#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{EZGui} An abstract superclass for EZ widget wrappers@section{categories} GUI>EZ-GUI @section{related} Classes/EZListView, Classes/EZPopUpMenu, Classes/EZSlider, Classes/EZNumber, Classes/EZRanger, Classes/EZKnob @section{description} Users will not normally directly create instances of EZGui, but only use it through its subclasses. It provides the basic mechanisms for various EZ widget wrappers. It also provides a standard for EZ GUI Classes, and new EZ Classes should subclass EZGUI to help keep a consistent user interface. @section{instancemethods} @section{subsection} Accessing Instance Variables @section{method} view Returns the enclosing link::Classes/CompositeView::. @section{method} bounds Returns the bounds of the enclosing link::Classes/CompositeView::. @section{method} label Sets/gets it the label. Will add the label view if none was initially created. @section{argument} string An Instance of link::Classes/String::. @section{method} window Returns the window if you used the popUp window function. @section{subsection} Accessing GUI options @section{method} alwaysOnTop Makes the popup window always on top, if there is one. @section{argument} bool An Instance of link::Classes/Boolean::. Default is false. @section{method} visible Sets/gets it the component views are visible. @section{argument} bool An Instance of link::Classes/Boolean::. Default is true. @section{method} enabled Sets/gets if the list is enabled. @section{argument} bool An Instance of link::Classes/Boolean::. Default is true. @section{method} onClose Sets/gets the onClose function of either @racketblock[view:: or ] @racketblock[window::, depending on whether the EZ view used a popup window. ] @section{argument} func An Instance of link::Classes/Function:: or link::Classes/Function@section{List} . @section{method} font @section{argument} font An instance of link::Classes/Font::. @section{subsection} Subclassing EZGui provides a standard and basic tools for most EZ classes. If you make a new EZ class, then subclass EZGui, and override the necessary methods. If your class only has a label and a widget, chances are, you need to override nothing, but only need to write the new and init class methods. See existing subclasses of EZGui for examples of this. You may also want to override the following: @section{method} widget Returns the active widget. Subclasses will typically refer to it or ignore it, e.g.: @racketblock[ MyEZClass{ myOtherMethods{} .... listView{ ^widget } } :: ] @section{method} action Gets/sets the action of the EZ class instance. @section{argument} func An Instance of link::Classes/Function:: or link::Classes/Function@section{List} . @section{method} value Gets/sets the value of the @racketblock[widget::. Does not perform the action. ] @section{argument} val An integer. @section{method} valueAction Gets/sets the value of the widget. Performs do action. @section{argument} val An integer. @section{method} doAction Performs @racketblock[this.action.value(this)::. ] @section{subsection} Internal Utilities @section{method} prSubViewBounds This calculates the bounds of the subviews and the gaps. It returns an array of Rects, which depends on how many subview there are. Subclasses override this if they have more than one widget. @section{method} prMakeView Called by init. Returns @racketblock[[view, bounds]::. The container is either the enclosing Container, or a pop up window with a container. ] @section{method} prSetViewParams Only defined by some subclasses. Sets the @racketblock[resize:: and ] @racketblock[align:: of all the views, according to the state of ] @racketblock[layout::. ] @section{method} prMakeMarginGap Called in the init method of all subclasses. Sets the margin and gap of @racketblock[view::. By default, it tries to get its parent's gap, otherwise it defaults to ] @racketblock[2@2::. Setting ] @racketblock[argGap:: overrides these. ]