#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Class} A Class describes the structure and implementation of a set objects which are its instances.@section{categories} Core>Kernel, Language>OOP @section{ClassMethods} @section{method} allClasses @section{returns} an link::Classes/Array:: of all Classes @section{InstanceMethods} @section{method} browse Open a graphical browser for this Class. Shows methods, arguments, variables, subclasses, and has buttons for navigating to the superclass, source, helpfile, etc. @section{method} findMethod Find the Method referred to by name. If not found, return nil. @section{method} findRespondingMethodFor As above, but climb the class tree to see if the method is inherited from a superclass. If not found, return nil. @section{method} dumpAllMethods Post all instance methods which instances of this class responds too, including inherited ones. @racketblock[this.class.dumpAllMethods:: will post all class methods which this class responds to. ] @section{method} dumpByteCodes Dump the byte codes of the named method. @section{method} dumpClassSubtree Post the tree of all Classes that inherit from this class. @section{method} dumpInterface Post all the methods defined by this Class and their arguments. @section{method} dumpFullInterface Post all the class and instance methods that this class responds to (i.e. those defined in this class and those inherited by it). @section{method} help Opens the help file for this Class if it exists. @section{method} helpFilePath Returns the path of this Class's helpfile as a String. @section{method} helpFileForMethod Opens the helpfile for the class in which the responding method is implemented. @racketblock[ Array.helpFileForMethod('select'); // This will open the Collection helpfile :: ] @section{method} asClass Return this. @section{method} asString Return the name of the class as a String. @section{subsection} Accessing @section{method} name A Symbol that is the name of the class. @section{method} nextclass The next class in a linked list of all classes. @section{method} superclass The Class from which this class directly inherits. @section{method} superclasses An Array of this class's superclasses, going back to Object. @section{method} subclasses An Array of the direct subclasses of this. @section{method} allSubclasses An Array of all subclasses of this. @section{method} methods An Array of the methods of this class. @section{method} instVarNames An Array of the names of the instance variables for this class. @section{method} classVarNames An Array of the names of the class variables for this class. @section{method} iprototype An Array of the initial values of instance variables. @section{method} cprototype An Array of the initial values of class variables. @section{method} filenameSymbol A Symbol which is a path to the file which defines the Class.