#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{Balance2} Stereo signal balancer@section{related} Classes/LinPan2, Classes/Pan2, Classes/Pan4, Classes/PanAz @section{categories} UGens>Multichannel>Panners @section{description} Equal power panning balances two channels. By panning from left (pos=-1) to right (pos=1) you are decrementing the level of the left channel from 1 to 0 taking the square root of the linear scaling factor, while at the same time incrementing the level of the right channel from 0 to 1 using the same curve. In the center position (pos=0) this results in a level for both channels of 0.5.sqrt (~=0.707 or -3dB). The output of Balance2 remains a stereo signal. @section{classmethods} @section{private} categories @section{method} ar, kr @section{argument} left channel 1 of input stereo signal @section{argument} right channel 2 of input stereo signal @section{argument} pos pan position, -1 is left, +1 is right @section{argument} level a control rate level input. @section{Examples} @racketblock[ // a stereo signal, both channels at 0dB {[SinOsc.ar(440), SinOsc.ar(440)]}.play // using Balance on a stereo signal with the position parameter at 0, effectively the same sound but both channels at -3dB {Balance2.ar(SinOsc.ar(440), SinOsc.ar(440), 0)}.play // pan sweep from left to right {Balance2.ar(SinOsc.ar(440), SinOsc.ar(1000), Line.kr(-1,1,5))}.play // other examples {Balance2.ar(LFSaw.ar(44),Pulse.ar(33),FSinOsc.kr(0.5), 0.1) }.play; {var source; source= SinOsc.ar([440,550]); Balance2.ar(source[0],source[1],LFNoise0.kr(4),0.3) }.play; :: ]