#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Message} A message to an object@section{categories} Language @section{related} Classes/MethodQuote @section{description} A message to an object, to be evaluated later. @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{METHOD} new @section{argument} receiver the receiver of the message @section{argument} selector the method to be called @section{argument} args arguments to the call @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{METHOD} receiver the object to which the message is relayed @section{METHOD} selector the method to be called @section{METHOD} args the arguments to the call @section{METHOD} value send the message to the receiver and call the selector with the arguments @section{argument} ... moreArgs @section{private} storeArgs @section{EXAMPLES} @racketblock[ // an object a = 36 // a message to the object m = Message(a, \sqrt) // deliver the message m.value // -> 6 // a message that lacks an argument m = Message(a, '+') // evaluate with the argument m.value(6) // -> 42 m.value(-13) // -> 23 ]