const init = () => { /* based on editors/sc-ide/core/sc_lexer.cpp */ CodeMirror.defineSimpleMode('scd', { start: [ { regex: /^\s+/, token: 'whitespace' }, { regex: /^(?:arg|classvar|const|super|this|var)\b/, token: 'keyword' }, { regex: /^(?:false|inf|nil|true|thisFunction|thisFunctionDef|thisMethod|thisProcess|thisThread|currentEnvironment|topEnvironment)\b/, token: 'built-in' }, { regex: /^\b\d+r[0-9a-zA-Z]*(\.[0-9A-Z]*)?/, token: 'number radix-float' }, { regex: /^\b\d+(s+|b+|[sb]\d+)\b/, token: 'number scale-degree' }, { regex: /^\b((\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?(pi)?)|pi)\b/, token: 'number float' }, { regex: /^\b0x(\d|[a-f]|[A-F])+/, token: 'number hex-int' }, { regex: /^\b[A-Za-z_]\w*\:/, token: 'symbol symbol-arg' }, { regex: /^[a-z]\w*/, token: 'text name' }, { regex: /^\b[A-Z]\w*/, token: 'class' }, { regex: /^\b_\w+/, token: 'primitive' }, { regex: /^\\\w*/, token: 'symbol' }, { regex: /'(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?(?:'|$)/, token: 'symbol' }, { regex: /^\$\\?./, token: 'char' }, { regex: /^~\w+/, token: 'env-var' }, { regex: /^\/\/[^\r\n]*/, token: 'comment single-line-comment' }, { regex: /"(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?(?:"|$)/, token: 'string' }, { regex: /^[-.,;#()\[\]{}]/, token: 'text punctuation' }, { regex: /\/\*/, push: 'comment', token: 'comment multi-line-comment' }, { regex: /^[+\-*/&\|\^%<>=!?]+/, token: 'text operator' }, ], comment: [ { regex: /\*\//, pop: true, token: 'comment multi-line-comment' }, { regex: /./, token: 'comment multi-line-comment' } ] }) let textareas = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('textarea')) textareas.forEach(textarea => { let code = textarea.value textarea.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, { mode: 'scd', value: code, lineWrapping: true, viewportMargin: Infinity, extraKeys: { // noop: prevent both codemirror and the browser to handle Shift-Enter 'Shift-Enter': ()=>{}, // prevent only codemirror to handle Ctrl+D 'Ctrl-D': false } }) textarea.editor.on('dblclick', editor => { let cursor = editor.getCursor() let parenMatch = editor.getLine(cursor.line) .slice(,[()]/) if (parenMatch) { editor.undoSelection() selectRegion({ flash: false }) } }) textarea.editor.on('blur', editor => { editor.setSelection(editor.getCursor(), null, { scroll: false }) }) }) } /* returns the code selection, line or region */ const selectRegion = (options = { flash: true }) => { let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) let textarea = range.startContainer.parentNode.previousSibling if (!textarea) return let editor = textarea.editor if (editor.somethingSelected()) return selectLine(options) const findLeftParen = cursor => { let cursorLeft = editor.findPosH(cursor, -1, 'char') let token = editor.getTokenTypeAt(cursor) || '' if (cursorLeft.hitSide) return cursorLeft let ch = editor.getLine(cursorLeft.line) .slice(, if (token.match(/^(comment|string|symbol|char)/)) return findLeftParen(cursorLeft) if (ch === ')') return findLeftParen(findLeftParen(cursorLeft)) if (ch === '(') return cursorLeft return findLeftParen(cursorLeft) } const findRightParen = cursor => { let cursorRight = editor.findPosH(cursor, 1, 'char') let token = editor.getTokenTypeAt(cursor) || '' if (cursorRight.hitSide) return cursorRight let ch = editor.getLine(cursorRight.line) .slice(, if (ch === '(') return findRightParen(findRightParen(cursorRight)) if (ch === ')') return cursorRight if (token.match(/^(comment|string|symbol|char)/)) return findRightParen(cursorRight) return findRightParen(cursorRight) } let cursor = editor.getCursor() if (editor.getLine(cursor.line).slice(, === '(') editor.setCursor(Object.assign(cursor, { ch: })) if (editor.getLine(cursor.line).slice(, === ')') editor.setCursor(Object.assign(cursor, { ch: })) let parenPairs = [] let leftCursor = findLeftParen(cursor) let rightCursor = findRightParen(cursor) while (!leftCursor.hitSide || !rightCursor.hitSide) { parenPairs.push([leftCursor, rightCursor]) leftCursor = findLeftParen(leftCursor) rightCursor = findRightParen(rightCursor) } /* no parens found */ if (parenPairs.length === 0) return selectLine(options) let pair = parenPairs.pop() leftCursor = pair[0] rightCursor = pair[1] /* parens are inline */ if ( > 0) return selectLine(options) /* parens are a region */ if (options.flash === false) { editor.addSelection(leftCursor, rightCursor) return editor.getSelection() } else { let marker = editor.markText(leftCursor, rightCursor, { className: 'text-flash' }) setTimeout(() => marker.clear(), 300) return editor.getRange(leftCursor, rightCursor) } } // Returns the code selection or line const selectLine = (options = { flash: true }) => { let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) let textarea = range.startContainer.parentNode.previousSibling if (!textarea) return let editor = textarea.editor let cursor = editor.getCursor() if (editor.somethingSelected()) { from = editor.getCursor('start') to = editor.getCursor('end') } else { from = { line: cursor.line, ch: 0 } to = { line: cursor.line, ch: editor.getLine(cursor.line).length } } if (!options.flash) return editor.getRange(from, to) let marker = editor.markText(from, to, { className: 'text-flash' }) setTimeout(() => marker.clear(), 300) return editor.getRange(from, to) } init()