;; -*- mode: lisp -*- ;; ;; patern matching and dispatching for OSC messages ;; ;; copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw ;; ;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;; under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License, known ;; as the LLGPL. The LLGPL consists of a preamble and the LGPL. ;; Where these conflict, the preamble takes precedence. The LLGPL ;; is available online at http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html ;; and is distributed with this code (see: LICENCE and LGPL files) ;; ;; authors ;; - nik gaffney ;; requirements ;; - not too useful without osc ;; - probably cl-pcre for matching (when it happens). ;; commentary ;; an osc de-/re -mungulator which should deal with piping data ;; from incoming messages to the function/handler/method ;; designated by the osc-address. ;; ;; NOTE: only does direct matches for now, no pattern globs, ;; with single function per uri ;; changes ;; 2005-02-27 18:31:01 ;; - initial version (in-package :osc) ;; should probably be a clos object or an alist. ;; for now, a hash table is enuf. (defun make-osc-tree () (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)) ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; register/delete and dispatch. .. ;; ;;;; ; ; ; ;; (defun dp-register (tree address function) "registers a function to respond to incoming osc message. since only one function should be associated with an address, any previous registration will be overwritten" (setf (gethash address tree) function)) (defun dp-remove (tree address) "removes the function associated with the given address.." (remhash address tree)) (defun dp-match (tree pattern) "returns a list of functions which are registered for dispatch for a given address pattern.." (list (gethash pattern tree))) (defun dispatch (tree osc-message) "calls the function(s) matching the address(pattern) in the osc message with the data contained in the message" (let ((pattern (car osc-message))) (dolist (x (dp-match tree pattern)) (unless (eq x NIL) (apply #'x (cdr osc-message))))))