Abandon desire Abandon normal instructions Accept advice Adding on A line has two sides Always the first steps Ask people to work against their better judgement Ask your body Be dirty Be extravagant Be less critical Breathe more deeply Bridges -build -burn Change ambiguities to specifics Change nothing and continue consistently Change specifics to ambiguities Consider transitions Courage! Cut a vital connection Decorate, decorate Destroy nothing; Destroy the most important thing Discard an axiom Disciplined self-indulgence Discover your formulas and abandon them Display your talent Distort time Do nothing for as long as possible Don't avoid what is easy Don't break the silence Don't stress one thing more than another Do something boring Do something sudden, destructive and unpredictable Do the last thing first Do the words need changing? Emphasize differences Emphasize the flaws Faced with a choice, do both (from Dieter Rot) Find a safe part and use it as an anchor Give the game away Give way to your worst impulse Go outside. Shut the door. Go to an extreme, come part way back How would someone else do it? How would you have done it? In total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly Is it finished? Is something missing? Is the style right? It is simply a matter or work Just carry on Listen to the quiet voice Look at the order in which you do things Magnify the most difficult details Make it more sensual Make what's perfect more human Move towards the unimportant Not building a wall; making a brick Once the search has begun, something will be found Only a part, not the whole Only one element of each kind Openly resist change Pae White's non-blank graphic metacard Question the heroic Remember quiet evenings Remove a restriction Repetition is a form of change Retrace your steps Reverse Simple Subtraction Slow preparation, fast execution State the problem as clearly as possible Take a break Take away the important parts The inconsistency principle The most easily forgotten thing is the most important Think - inside the work -outside the work Tidy up Try faking it (from Stewart Brand) Turn it upside down Use an old idea Use cliches Use filters Use something nearby as a model Use 'unqualified' people Use your own ideas Voice your suspicions Water What context would look right? What is the simplest solution? What mistakes did you make last time? What to increase? What to reduce? What to maintain? What were you really thinking about just now? What wouldn't you do? What would your closest friend do? When is it for? Where is the edge? Which parts can be grouped? Work at a different speed Would anyone want it? Your mistake was a hidden intention