// description: Disease symptoms. From the OBO Symptom Ontology // source: https://github.com/DiseaseOntology/SymptomOntology output [symptom] symptom Pel-Epstein fever abdominal pain abnormal behavior abnormal feces abnormal hemistanding abnormal hemiwalking abnormal hemiwalking hemistanding abnormal sputum abnormal weight gain absence of knee jerk reflex absence seizure absent gag reflex active hyperemia acute arthritis acute cranial nerve dysfunction acute diarrhea acute dyspnea acute enteritis acute gastroenteritis acute meningoencephalitis acute mesenteric lymphadenitis acute pain acute painful vision loss acute renal failure acute suppurative parotiditis acute weight loss adenopathy afebrile aggressive behavior agraphia alexia allodynia amaurosis amaurosis fugax anaphylactic shock anasarca anisocoria ankle rash anomia aphonia apnea areflexia arm weakness asthenopia atonic seizure atrial fibrillation backache bifrontal headache blindness bloodshot eye bloody sputum bloody stool blotchy red rash body ache bradycardia bradykinesia bradypnea breakthrough pain breathing problems bronchopneumonia bubo cardiac fibrillation cardiogenic shock cataplexy cervical edema cervical lymphadenopathy chest pain cheyne-stokes respiration chronic cough chronic enteritis chronic fatigue syndrome chronic pain circling movement claudication clonic seizure cloudy cornea coagulopathy colic colicky pain coma communication difficulty complex partial seizure congested sclera conjunctivitis conscious disturbance conscious proprioception constipation continuous fever continuous leakage of urine continuous profuse salivation contracted pupil cornea symptom corneal opacity corneal ulcers cough with bloody sputum cranial nerve palsies cyclic fever cytopenia deafness decreased appetite decreased conscious proprioception decreased flexor withdrawal reflex decreased pharyngeal tone decreased sucking decreased tongue tone delayed milestones deltoid muscle weakness diaphoresis diarrhea diffuse rash diminished gag reflex disorientation disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle disturbed vision double vision droopy ears dry cough dry hacking cough dry mouth dysfunctions associated with arousal from sleep dysfunctions associated with sleep stages dyspareunia dysphagia dysphonia dyspnea ear symptom earache elbow pain emaciation enlargement of lymph nodes epigastric abdominal lump epigastric abdominal mass epigastric abdominal pain epigastric abdominal rigidity epigastric abdominal swelling epigastric abdominal tenderness epigastric pelvic lump epigastric pelvic mass epigastric pelvic swelling epileptic seizure epistaxis exanthema excess lymphocytes in cerebrospinal fluid excess salivation excessive crying excessive tearing exhaustion exophthalmos expressive aphasia extensive ulcer extraocular muscles paralysis extreme exhaustion extreme fatigue extreme prostration eye discharge eye strain face hyperemia facial edema facial muscle twitching facial paralysis facial tremor facial weakness failure to thrive faint febrile convulsion fixed dilated pupils fixed pupil flaccid muscle tone flaccid paralysis focal seizure freezing hypokinesia frontal headache functional hyperemia fussy gas pain generalized abdominal lump generalized abdominal mass generalized abdominal pain generalized abdominal rigidity generalized abdominal swelling generalized abdominal tenderness generalized pelvic lump generalized pelvic mass generalized pelvic swelling generalized seizure granulomatous inflammation gross hematuria gum bleeding head pressing head swelling headache heartburn hematemesis hematochezia hematogenous hemiparesis hemodynamic instability hemolysis hemolytic anemia hemorrhage from throat hemorrhagic diarrhea hemorrhagic gastroenteritis hepatic abscess hepatic dysfunction hepatic necrosis hepatitis hepatomegaly hepatosplenomegaly herpetic lesion on upper lip high fever hilar lymphadenitis hind limb paralysis hip pain hoarse voice hoarseness hopping hydrocephalus hyperactivity hyperalgesia hyperemia hyperemia of the neck hyperesthesia hypermenorrhea hyperpyrexia hyperreflexia hypersomnia hypersomnia with sleep apnea hyperthermia hyperventilation hypoalgesia hypoesthesia hyponatremia hypopyon hypotension hypotensive hypoventilation hypoxemia icteric eyes impaired coordination impaired gag reflex inability to comprehend speech inability to concentrate inability to feed inability to form words inability to speak inability to swallow inability to think clearly incomplete bladder emptying incontinence without sensory awareness incoordination increased appetite inflamed eyes inflammatory low back pain inibility to stand insomnia insomnia with sleep apnea intense anxiety intense toxemia intraretinal hemorrhage irritability ischemia ischemic necrosis of jejunum joint inflammation joint pain junctional tachycardia keratitis knee pain lack of coordination lack of normal physiological development laryngitis laryngotracheitis lateroventral deviation of the head left lower quadrant abdominal lump left lower quadrant abdominal mass left lower quadrant abdominal pain left lower quadrant abdominal rigidity left lower quadrant abdominal swelling left lower quadrant abdominal tenderness left lower quadrant pelvic lump left lower quadrant pelvic mass left lower quadrant pelvic swelling left upper quadrant abdominal lump left upper quadrant abdominal mass left upper quadrant abdominal pain left upper quadrant abdominal rigidity left upper quadrant abdominal swelling left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness left upper quadrant pelvic lump left upper quadrant pelvic mass left upper quadrant pelvic swelling leg cramp leg swelling leg weakness lesions in mouth lesions in oropharynx lethargy leukocytosis leukopenia light sensitivity limb edema limb weakness limited attention lip paralysis liver inflammation loss of appetite loss of tendon reflex loss of weight low backache low-grade fever lymph gland swelling lymphadenitis lymphangitis lymphoblastoma lymphopenia macrocytosis maculopapular rash male stress incontinence massive hepatic necrosis melena metrorrhagia microangiopathic hemolytic anemia microangiopathy mild bronchitis mild conjunctivitis mild encephalitis mild fever mild hypotension mild tetanic convulsion miosis mixed incontinence (female) (male) moderate anemia moderate conjuctival injection motor paralysis mouth bleeding mouth papules mouth sore multiple abscesses multiple sites abdominal lump multiple sites abdominal mass multiple sites abdominal pain multiple sites abdominal rigidity multiple sites abdominal swelling multiple sites abdominal tenderness multiple sites pelvic lump multiple sites pelvic mass multiple sites pelvic swelling muscle cramp muscle necrosis muscle pain muscle soreness muscle tenderness muscle tightness muscle twitching muscles ache mydriasis myoclonic seizure nasal bleeding nasal congestion nasal discharge neck pain neck weakness neuropathic pain night sweats nociceptive pain nocturnal enuresis nose symptom nystagmus objective vertigo obsessive interests occasional diplopia ocular lesion ophthalmoplegia opisthotonus orthopnea otitis overflow incontinence painful lymph glands painful reginal lymphadenopathy palate weakness palpebral edema panting respiration papular rash paraplegia pareses parotid abscess parotid pain paroxysmal tachycardia partial hind limb paralysis pelvic lump pelvic mass pelvic swelling peripheral muscle weakness periumbilic abdominal lump periumbilic abdominal mass periumbilic abdominal pain periumbilic abdominal rigidity periumbilic abdominal swelling periumbilic abdominal tenderness periumbilic pelvic lump periumbilic pelvic mass periumbilic pelvic swelling persistent vegetative state phantom pain pharyngitis photophobia plasmacytosis pleuritic chest pain pneumonia poor enunciation poor feeding post-void dribbling postural instability hypokinesia precordial pain profound weakness progressive emaciation progressive prostration progressive weakness prolonged fever prostatic abscess prostatic infection proximal paralysis of arm and leg purpuric rash rales reactive hyperemia receptive aphasia referred pain relapsing fever remittent fever renal colic repetitive behavior respiratory paralysis reticulocytosis retrobulbar pain rhinitis right lower quadrant abdominal lump right lower quadrant abdominal mass right lower quadrant abdominal pain right lower quadrant abdominal rigidity right lower quadrant abdominal swelling right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness right lower quadrant pelvic lump right lower quadrant pelvic mass right lower quadrant pelvic swelling right upper quadrant abdominal lump right upper quadrant abdominal mass right upper quadrant abdominal pain right upper quadrant abdominal rigidity right upper quadrant abdominal swelling right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness right upper quadrant pelvic lump right upper quadrant pelvic mass right upper quadrant pelvic swelling rigidity hypokinesia runny nose salivation septic shock septicemia severe abdominal cramp severe backache severe chest pain severe conjunctivitis severe diarrhea severe headache severe joint pain severe mastitis severe myalgia severe necrosis severe pneumonia short stature shoulder pain simple partial seizure sinus bradycardia sinus tachycardia sinusitis skin ulcer sleep apnea sleep related movement disorder slowing of urinary stream slurred speech sore eyes spastic paralysis spleen abscess spleen symptom splenomegaly splitting of urinary stream spontaneous abortion steatorrhea sternocleidomastoid weakness stiff neck stress incontinence stupor subconjunctival bleeding subjective vertigo sudden ataxis sudden onset of fever suppurative pneumonia syncope syncope and collapse synovitis tache noire tachycardia tachypnea testicular pain tetanic convulsion thick white exudate on tongue throat muscle paralysis throat pain thrombocytopenia thymus symptom thyroid abscesses thyroid symptom tinnitus tiredness tonic seizure tonic-clonic seizure toothache toxemia tracheitis tracheobronchitis transient alteration of awareness transient fever transient paralysis of limb underweight unreactive mydriasis urge incontinence vasculitis ventricular bradycardia ventricular fibrillation ventricular tachycardia vertigo very high fever visceral pain vision distortion voice disturbance weak cry weariness wheelbarrowing wheezing wobble wound discharge yellow dropping yellow exudate from eyes yellow exudate from nose yellowish green diarrhea fever {cyclic|sudden onset of|transient|low-grade|prolonged|mild|high|very high|Pel-Epstein|continuous|remittent|relapsing} fever