#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{DoubleArray} an array of 64-bit double precision floating-point numbers@section{related} Classes/FloatArray, Classes/Signal @section{categories} Collections>Ordered @section{description} An array of 64-bit double precision floating point numbers. Note that despite not having "Float" in its name, DoubleArray does in fact hold a sequence of SuperCollider double precision link::Classes/Float##floats::. For a raw array of 32-bit floats, use link::Classes/FloatArray::. FloatArray and its subclass link::Classes/Signal:: are commonly used to hold audio data in SuperCollider. Since almost all audio has 16-bit or 24-bit precision, using double precision floats for this purpose would be a waste of space. In other words, use FloatArray for audio, and DoubleArray for precise math operations. The complete list of RawArray types in SuperCollider is: @section{list} ## link::Classes/Int8Array:: - 8 bit integer ## link::Classes/Int16Array:: - 16 bit integer ## link::Classes/Int32Array:: - 32 bit integer ## FloatArray - 32 bit floating point ## DoubleArray - 64 bit floating point ## link::Classes/SymbolArray:: - symbols :: @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{method} readFromStream