#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{AbstractResponderFunc} Abstract superclass of responder func objects@section{categories} External Control>Abstract Classes @section{related} Classes/OSCFunc, Classes/OSCdef, Classes/MIDIFunc, Classes/MIDIdef, Classes/AbstractDispatcher @section{description} AbstractResponderFunc is the abstract superclass of responder funcs, which are classes which register one or more functions to respond to a particular type of input. It provides some common functionality such as introspection. Its two main subclasses are link::Classes/OSCFunc::, and link::Classes/MIDIFunc::. By default responder funcs do not persist beyond Cmd-. (see link::#-permanent:: below). Instances will register with a dispatcher (an instance of a subclass of link::Classes/AbstractDispatcher::), which will actually dispatch incoming messages to an instance's Function(s). @section{CLASSMETHODS} @section{private} initClass @section{METHOD} allFuncProxies Get all current instances of this classes concrete subclasses, sorted by type. @section{returns} An link::Classes/IdentityDictionary::. @section{METHOD} allEnabled As allFuncProxies above, but only return those instances currently listening for input. @section{returns} An link::Classes/IdentityDictionary::. @section{METHOD} allDisabled As allFuncProxies above, but only return those instances currently not listening for input. @section{returns} An link::Classes/IdentityDictionary::. @section{INSTANCEMETHODS} @section{private} cmdPeriod, prFunc @section{METHOD} func Get or set this objects response function. @section{returns} The getter returns a link::Classes/Function:: or similar object. @section{METHOD} srcID Get this object's source. @section{returns} The return type will depend on subclass. For link::Classes/OSCFunc:: this will be a link::Classes/NetAddr::, for link::Classes/MIDIFunc:: a UID. This can can be nil, which indicates that the object will respond to any source. @section{METHOD} enabled Check if this object is currently responding to incoming messages. @section{returns} A link::Classes/Boolean::. @section{METHOD} dispatcher et this object's dispatcher. This is the object which matches incoming messages with responder funcs. Instances can use custom dispatchers to support arbitrary matching schemes. @section{returns} An instance of an appropriate subclass of link::Classes/AbstractDispatcher::. (The return type will depend on subclass.) @section{METHOD} permanent Get or set whether this responder func is persists when the user executes Cmd-. If false this will be disabled and removed from the global lists. The default is false. @section{argument} bool A link::Classes/Boolean:: indicating if this object is permanent. @section{returns} The getter returns a link::Classes/Boolean::. @section{METHOD} enable Enable this object to receive incoming messages. This is done automatically at creation time. @section{METHOD} disable Stop this object from receiving incoming messages. @section{METHOD} add Add a new function to the list of functions which will be executed when this object receives an incoming message. @section{argument} newFunc A link::Classes/Function:: or similar object to be added. @section{METHOD} remove Remove a function from the list of functions which will be executed when this object receives an incoming message. @section{argument} removeFunc The link::Classes/Function:: to be removed. @section{METHOD} gui Open a subclass specific GUI. (Not yet implemented) @section{returns} The GUI object. @section{METHOD} oneShot Indicate that this object should execute only once and then free itself. @section{METHOD} fix A synonym for link::#permanent:: @section{METHOD} free Disable this object and remove it from the global lists. This should be done when you are finished using this object. @section{METHOD} clear Remove all active functions from this object's function list. @section{EXAMPLES} See link::Classes/OSCFunc:: and link::Classes/MIDIFunc::.