class:: CompanderD summary:: Compressor, expander, limiter, gate, ducker. related:: Classes/Amplitude, Classes/Compander, Classes/Normalizer, Classes/Limiter categories:: UGens>Dynamics Description:: CompanderD passes the signal directly to the control input, but adds a delay to the process input so that the lag in the gain clamping will not lag the attacks in the input sound. classmethods:: method::ar argument::in The signal to be compressed / expanded / gated. argument::thresh Control signal amplitude threshold, which determines the break point between slopeBelow and slopeAbove. Usually 0..1. The control signal amplitude is calculated using RMS. argument::slopeBelow Slope of the amplitude curve below the threshold. If this slope > 1.0, the amplitude will drop off more quickly the softer the control signal gets; when the control signal is close to 0 amplitude, the output should be exactly zero -- hence, noise gating. Values < 1.0 are possible, but it means that a very low-level control signal will cause the input signal to be amplified, which would raise the noise floor. argument::slopeAbove Same thing, but above the threshold. Values < 1.0 achieve compression (louder signals are attenuated); > 1.0, you get expansion (louder signals are made even louder). For 3:1 compression, you would use a value of 1/3 here. argument::clampTime The amount of time it takes for the amplitude adjustment to kick in fully. This is usually pretty small, not much more than 10 milliseconds (the default value). I often set it as low as 2 milliseconds (0.002). argument::relaxTime The amount of time for the amplitude adjustment to be released. Usually a bit longer than clampTime; if both times are too short, you can get some (possibly unwanted) artifacts. argument::mul Output will be multiplied by this value. argument::add This value will be added to the output. Discussion:: If any of this is confusing, see