53 lines
1.5 KiB
53 lines
1.5 KiB
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(grain-buf nc tr dur sndbuf rate pos interp pan envbuf)}
Granular synthesis with sound stored in a buffer
nc - the number of channels to output. If 1, mono is returned and
pan is ignored.
tr - a kr or ar trigger to start a new grain. If ar, grains after
the start of the synth are sample accurate.
The following args are polled at grain creation time
dur - size of the grain.
sndbuf - the buffer holding an audio signal
rate - the playback rate of the sampled sound
pos - the playback position for the grain to start with (0 is
beginning, 1 is end of file)
interp - the interpolation method used for pitchshifting grains.
1 = no interpolation. 2 = linear. 4 = cubic interpolation
(more computationally intensive).
pan - a value from -1 to 1. Determines where to pan the output in
the same manner as pan-az.
envb - the buffer number containing a singal to use for the
grain envelope. -1 uses a built-in Hanning envelope.
(lambda (fd)
(async fd (b-alloc-read 10 "/home/rohan/audio/metal.wav" 0 0))
(let ((g (letc ((gate 1)
(amp 1)
(sndbuf 0)
(envbuf -1))
(let* ((x (mouse-x kr -1 1 0 0.1))
(y (mouse-y kr 10 45 0 0.1))
(i (impulse kr y 0))
(r (lin-lin (lf-noise1 kr 500) -1 1 0.5 2))
(p (lin-lin (lf-noise2 kr 0.1) -1 1 0 1)))
(out 0 (grain-buf 2 i 0.1 sndbuf r p 2 x envbuf))))))
(send-synth fd "g" g)
(send fd (s-new2 "g" -1 add-to-tail 1 "sndbuf" 10 "envbuf" -1)))))