129 lines
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129 lines
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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
physical model of bouncing object@section{categories}
UGens>Filters>Nonlinear, UGens>Generators>PhysicalModels
Classes/Ball, Classes/Spring
models the impacts of a bouncing object that is reflected by a vibrating surface
ar, kr
modulated surface level
damping on impact
proximity from which on attraction to surface starts
// mouse x controls switch of level
// mouse y controls gravity
var t, sf;
sf = K2A.ar(MouseX.kr > 0.5) > 0;
t = TBall.ar(sf, MouseY.kr(0.01, 1.0, 1), 0.01);
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(t * 10, 1200, 0.1), MouseX.kr(-1,1));
// mouse x controls step noise modulation rate
// mouse y controls gravity
var t, sf, g;
sf = LFNoise0.ar(MouseX.kr(0.5, 100, 1));
g = MouseY.kr(0.01, 10, 1);
t = TBall.ar(sf, g, 0.01, 0.002);
Ringz.ar(t * 4, [600, 645], 0.3);
// mouse x controls sine modulation rate
// mouse y controls friction
// gravity changes slowly
var f, g, h, fr;
fr = MouseX.kr(1, 1000, 1);
h = MouseY.kr(0.0001, 0.001, 1);
g = LFNoise1.kr(0.1, 3, 5);
f = TBall.ar(SinOsc.ar(fr), g, 0.1, h);
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(f, 1400, 0.04),0,5)
// sine frequency rate is modulated with a slow sine
// mouse y controls friction
// mouse x controls gravity
var f, g, h, fr;
fr = LinExp.kr(SinOsc.kr(0.1), -1, 1, 1, 600);
h = MouseY.kr(0.0001, 0.001, 1);
g = MouseX.kr(1, 10);
f = TBall.ar(SinOsc.ar(fr), g, 0.1, h);
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(f, 1400, 0.04),0,5)
// this is no mbira: vibrations of a bank of resonators that are
// triggered by some bouncing things that bounce one on each resonator
// mouse y controls friction
// mouse x controls gravity
var sc, g, d, z, lfo, rate;
g = MouseX.kr(0.01, 100, 1);
d = MouseY.kr(0.00001, 0.2);
sc = #[451, 495.5, 595, 676, 734.5]; //azande harp tuning by B. Guinahui
lfo = LFNoise1.kr(1, 0.005, 1);
rate = 2.4;
rate = rate * sc.size.reciprocal;
z = sc.collect { |u,i|
var f, in;
in = Decay.ar(
Mix(Impulse.ar(rate, [1.0, LFNoise0.kr(rate / 12)].rand, 0.1)), 0.001
in = Ringz.ar(in,
Array.fill(4, { |i| (i+1) + 0.1.rand2 }) / 2
* Decay.ar(in,0.02,rand(0.5,1), lfo) * u,
Array.exprand(4, 0.2, 1).sort
in = Mix(in);
f = TBall.ar(in * 10, g, d, 0.001);
in + Mix(Ringz.ar(f, u * Array.fill(4, { |i| (i+1) + 0.3.rand2 }) * 2, 0.1))
Splay.ar(z) * 0.8