase values should be within the range +-8pi. If your phase values are larger then simply use @racketblock[.mod(2pi):: to wrap them.) ] @section{argument} mul Output will be multiplied by this value. @section{argument} add This value will be added to the output. @section{Examples} @racketblock[ ( s = Server.local; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); b.sine1(1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6], true, true, true); SynthDef("help-Osc",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0; Out.ar(out, Osc.ar(bufnum, 200, 0, 0.5) ) }).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]); ) ( s = Server.local; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); b.sine1(1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6], true, true, true); SynthDef("help-Osc",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0; Out.ar(out, Osc.ar(bufnum, XLine.kr(2000,200), 0, 0.5)// modulate freq ) }).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]); ) ( s = Server.local; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); b.sine1([1.0], true, true, true); SynthDef("help-Osc",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0; Out.ar(out, Osc.ar(bufnum, Osc.ar(bufnum, XLine.kr(1,1000,9), 0, 200, 800), 0, 0.25) ) }).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]); ) ( // modulate phase s = Server.local; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); b.sine1([1.0], true, true, true); SynthDef("help-Osc",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0; Out.ar(out, Osc.ar(bufnum, 800, Osc.ar(bufnum, XLine.kr(20,8000,10), 0, 2pi), 0.25) ) }).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]); ) ( // change the buffer while its playing s = Server.local; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 4096, 1); b.sine1(1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6], true, true, true); SynthDef("help-Osc",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0; Out.ar(out, Osc.ar(bufnum, [80,80.2], 0, 0.2) ) }).play(s,[\out, 0, \bufnum, b.bufnum]); ) ( fork { var n = 32; 50.do { b.sine1(Array.rand(n,0,1).cubed, true, true, true); 0.25.wait; }; }; ) :: ]