This is a common-lisp implementation of the Open Sound Control Protocol, aka OSC. The code should be close to ansi standard, and does not rely on any external code/ffi/etc+ to do the basic encoding and decoding of packets. since OSC does not specify a transport layer, messages can be send using TCP or UDP (or carrier pigeons), however it seems UDP is more common amongst the programmes that communicate using the OSC protocol. the osc-examples.lisp file contains a few simple examples of how to send and recieve OSC via UDP, and so far seems reasonably compatible with the packets send from/to max-msp, pd, supercollider and liblo. . . more details about OSC can be found at . ., the current version of this code is avilable using darcs darcs get or via asdf-install.. . (asdf-install:install :osc) limitations - doesnt send nested bundles or timetags later than 'now' - will most likely crash if the input is malformed - doesnt do any pattern matching on addresses - sbcl/cmucl specific float en/decoding - only supports the type(tag)s specified in the OSC spec things to do - address patterns - liblo like network wrapping - data checking and error handling - portable en/decoding of floats -=> ieee754 tests - doubles and other defacto typetags - correct en/decoding of timetags - asdf-installable changes 2005-03-11 - bundle and blob en/de- coding 2005-03-05 - 'declare' scattering and other optimisations 2005-02-08 - in-package'd - basic dispatcher 2005-03-01 - fixed address string bug 2005-01-26 - fixed string handling bug 2005-01-24 - sends and receives multiple arguments - tests in osc-tests.lisp 2004-12-18 - initial version, single args only