// description: List of personal nouns in the 1890 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Assembled by Cory Taylor from Project Gutenberg's HTML edition of the dictionary: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/673 // source: https://github.com/coryandrewtaylor/Personal-Nouns output [personal-noun] personal-noun abator abbreviator abdicator abductor abetter abettor abhorrer abiogenist abjurer abnegator abortionist abridger abrogator absconder absentee absenter absolutist absolver absorber abstainer abstinent abstracter abuser abutter accelerator accentor acceptor accoucheur accountant accumbent accumulator accuser achiever acolyte acrobat actor actress actuator adapter adder address adducer adherent adjudicator adjuster administrator admirer admonisher adopter adorer adult adulterator adulterer adulteress advancer adventurer adventuress adverse advert advertent advertiser advice adviser advowson adz adze affiant affirmer agent agitator agonist air alb albino alchemist alewife alias alienator alienist alienor all allayer allegorizer alleviator alliterator almoner amalgamator amateur amazon american amplifier amputator analogist analyst analyzer anarchist anatomist anchorite anecdotist angler angling animater animator animist annihilator announcer annoyer annuitant annunciator anointer anonym answerer antagonist antecedent anthologist anthropologist anticipator antipope ape aper apiarist apologist apostle apostrophe appeaser appellant applauder applicant appraiser appreciator apprehender apprentice appropriator approver arabist arbiter arbitrator arboriculturist arborist archaist architect arguer aristocrat armor-bearer armorer arranger arrester arriver articulator artificer artilleryman artisan artist ascendant asker aspirant aspirer assailant assault assaulter assayer assembler assenter asserter assessee assessor assets assistant astrologer astronomer atheist athlete atlas atomizer attacker attainder attempter attendant attender attester attestor attracter attractor auditor augur aunt author authorizer autobiographer autochthon autocrat autodidact avenger avoirdupois avower backbiter backer backslider badge badger badgerer bagman bagpiper bailor baker balancer balker banker bankrupt baptist barber bargainer bargeman barkeeper barker barterer base bass basso bat bather batman batsman batter battler bawd bawler beadle bear bearer beater beau bedfellow bedlam beefeater begetter beggar beginner beguiler beholder believe believer belle bellman bellower bender benefactor benefactress berserk berserker besieger betrayer better bettor bibliographer bibliopole bicycler bidder bigamist bilk bill binder biographer biologist bitch bite biter blab black blackguard blackmailer blamer blasphemer blaster blazer bleacher bleeder blender blinder blinker blood bloodsucker bloomer blotter blower blue bluffer blunderer blusterer boarder boaster boatman bobber bodyguard boiler bombardier bondman bondsman bondswoman bondwoman bonesetter bookbinder booker bookkeeper bookmaker bookseller boomer boor boost boot bootblack bootmaker boozer borderer borrower botanist botcher bother botherer bottler bouncer bounder bourbon bourgeois bow bower bowler bowman boxer bragger brakeman branch brand brave bravo breaker breather breeder breton brewer brick bricklayer bride bridegroom broiler broker brood brother bruiser brunette brute bubbler buddhist buffer bufflehead buffoon bugler builder bull bulldozer bungler bunter burgess burlesquer burner bushwhacker bust butcher butter buyer buzzer bystander cabinetmaker cackler cad cadger cahoot caitiff calculator calender calf caller calling calmer campaigner camper canaanite cannoneer canoe canonist canter canvasser capitalist captor caricaturist carouser carper carrier carter cartographer carver cashier cast caster casuist catamaran catcher catechist caterer cateress caveat celebrant celebrator celt censor chaffer chair chairman chaldean challenge challenger changeling changer chanter chap chapman charge charger charioteer charlatan charm charmer charwoman chaser cheat cheater checker cheerer cheesemonger chef chewer chick chiffonier chignon child chiliast chiromancer chiropodist choker chooser chopper choragus chorister chouse churchgoer churl cipher circlet citess claimant clairvoyant classifier cleaner cleanser clearer cleaver clergyman clerk client clientele climb climber clincher clipper clock closer clothier clown co-respondent coach coachman coadjutor coaster coaxer cob codger coiner collector colonizer colorist coma combatant comber comer comforter commander commentator commoner communicant communicator commuter compacter competitor compiler complainant complainer composer compositor compost composure compote compound compounder comprehend compress compressor compromiser compute computer comrade con concave concavo-concave concavo-convex concede conceit conceiver concenter concentre concept concern concert concertina concerto conch concha conchologist concierge conciliator conclave conclude concoct concomitant concord concordant concordat concourse concrete concupiscent concur concurrent concuss condemn condense condenser condescend condign condole condor conduce conduct conductor conductress conduit condylar condyle confab confect confectioner confederater confer conferee conferrer conferva confess confessor confidante confide confident configure confirm confit confiture conger congeries congest congius conglobe congo congou congregationalist congress congressman congruent conics conidium conifer conium conjecture conjoint conjunct conjunctiva conjuncture conjure conjurer conjuror conn connect connector connoisseur connote conodont conquer conqueress conqueror conquest conscript consecrater consensus consent consentient consequent conservatoire conservator conserve consider consign consignee consigner consignor consist consistent console consoling consonant consort conspectus conspirator conspire constant constituent constitute constitutionalist constraint constrict constrictor constringe construct constructor construe consuetude consul consular consult consume consumer contact container contemn contempt contend contender content contents contest contestant context continent contingent continuant continue continuo contort contour contra contraband contrabandist contrabass contract contractile contractor contracture contradict contradictions contralto contrapuntist contraries contrast contretemps contribute contrite contriver controller controversialist controvert contuse conundrum convalesce convalescent convener convenient convent conventicle converge convergent conversant conversationalist conversationist converse converser convert converter convex convexo-concave convexo-convex conveyancer conveyer conveyor convict convince convoke convolute convolve convolvulus convulse coo cook cookbook cookie cooler coolie cooling coon coontie coop cooper coot cooter cop copartner cope copeck copepod copepoda copernican copier copland copper copperhead coppersmith coppice copra coprolite cops copse copts copula copyhold copyholder copyist copyright coquet coquette cora coracle coralwort corbel corbiestep corchorus cord cordierite cordon cordovan core corer coriander corinth corium cork corkscrew corm cormorant corn corncob corncrake corncrib cornea cornel corner cornet cornfield cornflower cornice cornstalk cornstarch cornu corolla corona coronach coroner coronet coronilla corposant corps corpse corpulent corpus corpuscle corpuscular corrade correct corregidor correspond correspondent corridor corrie corrigendum corroborant corrode corrupt corrupter corsair corse corselet corset corslet cortes cortex corundum coruscant corvee corvette corymb coryza coscoroba cosecant cosher cosherer cosier cosmographer cosmologist cosmopolitan cosmopolite cosmos coss cossack cosset cost costa costermonger costume costumer cot cotangent cote cotenant coterie cotinga cotswold cottager cottar cotter cottier cotton cottontail cottonwood cotyledon couch couchant cougar cough coulisse coulomb coulter council councilman counsel counselor count counter counteract counterbore counterchange countercharge countercheck counterclaim countercurrent counterfeit counterfeiter counterfoil counterman countermand countermarch countermove counterpart counterplot counterpoint countersign countersink countersunk countervail countess countryman countryside countrywoman coup couple coupler couplet coupling coupon courbaril courier courlan course courser court courtesan courtier courtyard cousin-german couth couvade covariant cove covenant cover coverlet covert covet cow coward cowardice cowbird cower cowherd cowhide cowl cowlick cowpea cowpox cowrie cowslip cox coxcomb coyote coypu cozier crab crack cracker crackle crackleware crackling cracksman cradle cradling craft craftsman crag cragsman crake cram crambe crammer cramp crampon crampoons cranch craniologist cranium crank crape crappie craps crash crass crassitude crater craunch cravat crave craw crawford crawl crawler crayon craze creak cream crease creature creche credendum credit creditor credo creek creeks creel creep creeper crees creese cremona crenature crenel crenelle creole creosote crept crepuscule crescendo crescent cress crest cretan crete cretonne crevasse crevice crew crewelwork crewet crib crick cricket cricketer crier crime crimp crimper crimson cringe cringle crinkle crinoidea cripple crippling crisp crisper crisscross crith critique croak croaker croat crochet crock crocket crocodile crocus croft crofter cromlech crook crookback croon crop cropper croquet crore crosier cross cross-examiner cross-eye cross-stitch crossbar crossbeam crossbill crossbones crossbow crosscut crosshead crossjack crossopterygii crosspatch crosspiece crossroad crossruff crotalus crotch crotchet croton crottles crouch croup croupier crouse crouton crow crowbar crowd crowfoot crown crownwork crows crozier crucifer crucifix cruciform crud crude cruel cruet cruiser cruller crumb crumble crump crumpet crumple crunch crupper crura crus crusade crusader cruse crush crusher crust crustacea crustacean crutch crux cryolite crypt cryptogam cryptogram cryptograph cryptographer crystallite crystallographer ctenophora ctenophore cub cuban cubbyhole cube cubeb cubicle cubiform cubit cuckold cuckoldom cuckoo cuckooflower cuckoopint cucumber cucumis cud cudbear cuddle cudgel cue cuff cuirass cuirassier cul culex cull cullender culling cullis culls culm culprit cult cultivator culture cultus culvert cumber cumbersome cumulus cuneiform cunner cup cupbearer cupboard cupel cupola cupper cuprite cupule cur curassow curator curb curcuma curd curdle cure curette curfew curio curl curler curlew curling curmudgeon currant current curriculum currier currycomb curse cursor curst curt curtail curvature curve curvet curvilinear cushat cusk cusp cuspidor custard custom customer customhouse cut cutch cute cuticle cuticular cutis cutlass cutler cutlet cutpurse cutter cutthroat cuttle cutwork cutworm cyanide cyanite cycad cycas cycle cycling cyclist cyclopean cyclops cyclorama cyclostomata cyclostyle cyder cygnet cygnus cylinder cyma cymatium cymbalist cyme cymling cymule cynosure cyon cyperus cypher cypres cypress cyprinodont cypriot cypripedium cyprus cyst cystocele cystolith cytoplasm czar czarina czech czechs dabbler dairyman dame damsel dancer danseuse darner darter dastard dauber daughter dawdler dead deadhead deaf-mute dealer dealing debaser debater debauch debauchee debaucher debenture debtor decanter decedent deceiver decent decipherer decipheress decker declarer decorator deerstalker defamer defaulter defendant defender defiler defrauder defunct deist delayer delinquent deliverer dell demagogue demander demerit democrat demoniac demonstrator demurrer denier denominator dentist departer dependent deponent deposer depositor depreciator depressor dermatologist descendant descender descent deserter designer desolater despoiler despot destroyer detector determiner determinist detonator developer devil deviser devisor devotee devourer diarist dictator dieter differentiator diffuser digester digger dilater dilator dilettante diluter diner dipper dipsomaniac directer director diver divider diviner divorce doctor doctrinaire dodger dogmatist donor doorkeeper dotard doubler doubter dower dowser dozer drab drabber dragon draper draughtsman drawer dreader dreadnaught dreamer dredger dresser dribbler drier drinker driver droll dropper drover drudge druggist drummer drunkard dualist duck dueler duelist duenna duffer dullard duller dun dupe duster dyer dynamiter earthworm east eater eavesdropper economist economizer editor educationist educator effecter egger egotist ejector elater elder elector electroplater elevator elf elizabethan elocutionist emancipator embalmer embezzler embonpoint embroiderer emeer emigrant emir employer emptier emulator enchanter enchantress encroacher encyclopedist energizer enforcer engender engineer engraver enhancer enjoyer enlivener entail enterpriser entertainer enthusiast entrant entrepreneur enumerator equalizer equivocator eraser erecter errant escort escrow essayer estimator esurient etcher ethicist ethnographer ethologist etruscan etymologist eulogist evener evolutionist examiner example excavator exchanger excursionist excuser executant executioner executor executrix exerciser exhibitioner exhibitor exile exon expectant experimenter expert explorer exponent exporter expositor expounder expurgator exquisite exterminator extinguisher extoller extractor extravagant extremist fabricator fabulist factor factoress fagot faint fair falconer faller falsifier fan fancier fantast farmer fartherer fastener faster fatalist father favoress favorite fawner feature feeder feel feeler feeling feller fellow felo-de-se fencer fender ferryman fertilizer fetch fibber fiddler fiend fighter figure file filer filler financier finder finer finisher firebrand fireman fisher fisherman fishwife fitter flanker flapper flasher flatter flatterer fleer flesh fletcher flier flippant flirt floater flogger floorwalker florist flouter foe folder follower fomenter fondler fondling footman fop forager forecaster forefather forester forfeiter forger forgiver forlorn former fornicator fornicatress forsooth fortieth forwarder fossil fossilist foster founder foundress four-in-hand fourteenth fourth frame framer frank fratricide free-liver freebooter freedman freeman freer freethinker freezer freighter frequenter friend frier front fruiterer frump fugleman fuller fumbler fumigator furrier fuss futurist gabbier gainer galilean gallant galvanizer gambler gamekeeper gamester ganger garb gardener garnishee garroter gatherer gaul genealogist generator genevan genitor genius genoese gentleman gentlewoman geomancer ghost giant giantess giggler gilder gill girder giver gladder gladiator glazer glazier gleaner glider glutton gnawer goatherd god goddess godfather godmother goer golfer gondolier gossip goth gouge governor gown grabber grader grandee granter graver grazier greaser greenhorn greeter griever grinder grinner groom groover groveler grower growler grumbler grunter guarantee guarantor guard guardsman guerrilla guesser guide guilt gunner gunsmith gusher guzzle gymnast habitue hacker hag haggler hagiologist hairdresser hairsplitter halberdier halfer halter handicapper handicraft hanger hanger-on hangman haranguer harasser harbinger hardwareman harlot harmonizer harpooner harridan harrier harvester harvestman hatchet hater hatrack hatter hauberk haul hauler haulm hauls haunch haunt haustorium hauteur havana have havelock haversack havoc haw haw-haw hawfinch hawk hawkbill hawkbit hawker hawse hawser hawthorn haycock hayfield hayfork hayloft haymaker haymow hayrack hayrick haystack hazard haze hazel hazelnut he head headache headband headdress header headfirst headland headlight headlong headman headpiece headquarters headrace headsail headshake headsman headstall headstock headstrong healing health heap hear heard hearer hearse heart heart-whole heartache heartbreak heartburn heartfelt hearth heartsick heartwood heat heater heath heather heave heavenward heaver heaves hebdomad hebe hebetude hebraist hebrew hebridean hecatomb heckle hectare hectogram hectograph hectolitre hectometre hector hedge hedgehog hedger hedgerow heel heft hegira heifer height heir heiress heirloom hejira held helena heliac helichrysum helicon heliograph heliogravure heliotrope heliotype heliozoa helium helix hell hellbender hellebore hellespont hellhound hello helm helmet helminth helmsman helot help helper helpmeet helter-skelter helve hem hematite hematocele hematoma hemerocallis hemicycle hemimetabola hemipode hemiptera hemipteran hemisphere hemlock hemorrhoids hemp hemstitch henbit henceforth henceforward henchman hencoop hendiadys henhouse henna henroost hep hepatica hepper heptad heptagon herald herb herbalist herbarium herbivore herculean hercules herd herder herdess herdsman here hereabouts hereafter hereford hereinafter hereinbefore hereof hereto heretofore hereupon herewith heritor hermaphrodite hermeneutics hermes hermit hero heron herpes herpetologist herr herschel hesitant hesperides hesperus heterodox heteronym heteroptera heulandite hew hewer hewn hexad hexagon hexahedron hexangular hexapod hexapoda hiatus hibiscus hiccough hiddenite hide hidebound hie hierarch hieroglyph higgle high high-flown high-low high-pressure high-strung high-top highbinder highborn highflier highland highlander highroad highwayman hilar hill hilling hillock hillside hilltop hilt hilum hilus himalayan hind hinder hinderer hinderest hindermost hindgut hindi hindmost hindoo hindu hindustani hinge hint hip hippobosca hippocampus hippocrates hippodrome hippopotamus hire hireling hirer hires hirsute hirudinea hirudo hirundo hiss histologist historiographer hit hitch hither hitherto hitter hives ho hoar hoard hoarder hoarfrost hoarse hoax hoaxer hob hobble hobbler hobbyhorse hobnail hobnob hock hod hodgepodge hodman hoe hoecake hog hogback hogchoker hogget hogshead hogwash hoist hold holder holdfast hole holibut holing holla holland hollander hollands hollo holloa hollow hollyhock holmium holocaust holocephali holograph holometabola holster homarus home homemade homeopath homer homesick homespun homestead homesteader homeward homewards homicide homiletics homograph homonym homoptera homopteran homunculus honest honeybee honeycomb honeydew honeymoon honeysucker honeysuckle honk honor honorarium hood hoodlum hoodoo hoodwink hoof hook hookah hooker hoop hoopoe hoopoo hoosier hoot hop hope hoper hopper hopple hopscotch horde hordeolum horehound horizon horn hornbeam hornbill hornblende hornbook hornet hornpipe hornpout hornwort horologe horologer horologist horror horror-struck horse horseback horseflesh horsehair horsehead horsehide horselaugh horseman horsemint horsepond horseshoe horseshoer horsetail horsewhip horsewoman horticulture horticulturist hosanna hosier hospice host hostel hostess hostile hostler hot hotchpotch hotel hotfoot hothouse hotspur hottentot houdah hound hour hourglass houri hours house housebreaker housebuilder household householder housekeeper houseroom housewife housework houyhnhnm hove hovel hover howdah however howitzer howl howler hub hubble-bubble hubbub huck huckaback huckster hud huddle huddler hue huff hug huge hugger hugger-mugger huguenot hulk hull hullabaloo hullo hum human humanist humankind humble humblebee humbler humbles humbug humdrum humectant humerus hummer hummock humor humorist hump humpback humus hun hunch hunchback hundreder hundredfold hundredth hung hunger hunk hunker hunks hunt hunter huntress huntsman hurdle hurl hurler hurling hurons hurrah hurries hurt hurter hurtle husband husbandman hush husk hussar hussite hustings hustle hut hutch hyacinth hyades hydra hydrangea hydrant hydrargyrum hydraulics hydride hydrocarbon hydrocele hydrocephalus hydrochloride hydrodynamics hydrologist hydromel hydrophyte hydrostatics hydrothorax hydroxide hydrozoa hydrus hyena hygienics hygienist hygrodeik hymenium hymenomycetes hymenopter hymenoptera hymenopteran hymn hyoscyamus hypanthium hyperbaton hyperbola hyperbole hyperborean hypericum hyperotreta hypnotizer hypo hypoblast hypochlorite hypochondriac hypochondrium hypocrite hypoderma hypodermis hypospadias hypotenuse hyracoidea hyrax hyson hyssop hysterics iceman iconoclast idealist ideologist idiot idler idolater idolizer ignitor ignoramus ignorant illustrator imbiber immigrant impairer impatient impeller impenitent imperialist impersonator impertinent importer impostor impotent impressionist improver in inamorata inca inciter income incontinent independent indexer indicator inducer infanticide infidel inflater informant informer inhabitant inhaler inheritor initiator injector inlander inn innocent innovator inoculator inquirer inquisitor insolvent inspector inspirer instigator instructor instructress instrumentalist insulator insurer insurgent insurrectionist intensifier intercessor interlocutor interloper internationalist interpreter interrogator interrupter interviewer intolerant intriguer intruder invader inventor investigator investor iota iowas ipecac iran ire iridescent iridium iris irishman irk irksome iron ironclad ironer ironist ironmonger ironsides ironware ironwood ironwork iroquois irregular irreligionist irresolute irreverent irritant is isabella isatis ischias ischium isinglass islam island islander isle islet ism isobar isomer isopod isopoda isosceles isospondyli isotherm israelite issue issuer isthmus it itch item itinerant its ixodes izzard jabber jack-o-lantern jackpot jackscrew jacksnipe jackstraw jacob jacobite jaconet jacquard jade jadeite jaeger jag jagger jaguar jaguarondi jail jailer jak jakes jalousie jam jamaica jamaican jamb jan jangle jangling janitor jansenist janus japan japanese jape japonica jar jargon jasper jaundice jaunt java javanese jaw jean jeer jeerer jeers jehovah jejune jejunum jell jennet jerboa jeremiad jerk jerker jerry-built jerusalem jest jester jesuit jesus jet jet-black jetsam jettison jew jewbush jewel jeweler jewess jezebel jib jibe jig jigger jiggle jilt jingle jingling jingo jinn jinnee jinrikisha job jobber jocular jocund jog jogger joggle john joiner joint jointer jointure jointuress jointworm joist joke joker jolt jonah jongleur jonquil jordan jorum joseph joss jostle jot jotter joule jounce journalist journeyer journeyman joust jove jowl jubilant jubilee judas judge judicature jug juggernaut juggle juggler juggling juglans jugular juice jujube juke julep julienne jumble jump jumper junco juncture june jungle junior juniper junk junker junket junta junto jupiter jurist juror juryman just justice justiciar justifier jut jute jutes juvenile kayak keeper kerchief kern kicker kidnaper killer kindergartner kinsman kisser kite knacker knave knavess kneeler knell knitter knocker know-all knower kopeck kurd l laborer ladino lag laggard laird lamaist lamb lame lamenter lamplighter lancer lander landlubber landman landsman languisher larcener larcenist lasher lass lates latex lath lathe lather latinist latitude latter lattice latticework laud laudanum laudator lauder laugh laugher laughingstock laughter launce launch launder laundress laundryman laurel laurus lava lave lavender laver lavisher law lawbreaker lawgiver lawmaker lawn lawsuit lawyer lax layer layman lazar lazaret lazaretto laze lazuli lazybones lea leach lead leader leadwort leaf leaflet leafstalk league leak lean lean-to leap leaper leapfrog lear learn learner lease leasehold leaseholder leash least leastways leather leatherback leatherette leatherneck leatherwood leave leaver leaves leavings lech lecher lectern lector lecture lecturer ledge ledger lee leech leek leer lees leeward left left-hand leg legatee legato legend leger leghorn legislator legislature legume leipoa leister leisure leitmotif lemma lemniscus lemon lemonade lemur lemuroidea lena lend lender lendes lends length lengthways lenient lens lent lententide lenticel lenticular lentiform lentigo lentil lentisk lento leo leon leontodon leopard lepas leper lepidolite lepidoptera lepidote les less lessee lesser lesses lesson lessor lest let letch lethe letter letterer letterpress lettuce letup leucadendron leucocyte leucoma levant levanter levator levee level leveler leveling lever leveret leviathan levite leviticus lewd lewis lexicographer lexicologist lexicon li liana liar libel libeler liberalist liberator libra librettist libretto libyan lice license licensee licenser lichi licit lick licorice lie lief liege liegeman lieger lier lieu lieutenant life lifeblood lifeboat lifelong lifetime lift lifter ligan ligature light lighter lighterman lighthouse lights lightsome lightwood lignite ligule like likelihood lilac lilt lima liman limax limb limber limbo limbus lime limekiln limewater limit limiter limn limner limonite limp limper limpet limulus lind linear lineman liner lingam linger lingerer lingo lingua linguist linguistics link linkman linnean linnet linoleum linstock lint lintel lintwhite linum lionet lip lipogram lipoma liquescent liqueur liquidambar liquidator liquor liquorice lira liriodendron lisbon lisle lisp lisper liss lissom lissome list listener lister lit litchi lite liter literati literatim literature lithe lither lithesome lithium lithoglyptics lithograph lithographer lithophyte litigant litigator litmus litotes litre litter litterateur little littorina littress liturgics liturgist live-forever livelihood livelong liver liverleaf liverwort liveryman lives liza lizard llama llano lloyds loach load loader loadstar loaf loafer loam loan loath loathe loather loathsome loaves lob lobar lobbyist lobe lobscouse lobster lobular lobule lobworm locale locator loch lock locker locket lockjaw lockman lockout locksmith lockup loco locomotor locule loculus locus locust locusta lode lodestar lodge lodger loess loft log logan logarithm loge logger loggerhead loggerheads logics logistics logogram logomachist logos logotype logroll logrolling logwood loir loiter loiterer loki loligo loll lollipop lollop lombard london londoner lonesome long longan longboat longbow longer longhand longhorn longicorn longitude longlegs longshoreman longways loo look lookdown looker lookout loom loon loop looper loophole loos loosestrife loot looter lop lope lopper loquat lord lore lorgnette lorica loricata lorikeet loser loss lost lot loth lothario lotto lotus lotus-eater loud lough lounge lounger lour louse lout louver louvre love lovelorn lover lovesome low low-pressure lowborn lower lowermost lowland lowlander loyalist lozenge lu lubber lubricant lubricator luce lucent lucerne lucifer luck lucre luculent luddite lues luff lug lugger lugsail lugworm luke lukewarm lull lumbago lumbar lumber lumberman lummox lump lumper lumpsucker luna lunar lunch luncheon lunette lung lunge lungis lunisolar lunt lunula lunule lupus lurch lurcher lure lurk lurker lush lust luster lustre lustrum lutanist lute lutenist lutheran lutist lux luxe luxuriant lycanthrope lyceum lychee lychnis lycoperdon lycopod lycopodium lye lygodium lymph lymphadenoma lymphoma lynch lynx lyra lyre lyrist lyssa mace macer machete machinator machinist macho macintosh mackerel mackinaw mackintosh mackle macrobiotics macrocosm macron macropus macrosporangium macrospore macula macule mad madam madame madcap madder madderwort made madeira mademoiselle madhouse madman madnep madonna madoqua madrepore madrigalist madwort maelstrom maestro magenta maggot magi magilp magistrature magma magnesite magnesium magnet magnetics magnetite magnetograph magnificat magnificent magnifico magnifier magniloquent magnitude magnum magpie magyar maha mahabharatam maharajah mahdi mahoe mahound mahout mahratta maidenhair maidenhead maidenhood maidhood maidservant maiger maigre mail mailing maim mainland mainmast mains mainsail mainsheet maintainer majolica major major-domo majuscule make make-believe make-peace make-up maker makeshift makeweight malacca malachite malacologist malacopterygii malacostraca maladroit malaga malapropos malar malayalam malayan malcontent male maledict malefactor maleficent maleo malevolent malice malign malignant maligner malinger malingerer mall mallard mallet malleus mallophaga mallotus mallow mallows malodor malpractice malt maltese maltha maltman maltreat maltster mama mamma mammalogist mammee mammilla mammon mammoth man man-eater manacle manager manatee manchu mandamus mandator mandibular mandioc mandioca mandragora mandrake mandrel mandrill manes maneuver maneuverer manganese manganite mange mangel-wurzel manger mangle mangler mango mangonel mangrove manhole manhood maniac manichean manichee manicure manifest manifesto manifold manihot manila manilla manioc manipulator manis mankind manna manner manor manse manservant manslaughter manslayer manta mantel mantelet mantelpiece mantilla mantis mantissa mantle mantlet mantling mantra mantrap mantua manubrium manufacture manufacturer manul manumit manure manus manuscript manx manzanita maori map maple mar mara marabou marabout maranta maraschino marasmus maraud marauder marble marbling marc march marcher mare marge margosa margrave marguerite marigold marimba marinade mariner marionette maritime marjoram mark marker market marketer markhoor marksman marl marlite marmalade marmorean marmoset marmot maroon marque marquee marquess marquis marrow marrubium mars marsala marseilles marsh marshaling marsupium mart martagon martinet martingale martinmas martyr martyrdom marvel mascot maser mash masher mask masker mason masora masorite masque masquerade masquerader mass massacre massasauga masser masseter masseur masseuse massicot mast master masterpiece masterwort masthead mastiff mastodon mat matador match matcher matchlock matchmaker matelote mater materialist math mathematics matriarch matricide matrix matron matt matte matter matter-of-fact mattock mattress mature maturer matzoth maul mauling maund maunder mausoleum mauve maverick mavis maw maxilla maxim maximum maya maybe mayflower mayhap mayhem mayor mayoress maypole maypop mazama maze mazer mazurka me mead meadow meager meagre mealies mealtime mean meander meant meantime meanwhile measles measure measurer meat meatus mechanics mechanist meconium medalist meddle meddler meddlesome meddling mediant mediastinum mediator mediatrix medics mediocre mediterranean medium medlar medulla medusa meek meerkat meerschaum meet meeter meetinghouse megachile megalith megalocyte megalopolis megalosaur megalosaurus megapode megathere megatherium megilp megohm megrim melastoma melchite meleagris melena melilot melissa mellow melodrama melon melt melter member memento memoir memorandum menace menagerie mend mender mendicant mends menhir meninges meniscus mennonite menopause menses menstruum mentha mentor mentum menu meow mercantile mercer merchandiser merchant merchantman mere merganser merge merger mericarp meringue merino meristem merit merl merle merlon merman merostomata merry-go-round merrymaker mesa mesdames mesembryanthemum mesencephalon mesh mesmerist mesmerizer mesoblast mesocarp mesocolon mesoderm mesohippus meson mesothelium mesquit mesquite mess messenger messiah messidor messieurs mest mester mestizo met metabola metabolite metacarpus metallurgist metamere metaphor metaphysics metatarsus metazoa metazoan mete metencephalon meteor meteorite meteorologist meter meth method methodist metre metronome metropolis metropolitan mettle mettlesome mew mewl mews mexican mezereon mezuzoth mezzo mezzo-relievo mezzo-rilievo mezzo-soprano mezzotint mi miamis miasm miaul mica mice michaelmas mickle micmacs microbe micrococcus microcosm microcyte microfarad micron micropyle microscopist microsporangium microspore microvolt midas middle middleman middlemost middler middling middlings midgard midge midget midland midmost midnight midrash midrib midriff midshipman midships midst midsummer midweek midwife midwinter miff might mignonette migrant mikado milanese milch mild mildew mile milepost milfoil militant militarist militiaman milk milker milkman milksop milkwort mill millboard milldam millennium miller millerite millet milliard milligram millilitre millimetre milliner milling millionaire millionairess millionth millwork millwright milt milvus mime mimeograph mimicker mimosa mina minaret mince mincer mind minder miner mineralogist minerva minge mingle mingle-mangle miniature miniaturist minibus minim minimum minimus minister ministrant minium miniver mink minnow minor minos minotaur minster minstrel mint minter minuend minuet minus minuscule minute minuteman minx mirabilis miracle mire mirror mirth mite miter miterwort mithras mitre mitt mix mixer mixture mizzenmast mizzle mnemonics mnemosyne mo moa moan moat mob mobcap mobile mocha mock mocker mode model modeler modeling moder moderato moderator modern modernist modest modicum modifier modiolus modiste modular module modulus mogul mohair mohammedan mohawk mohicans moho moil moire moist moistener moisture moke mola molar molasses mold moldboard molder mole molech molecular molecule molehill molest molester moll mollah molle mollusc mollusca molluscum mollusk moloch molt molto molybdenite molybdenum momentum momot momus mona monad monarch monarchess monarchist monas monera moneran moneron moneyer moneywort monger mongolians mongols mongrel monitor monk monkshood mono monocarp monochrome monocle monocotyledon monogamist monogram monograph monolith monologist monologue monomaniac monophysite monopolist monopolizer monotheist monotremata monotreme monotropa monotype monovalent monoxide monsieur monsoon monster montaigne monte montgolfier month moo mood moolah moon moonbeam moonflower moonie moonlight moonlit moonshiner moonstruck moonwort moor mooress moorland moosewood moot mooter mop mopboard mope moppet moquette morale moraler moralist morass morceau mordant more morel morello moreover moresque morgue moribund mormon morn moro moroccan morocco morpheus morris morrow morse morsel mortar mortgagee mortgager mortgagor morula morus moselle moses moslem mosque mosquito moss moss-grown mossback most mot mote motet moth mother mother-in-law mother-of-pearl motherhood motherland motherwort motif motile motmot motor motorman mottle motto mouflon mould mouldboard moulder moult mound mount mountaineer mountebank mounter mourn mourner mouse mouser moustache mouth mouthpiece move mover mow mower mown moxie much muck muckle mucopurulent mucor mucus mud muddle muff muffle muffler mufti mug mugil mugwort mugwump muhammadan muhammedan muharram mulatto mulch mulct mule muleteer mull mulla mullah muller mullet multicellular multicolor multiform multipartite multiple multiplex multiplicand multiplier multipotent multitude multivalent mum mumble mumbler mumbling mummer mummichog mumps munch muncher mung munificent munjeet muntjac murder murderer murderess murk murmur murmurer murre mus musa musca muscadel muscat muscatel musci muscle muscling muscovite muscular musculature muse muser musette museum mush mushroom musk muskat muskellunge musket musketeer muskmelon muskogees muskrat muskwood muslim musquash muss mussel must mustache mustang mustard muster mute mutilator mutineer mutter mutterer mutton muzzle mya mycelium mycologist myelencephala myelencephalon mylodon myna myocardium myogram myoma myomorpha myope myosotis myriad myriagram myriametre myriapod myriapoda myrica myrmidon myrobalan myroxylon myrrh myrtle myth mythologist mytilus myxoma n nabob nailer name namer narrator narrower nationalist naturalist naturist navigator necromancer needer needlewoman neglecter negotiator negotiatrix negress neighbor neologist neoplatonist nephew nepotist neurologist neuter neutralist newcomer newsman newsmonger nibbler niece niggard niggler nihilist nincompoop nipper no nobleman nominator nominee nonconformist nonmember nonpareil nonresident nonresistant noodle norman northerner noticer novice ns nt nullifier numberer numerator nun nurse nurser nurseryman nursling o oaf oak oakum oar oatcake oath obeah obedient obelisk obese obi obit object objector obligato oblige obliger oblique oblong oboe oboist obolus obscurantist obscure obscurer observant observe observer obsess obsolesce obsolescent obsolete obstacle obstetrics obstruct obstructer obstructionist obstruent obtrude obtund obturator obtuse obverse oca occident occidentals occiput occlude occult occultist occupant occupier occur occurrent ocean oceanus ocellus ocelot ocher ochre octad octagon octahedron octangular octant octave octavo octet october octopod octopoda octopus octoroon octroi octuple ocular oculist oculomotor oculus od odalisque odd odds ode odist odium odonata odor ods off offend offender offense offer offerer offhand office officeholder officer officiant offset offshoot offshore oft oftentimes ofttimes ogdoad ogee ogle ogler ogre ogress oh ohm oil oilbird oilcloth oiler oilman ojibways oker okra old oldster olea oleander oleaster olecranon olibanum oligarch oligoclase olivenite oliver olla olympiad omahas omasum omega omelet omentum omit ommatidium omnibus omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnium-gatherum omphalocele omphalos on onager once oncidium one one-horse oneidas ones onomasticon onondagas onrush onset onslaught onus onward onwards onychophora onyx oolong ooze opah opalesce opalescent opaque open-air openbill opener openwork opera operand operant operator opercula operculum operetta ophiophagus ophiuchus ophiurida ophiuroidea ophryon ophthalmologist opisthotonos opium opopanax opossum opponent opportune opportunist opposer opposite oppress oppressor opprobrium oppugn optics optimist opulent opus or ora orach orache oracle oracular orang orange orangeade orangeman orator oratorio orb orbicular orbit orchard orchestra orchil orchis ordainer order orderer ordinand ordure ore oread oreide organ organdie organist organizer organon orgasm orgies oriel orient orientalist orifice oriflamme origanum originator oriole orison orleans orlop ormer ormolu ormuzd ornithologist ornithopoda ornithorhynchus oroide orotund orphan orphanhood orpheus orris orthoclase orthodox orthopedist orthoptera orthopteran ortolan ortygan oryx oryza os osages osar oscan oscines oscitant osier osiris osmanli osmium osmund oss ossicle ossiculum ostensorium osteoblast osteoclast osteologer osteologist osteoma osteosarcoma ostiole ostler ostracoda ostracodermi ostrea ostrich ostrogoth other otis otologist ottar ottawas otter ottoman oubliette ounce ouse ousel oust ouster ouzel ova ovenbird oviduct oviform ovipositor ovolo ovular ovule ovum owe owl owlet own owner ox oxalis oxbow oxeye oxford oxheart oxide oxidizer oxime oxlip oxtongue oxymoron oyster ozocerite pack packer packet packman pact pad padder paddle paddock pademelon padlock paducahs pagan pageant pagoda pahlevi pahoehoe paigle pail paillasse pains paint painter pair palace palaver pale paleface paleographer paleographist paleolith paleontologist palestra palette palgrave pali palimpsest palindrome paling palinurus palisade pall pall-mall palladium pallas pallbearer pallet palliasse pallium pallor palm palmar palmer palmetto palmister palmyra palpebra palpitant palsgrave palter pampas pamper pamperer pamphlet pamphleteer pan panacea panache pancake pancreas panda pandanus pandar pandemonium pander pandora panduriform panegyrist panel paneling pang panic-struck panicle panicum pannier panopticon panorama pant pantaloon pantechnicon pantheist pantheon panther pantile pantograph pantomime pantomimist pap papa papaver papaw paper paperweight papilla papilliform papilloma papist pappus papuan papule papyrus par para parabola parachute paraclete parade paradigm paradisiac paradox paragon paragonite paragraph paragrapher paraguayan parakeet paraldehyde paralipomenon parallax parallel parallelogram parallelopipedon paralyse paralyze paramount paramour paramours parapet paraph paraphrase parapodium paraquet parasite parboil parcel parceling parch parchesi pardon pardoner pare parenchyma parent parenthood parer parget pariah paries parietes paris parishioner parisienne park parker parlor parmesan parnassus parodist parole paroquet paroxysm parquet parr parrakeet parricide parrot parse parsee parser parsnip parson part partake partaker parterre parthenon participant participle particle particular partisan partita partner partook partridge parturient parvenu parvis pas pasch pascha pasha pasquinade pass passado passant passementerie passenger passer passeres passiflora passim passover passport password past paste pasteboard pastel paster pastern pastil pastille pastime pastor pastorale pasture pat pataca patas patch patchouli patchwork patella patellar patelliform patent patentee paterfamilias paternoster path pathfinder pathologist pathos patient patina patio patois patriarch patricide patriot patristics patrolman patron patter pattern paul paunch pauper pauropoda pause pavan pave pavior pavo paw pawl pawn pawnbroker pawnee pawnees pawpaw pax payee payer paymaster paynim pea peace peacemaker peach peachick peacock peafowl peak pean peanut pear pearl pearlings pearlite pearlwort peasant pease peat peba pebble pecan peccadillo peccant peck pecker pecopteris pectus peculator peculiar pedagog pedagogics pedagogue pedant peddle peddler peddling pederast pedicel pedicle pediculati pediculus pedigree pedipalpi pedlar peduncle pee peek peekaboo peel peeler peep peeper peephole peer peeress peewit peg pegasus pegmatite pehlevi pekan pekoe pelargonium pelecaniformes pelf pelican pelisse pell-mell pellet pellicle pelt pelter peludo pelvis pemmican pemphigus penchant pencil penciling pendant pendent pendragon pendulum penelope peninsula peninsular penis penitent penknife penman pennant pennatula pennon pennoncel pennoncelle pennyweight pennyworth penologist pens pensioner penstock pent pentacle pentad pentagon pentagram pentahedron pentail pentangle pentangular pentastomida pentateuch pentathlon pentavalent pentecost pentecostals penthouse pentoxide penuchle penult penultima penumbra peon people peorias peplus pepper peppercorn pepperidge peppermint pepperwort peradventure perambulator perca percale perceiver percept perch percher percheron perchloride perciformes percipient percoidea percolator percomorphi percuss perdix perfect perfecter perfectionist perforce perform performer perfume perfumer perfuse perhaps peri perianth pericardiac pericardium pericarp periclase peridium peridot peridotite perigee perigonium peril perilla perilymph perimysium perineum perineurium period periosteum peripatus perisperm perissodactyla peristyle perithecium peritoneum periwig periwinkle perjure perjurer perk permanent permeant permians permit permute pernio peroxide perpendicular perpetrator perplex perquisite persecute persecutor perseus persevere persimmon persist persistent person persona personnel perspire persuade persuader pert pertinent perturb peruke peruse pervade perverse pervert pes peseta peso pessimist pest pester pesterer pesthouse pestilent pestle pet petard peter petiole petiolule petitioner petrel petrogale petrolatum petroleum petticoat pettifog pettifogger petulant pew pewee pewit pewter peziza pfennig phagocyte phalanger phalanges phalangist phalanx phalarope phallus phantasm phantom pharaoh pharisee pharmacist pharmacologist pharos pharynx phase phaseolus pheasant phenomenon philander philanderer philanthropist philatelist philhellenist philip phillipsite phillyrea philologist philologue philomath philosopher philosophizer philter phiz phlebogram phlebotomist phlegm phleum phlogiston phlogopite phlox phoca pholas phonetics phonics phonogram phonograph phonologist phosphor phosphoresce phosphorescent phosphorus photo photograph photographer photogravure photolithograph photomicrograph photosphere phrase phrenologist phyle phyllode phylloxera phylum physa physeter physicist physics physiologist physique phytelephas phytolacca phytologist pi pianissimo pianist piano pianoforte piaster piastre piazza pibroch pica picador picaresque picayune piccalilli piccolo picea pichiciago piciformes pick pickaback pickax pickaxe picker pickerel picket pickle pickpocket picnicker pictograph picture picturesque picul piculet picus piddle piddling piddock pie piebald piece piecework piedmont pieplant pier pierce pig pigeon pigeonhole pignut pigtail pika pike pikestaff pilaster pilau pilchard pile piles pileus pilewort pilfer pilferer pilgrim piling pill pillager pillar pillow pillowcase pillwort pilot pimenta pimento pimlico pimp pimpernel pimple pinafore pince-nez pincers pinch pinchbeck pindar pineapple pinesap pinetum pinfold pinguicula pinite pink pinkroot pinna pinnace pinnacle pinner pinnule pinocle pinole pint pintado pintail pintle pintos pinus pinworm pioneer pip pipa pipe piper pipette pipewort pipistrel pipistrelle pipit pipra pipsissewa piquant pique piquet pirogue pirouette pisces pisiform pismire piss pistachio piste pistil pistoleer piston pit pita pitahaya pitch pitch-black pitch-dark pitchblende pitcher pitchfork pitfall pith pitman pitta pivot pix pixie pizzicato placard place placebo placeman placenta placer placket placoderm placodermi plagiarist plagioclase plague plaice plainsman plaint plaintiff plait plaiter plan planchet planchette planer planet planetarium plangent plank planner plant plantar planter plantigrade plantlet planula plaque plash plasm plasmodium plaster plasterer plasterwork plastron plat platan platanus plateau plater platform platinum platitude platonist platoon plattdeutsch platter platypus plaudit playbill playbook player playfellow playgoer playground playhouse playmaker playtime playwright plaza plea pleach plead pleader pleadings pleasant please pleaser pleasure pleat plebe plebiscite plectognath plectognathi plectrum pledge pledgee pledger pleiades plenitude plenum pleonasm pleonaste pleopod plesiosaur plesiosaurus plethora plethysmograph pleura pleurocarp pleurodont plexus pliant plica pliers plight plinth ploce plod plodder plot plotter plough ploughman ploughshare ploughwright plover plow plower plowland plowman plowshare plowwright pluck plug plugger plum plumb plumbago plumber plume plummet plump plumper plumule plunder plunderer plunge plunger pluperfect pluralist plus plush pluteus pluto plutocrat plyer pneumatics pneumatophore pneumococcus pneumothorax poa poach poacher pochard pock pocket pocketbook pocketknife pockmark pod podetium podiceps podium podocarp podophyllum poe poem poet poetess poetics poi poignant poinciana point point-blank pointel pointer pointrel pointsman poison poisoner poke poker polack polar polaris polder pole poleax poleaxe polecat polemicist polemics polemist polemonium polenta poler polestar police policeman poling polisher polite politesse politics polka poll pollack pollard pollex polling pollinium polliwog pollock pollucite pollute polluter pollux pollywog polo poltroon polyanthus polychrome polygala polygamist polyglot polygon polygonum polygraph polygynist polyhedron polymer polymorph polynesians polyp polypi polyplacophora polypodium polyporus polyptoton polypus polysyndeton polytechnics polytheist polyvalent polyzoa polyzoan pomade pomatum pome pomelo pomfret pommel pomologist pomp pompadour pompano pompon poncho pond ponder ponderer pongee pongo poniard pons pontifex pontiff pontoon pood poodle pooh-pooh pooler pooling poon poop poor poorhouse pop pope popgun poplar popper poppet populace popular popularizer porbeagle porch pore porifera poriferan pork porker porridge porringer port porta portass portcullis porte portent porter porteress porterhouse portfolio porthole portico portmanteau portos portrait portraitist portraiture portrayer portuguese portulaca poser posit positivist poss posse possess possessor posset possum post post-mortem postcava poster posteriors postern postfix posthouse postlude postman postmark postmaster postponer postscript postulant posture posturer pot potash potashes potassium potato potboiler potent pother pothole pothook pothouse potluck potman potoroo potpie potpourri potsherd potter pottle potto pouch poulterer poultice pounce pound pounder pour pout pouter powder power powwow pox poyou practice practitioner pragmatist prairie prakrit pram prancer prank praseodymium prater pratincole prattle prattler prawn praxis prayer preach preacher preamble prearrange precede precedent precentor precept preceptor precinct precipice precipitant precipitator preclude precursor predecease predecessor predict predictor predigest predominant preface prefect prefecture prefer prefigure prefix preform pregnant prehend prehensile prejudge prejudice prelatess prelude premature premier premiss premium premolar prentice prepare preponderant prepossess prepuce prerequisite presbyope presbyter prescribe prescript present presenter preserve preserver preside president presidio press pressman pressor pressure prestidigitator prestige prestissimo presto presume pretend pretender pretense preterist preterit preterite pretermit pretext pretor pretorium pretzel prevail prevailing prevalent prevaricator prevenient prevent price prick pricker pricket prickle prickleback prickling pride priest priestcraft priestess priesthood prig prim primates prime primer primipara primo primogenitor primogeniture primp primula primus prince princedom princeling princess princewood principle prink print printer prior prioress prison prisoner privateer privateersman privet privilege prizer pro probationer probe problem proboscidea proboscidean proboscis procedure proceeds process proclaim proconsul proconsular procrastinator procrustean procrustes proctocele proctor procumbent procurator procure procurer procuress procyon prod prodrome produce producer product profaner profess professor proffer proficient profile profiling profit profound profuse progenitor progne prognosticator program programma programme progress prohibit prohibitionist project projectile projector prolapse prolapsus prolegomenon proletariat prolix prolog prologue prolong prolonge promenade prometheus prominent promisee promiser promisor promote promoter prompt prompter promptitude promulgator pronator prong prongbuck pronghorn pronoun pronounce pronucleus pronunciamento proof prop propaganda propagandist propagator propel propeller proper prophesier prophet prophetess prophylaxis proponent proposer propound proprietor proprietress props prorogue proscenium proscribe prosecute prosecutor proselyte prosencephalon prospect prospector prospectus prosper prostitute prostyle protagonist protean protect protectionist protector proteles protest protestant protester proteus prothalamium prothorax protist protista protohippus protoplasm protoplast prototype protozoa protozoan protract protractile protractor protrude protrusile protuberant proud prove provender proverb provide provident provider province proviso provoke provost prow prowess prowl prowler prowling prox proximo prude prudent prune prunella pruner prunus prurient prurigo pruritus psalm psalmist psalter psalterium pseudocarp pseudonym pseudopod pseudopodium pseudoscorpiones psoas psyche psychics psychologist psychophysics psychopomp psylla ptarmigan pteridologist pteridophyta pterosaur pterygium puberulent pubes pubescent pubis publican publicist publisher puccoon puce puck pucker pud puddle puddler puddling pudenda pudendum pueblo puerile puff puffball puffer pug pugilist puissant puke pulas pulchritude pule pulex puling pull pullback puller pullet pulmonata pulp pulpit pulque pulsatilla pulse puma pumice pummel pump pumpernickel pun punch puncher punctilio punctum puncture pundit pung pungent punk punnet punster punt punter pup pupa pupil puppet purana purblind purchase purchaser purdah pure purge purifier purim purist puritan purl purlieu purling purple purport purpura purr purse purse-proud purser pursuant pursue pursuer pursuit purulent purveyor purview pus push pusher puss pustule put put-up putrescent putter puttyroot puzzle pycnidium pycnogonida pyjama pylon pylorus pyracanth pyre pyrite pyrites pyrolusite pyromorphite pyrope pyrophorus pyrophyllite pyrotechnics pyrrhotite pyrus pythagorean python pyx pyxidium pyxis quack quadroon quaffer quaker quarrel quat quester questioner quibbler quickener quidnunc quieter quitter quiver quiz quizzer quoter race racer racker raftsman ragpicker raider raiser rambler rammer ramp ranger ranker rape rapper rat ratepayer ratifier rationalist ratter rattler raver ravisher rhymer rider ridiculer rigger righter ringer rioter rip ripper riser ritualist river riveter roadster roamer roarer roaster robber rocker rogue roller romancer romanist romanticist roofer rooter ropedancer roper roughrider rounder rouser rover rower royalist rubber ruiner ruler ruling ruminator runner runt ruralist rusher rustler sacrificer saddler sailing sailmaker sailor saint salesman saleswoman salter saluter salver salvor samaritan sampler sapper saree satanist satellite satirist satisfier saunterer savant saver savior savoyard sawyer saxon scab scaler scalper scapegrace scattergood sceneshifter schemer scholar schoolmaster schoolmistress scientist sciolist scoffer scold scolder scorer scorner scot scotchman scoundrel scourer scourger scrag scrambler scraper scratcher scrawler scribbler scribe scrivener scrub scrubber scrutinizer scull sculler sculptor seafarer sealer seaman seamster seamstress searcher seasoner secessionist second seconder secularist securer sedan seducer seductress seeder seedsman seeker seer seizer selector self self-defense self-seeker seller sender senior sensationalist sensualist sentient sentimentalist sentinel separatist separator sequela sequester sermonizer serpent servant server service setter settler settling seventeenth sewer shadow shamer shammer shaper shareholder sharer shark sharper shaver shearer shedder sheller shelter shepherd shepherdess shield shifter shingler shipper shipwright shirk shirker shoeblack shoemaker shooter shopkeeper shoplifter shopper shopwalker shortener shot shouter shoveler shower showman shrimper shuffler shutter shyster siamese sider sifter signalman signature signer silversmith simperer simpler simpleton simulator singer sinker sinner sir sirrah sister sitter six-footer sixteenth skater sketcher skimmer skinflint skinner skipper skirmisher skulk skulker slam slanderer slapper slater slattern slaughterer slave slaveholder slayer sleeper sleepwalker sleepyhead slicer slider slighter slinger slip slipper slobberer slopseller slugger slumberer slur slut slyboots smasher smelling smelter smiler smith smoker smoother smuggler snapper snarer snatcher sneaker sneerer sniveler snob snood snorer snorter snuffbox snuffer snuffler so-so soaker socialist sociologist soft softener sojourner solderer soldier solicitor soloist solver somnambulist somniloquist son son-in-law songster songstress soothsayer soprano sorb sorbefacient sorbent sorbet sorcerer sorceress sore sorehead sorex sorghum sorgo sori sorrel sorrow sort sorter sortes sortie sorus soss sot sou soubrette soubriquet souchong soudan souffle sough sought soul sound sounder soup sour source sours soursop sourwood souse souslik soutache south southeast southeaster southeastern southeastward souther southern southerner southernmost southernwood southmost southward southwards southwest southwester southwestern southwestward souvenir sovereign sow sower sown spa space spade spadefoot spadix spaghetti spall span spandrel spang spangle spaniard spaniel spank spanker spanner spar spare sparer sparerib sparge spark sparker sparkle sparkler sparkling sparling sparrow sparse spartan spasm spat spatchcock spathe spatter spatula spawl spawn spawner speak speaker spear spearhead spearmint specialist specie species speck speckle spectacle spectacular spectator specter spectre spectrum specular speculator speculum speech speechifier speechmaker speeder speedwell speer speke spell spellbound speller spelling spelt spelter spencer spend spender spendthrift spent sperm spermaceti spermatocyte spermophile spew spewer sphacelus sphagnum sphalerite sphenodon sphere spherule sphincter sphinx spica spiccato spice spicebush spicer spick spicula spicule spiculum spider spiderwort spigot spike spikelet spikenard spile spill spiller spilt spinach spindle spindlelegs spindleshanks spinel spinet spinnaker spinner spinster spiracle spirant spire spirillum spirit spiritualist spirograph spirt spirula spit spitball spite spitfire spitter spittle spittoon splash splashboard splasher splatter splayfoot spleenwort splendor splenius splice splint splinter splinterproof split splitter splotch splurge splutter spoil spoiler spoke spokeshave spokesman spondee sponge sponger sponsor spook spoon spoonbill spoondrift spoor sporangiophore sporangium spore sporocarp sporophore sporozoa sporran sport sportsman spot spotter spouse spousess spout spouter sprag sprang sprat sprawl spread spread-eagle spreader spree sprig sprigtail springboard springbok springbuck springer springtail springtide springtime sprinkle sprinkler sprinkling sprint sprinter sprit sprite spritsail sprout spruce sprue sprung spud spue spume spun spunk spur spurge spurn spurner spurt sputter sputum spyglass squab squabble squabbler squad squadron squall squalor squama squamata squamule squander squanderer square squarer squash squat squatter squaw squawk squawroot squeak squeaker squealer squeegee squeeze squeezer squelch squib squiggle squilgee squill squilla squinch squint squint-eye squinter squire squirm squirrel squirt squirter stab stabber stableman stabler stabling staccato stack stacte staddle stadium staff stag stage-struck stagecoach stager stagger staggerbush staghound stagnant stainer stair staircase stairhead stake stakeholder stalactite stalactites stalagmite stale stalk stalker stalking-horse stall stalling stalwart stamina stammel stammer stammerer stamp stampede stamper stanch stand standard stander standpipe standpoint standstill stanhope stank stannite stanza stapes staple stapler star starboard starch stare starer stark starlight starling starlit start starter startle starve starveling starwort statant statecraft statehouse stater stateroom statesman stateswoman statics stationer statistics statue statuesque statuette stature status statute staunch stave staves stayer staysail stead steadfast steak stealer stealing stealth steam steamboat steamer steatite steel steeling steelyard steenbok steep steeper steeple steer steerer steersman stegosaurus stela stele stellar steller stem stem-winder stemma stemmer stench stencil stenograph stenographer stent stentor step stepbrother stepchild stepdaughter stepfather stephanotis stepladder stepmother stepparent steppe stepper stepsister stepson stereotype sterile sterling stern sterner sternpost sternum stet stevedore stew steward stewardess stewpan stibnite stick sticker stickle stickler stiff stiffener stifle stifler stigma stigmata stigmatist stile stiletto still still-hunt stillbirth stillborn stiller stilling stillroom stilt stiltbird stimulant stimulus stinger stink stinker stinkhorn stinkpot stint stinter stipe stipend stipes stipple stippling stipule stir stirk stirrer stirrup stitch stitcher stitchwort stoat stock stock-still stockade stockbroker stocker stockholder stockinet stockjobber stockman stoke stokehole stoker stole stolon stoma stomach stomacher stomatopod stomatopoda stomp stone-blind stone-cold stone-dead stone-deaf stonechat stonecrop stonecutter stonehenge stoner stoneroot stoneware stonework stonewort stood stoop stooper stop stopcock stopper stopple storax store storehouse storekeeper storeroom stork storm storybook stoup stout stove stovepipe stover stow strabismus straddle straddling straggle straggler straggling straight straight-out straightedge straightener straightforward strainer strait strake strand strange stranger strangle strangler strangles strap strappado strapper strata stratagem strategics strategist stratum stratus straw strawboard strawworm strayer streak stream streamer streamlet street streetwalker strength strengthener streptococcus stress stretch stretcher strew strewn striatum strickle strict stricture stride strident stridor strife strike striker stringent stringer strip stripe stripling stripper striver strix strobile strode stroke stroll stroller stroma strombus strong stronghold strontianite strontium strop strophanthus strophe strove struck structure struggle struggler strum struma strumpet strung strut struthio stub stubble stubborn stucco stuck stuck-up stud studbook student studio stuff stuffer stumble stumbler stump stumper stun stung stunk stunner stunt stupa stupe stupor sturgeon stutter stutterer stye style stylet stylist stylite stylopodium stylus styrax styx suave sub subacute subaltern subclass subcommittee subcontract subcontractor subdeacon subdivide subdominant subdue subduer subeditor subgenus subgroup subjacent subject subjectivist subjugator subkingdom sublease sublet sublieutenant sublime sublunar submediant submerge submerse submit submitter subocular suborder suborn suborner subscribe subscriber subscript subsequent subserve subservient subside subsist subsoil subspecies substitute substratum substructure subsume subtend subterfuge subterranean subtle subtract subtracter subtrahend suburb suburban subvert subverter succade succedaneum succeeder success successor succinct succor succorer succotash succuba succubus succulent succumb succus such suck sucker suckle suckling sucre sudatorium sudra suds sue suer suet suffer sufferer suffice sufficient suffix suffragan suffragist suffrutescent suffuse sufi sugar sugarplum suggest suggester suicide suit suite suitor sula sulcus sulk sulks sulphide sulphur sultan sultana sum sumac sumach sumatran summer summerhouse summersault summerset summit summon summons sumner sump sumpter sun sunbeam sunbonnet sunburn sunburst sunder sundew sundog sundown sundries sunflower sung sunglass sunk sunlight sunlit sunna sunnite sunset sunshade sunstroke sunup sup super superabundant superb supercargo supercharge supercilium superficies superhuman superincumbent superintend superintendent superior superjacent superlunar supernatant supernaturalist superorder superoxide superscribe superscript supersede supersedure superstructure supervisor supinator supper supplant supplanter supple suppliant supplicant supplier support supporter suppress suppressor supra supraocular supreme sura surbase surcease surcharge surcoat surd sure surf surface surfacer surfboat surfeit surfer surge surgeon surmount surmounter surmullet surname surpass surplice surplus surpriser surrejoinder surrender surrenderer surround surtax surtout surveyor survivor suslik suspect suspecter suspend suspender suspense suspensor suspire sustainer sustentacular susurrant susurrus sutler sutra suttee suture swab swad swaddle swaddling swag swagger swaggerer swale swallow swallowtail swallowwort swam swamp swan swap sward swarm swart swash swashbuckler swat swatch swath swathe swear swearer sweat sweater swede sweep sweeper sweepings sweepstakes sweet sweetbread sweetbrier sweetener sweetheart sweetmeat swell swelling swelter swept swerve swift swifter swiftlet swig swill swillings swim swimmer swimmeret swindle swindler swineherd swinge swinger swingletree swipe swirl swiss switch switchman swivel swizzle swob swoon swoop swop sword swordsman swordtail swore sworn swum swung sybarite sycamore syconium sycophant syllabub syllabus syllogizer sylph sylva sylvan sylvanite sylvite symbolist symbolizer sympathizer symphonist symphyla symploce symposiarch symposiast symposium symptom synagogue syncarp syncope syncytium syndrome synecdoche synentognathi synergist synod synonym synonymist syntax synthesist syphilis syphon syracuse syringa syringe syrinx syrup system systematist systematizer systemizer systole tableau tablecloth tablespoon tablet tableware tabling taboo tabor taboret tabour tabouret tabu tabular tacamahac tacit taciturn tack tacker tackle tackling tact tactics tactile tadpole tael taffeta taffrail tag tagger taguan tail tailboard tailing tailor tailoress tailpiece tailrace tailstock taint taira take take-up taker talbot talc tale talebearer talent tales taleteller talipes talipot talisman talk talker tall tallow tallyman talmud talon talus tam-tam tamandu tamanoir tamarack tamarind tamarisk tambac tambour tame tamer tamias tamil tammuz tamp tamper tampon tan tanager tandem tang tangent tangle tangram tank tanka tankard tanner tantalite tantalizer tantalum tantalus tantamount tantrum tap tapa tape taper tapeworm taphouse tapioca tapir tapis tapper tappet taproom taproot tapster tar tarantella tarantula tarboosh tardigrada tardigrade tare target tariff tarn taro tarot tarpan tarpon tarragon tarsi tarsier tarsius tarsus tart tartan tartar tartarean tartarus tartlet tartufe tartuffe tas task taskmaster tasse tassel tasset taste taster tat tatou tatter tattle tattler tattling tattoo tatu tau taught taunt taurus taut tautog tavern taw taws tax taxer taxidermist taxis taxonomist taxpayer tayra tea teach teacher teacup teak teakettle team teamster teamwork teapot tear tease teasel teaser teasle teaspoon teat teazel technicals technique technologist tectonics tedium tee teem teens teeter teeth teetotaler teetotum teg tegular telamones telegram telegraph telegrapher telegraphist teleologist teleost teleostei tell teller telling telltale telluride tellurium telpher telugu temper tempera temperature tempest templar temple templet tempo temporizer temps tempt tempter temptress ten-strike tenant tench tend tender tenderfoot tendon tendrac tendril tenesmus tenet tenfold tennis tenon tenor tenpins tenrec tense tensile tensor tent tentacle tentacular tentaculata tenter tenth tentmaker tentorium tenure tepee tequila teratoma terbium terce tercel tercelet tercet terebinth teredo terete tergiversator term termagant termer termes terminator terminus termite tern terpsichore terpsichorean terrace terrier terror terrorist terse terzetto tessera test testa testacea testacean testator testatrix tester testes testicle testicular testifier testis testudinata testudo tetanus tether tethys tetrad tetragon tetragrammaton tetrahedron tetrapod tetraspore tetravalent tetroxide tetterwort teuton texas text textile texture th thalamus thaliacea thallium thallophyte thallus thammuz thank thatch thatcher thaumaturge thaumaturgist thaw thea theater theatre theatricals theban theca thecodont theft theist theme themis thenar thenceforth theobroma theodolite theologist theologizer theorem theorist theorizer theosophist therapeutics there thereabout thereabouts thereafter therefor therefore therefrom thereof thereon thereto theretofore thereunder therewith thermidor thermodynamics thermograph thermometrograph thermopile thermostat theropoda thesaurus theta thick thick-knee thicket thickhead thickset thief thieve thigh thill thimble thimblerig think thinker thinner third thirst thirster thirteenth thirtieth thirty-second thistle thither tho thole thong thor thorax thorite thorium thorn thornbill thorough thoroughfare thoroughwort thorpe thoth thou though thought thousand thousandth thraldom thrall thralldom thrash thrasher thread threadbare threader threadworm threat three three-decker threefold thresh thresher threshold threw thrice thrift thrill thrilling thrips throat throatwort throb throe thrombus throng throstle throttle throttler through throughout throve throw thrower thrown throwster thrum thrush thrust thruster thud thug thuggee thuja thule thulium thumb thumbscrew thump thunder thunderbird thunderbolt thunderclap thundercloud thunderer thunderhead thundershower thunderstorm thus thwack thwart thwarter thyme thymus thyrse thyrsus thysanopter thysanoptera thysanura tiara tick ticker ticket tickle tickler ticktack tidbit tide tidings tidytips tie tier tierce tiercel tiff tiger tight tighter tights tigress tike tilde tile tiler tiling till tiller tilt tilter tilth timber timberman timbre timbrel time timekeeper timepiece timer timeserver tinamou tinct tincture tinder tinea tinge tingle tink tinker tinkle tinkling tinner tinnitus tinsel tinsmith tint tinware tip tip-up tipper tippet tipple tippler tipstaff tiptoe tiptop tirade tire tiresome tiro tissue tit titan titanium titbit tithe tither titi titlark title titling titmouse titter tittle tittle-tattle tittle-tattling titular to-do toad toadflax toast toaster toastmaster tobacco tobacconist tobit toboggan tobogganist toccata tod toddle toddler toe toffee tofus toga together toggle toil toiler toilet toilette toilsome tolbooth told tole toledo tolerant toll tollbooth toller tollhouse tollman toltec tolu tom tom-tom tomahawk tomato tomb tombac tomcat tome tomentum tomorrow tomtit ton tonga tongs tongue tongue-tie tonight tonne tonsil tonsure tonus too took tooling toon toot tooth toothache toothbrush toothpick toothsome toothwort top topaz topcoat tope toper topgallant tophus topknot topmast topmost topple topsail topsoil toque tor torch torchbearer torchlight tore toreador tormenter tormentor torn tornado torpedo torpor torque torques torrent torsk torso tort torticollis tortilla tortrix torture torturer torus tosh toss tosser tot tote totem totemist toter totter totterer toucan touch touch-me-not touchback touchdown touchwood tough tour touraco tourist tourniquet tousle tout touter tow towboat towel toweling tower towhee town townsfolk townsman towpath towrope toxicant toxicologist toxotes toyshop trabecula trabecular trace tracer trachea track tracker tract tractile tractor trad trade trader tradesman tradespeople traditionalist traduce traducer trafficker tragacanth tragopan tragus trail trailer trailing trainband trainbearer trainer traipse trait traitor traitress tram trammel tramp tramper trample trampler tranquil tranquilizer tranquillizer transact transactor transcend transcendent transcendentalist transcriber transcript transept transfer transferee transferrer transfigure transfix transform transformer transfuse transgress transgressor transient transit translator translucent transmit transmitter transmute transom transparent transpire transplant transplanter transport transporter transude transverse trap trapes trapeze trapezium trapezohedron trapper trappings trappist traps trash travail trave travel traveler traverse traverser trawl trawler trays treacle tread treadle treadmill treadwheel treason treasure treasurer treasuress treat treater treble trebuchet trebucket tree treenail trefoil trellis trematode tremble trembler trembling tremella tremolite tremolo tremor trenail trench trenchant trencher trend trepan trepang trespass trespasser tress trestle trestlework trews triad triangle triangular tribe tribune tribute trice triceps trichina trichloride trichomanes trichoptera trichopteran trick tricker trickle trickster triclinium tricolor tricot tricycle tridacna trident tridymite trier trifle trifler trifling trifolium trig trigger triglyceride trigon trigram trill trilling trillium trilobite trim trimester trimmer trimurti tringa trinket trio trionyx trioxide trip tripartite tripe triple triplet tripod tripoli tripos tripper triptych trireme trisect trismus trite tritheist triticum triton triumph triumvir triune trivalent trivet trivium troat trochanter troche trochee trochlear trod troglodyte troglodytes trogon trojan troll troller trollop troop trooper trope trot troth trotter trou-de-loup troubadour trouble troubler troublesome trough trounce troupe trousers trousseau trout trowel truant truce truck trucker truckle truckler truculent trudge true true-blue truelove truffle trump trumpet trumpeter trumpets trumpetwood truncheon trundle trunk trunnel truss trust trustee truster truth tryst tsar tsarina tsaritsa tsetse tub tuba tube tuber tubercle tubercular tubman tubular tubule tuck tuckahoe tucker tucket tudor tufa tuff tuft tug tugboat tugger tulip tulipwood tulle tumble tumble-down tumblebug tumbler tumbling tumbrel tumbril tumor tumult tumulus tun tuna tundra tune tuner tunguses tunicata tunker tunnel tup tupelo turacou turban turbot turbulent turcoman turdus turf turk turkeys turkis turkoman turmoil turn turncoat turner turnip turnix turnover turnpike turnspit turnstile turpitude turret turtle turtledove turtlehead turtler turtling turves tuscan tuscaroras tush tusk tusker tussle tussock tut tutelar tutor tutoress tutsan twaddle twaddler twaddling twang twayblade tweak tweedle tweer tweeze tweezers twelfth twelfthtide twelve twelvemonth twentieth twice twiddle twig twilight twill twiner twinge twinkle twinkler twinkling twirl twist twister twit twitch twitter two twofold tycoon tyke tyler tympan tympanist tympanites tympanum tyne type typesetter typewrite typewriter typhon typhoon typhus typo typographer tyrannicide tyrant tyre tyro tzar tzarina tzetze udder ultra umpire ur uraninite uranium uranus urban urceole urdu urea ureter urethra urge urgent urinator urn urocele urochord urochorda urodele uropygium ursus urtica urus us usbegs usbeks use user usher usnea usufruct usurer usurp usurper ut utas utensil uterus utes utica utile utmost utricle utriculus utter utterer utterest uttermost uvea uvula uvular uxoricide vaccinator vagabond vagrant valet valor valuator valuer vamper vampire vanquisher vaporizer vaquero varnisher vaticinator vaulter vaunter vender venerator venter ventriloquist venturer verger verifier versifier vest veteran vexer victim victor victualer viewer vilifier vindicator vintager vintner violator viper virago virtuoso vis-a-vis visitant visitor vivisectionist vociferator voice voider volunteer voodoo voter voucher vower voyager vulcanizer vulgar waddler wader wag wagerer wagoner wagonwright wailer wait waiter waitress waker walker waller wallet wanderer wanton warbler ward warder warehouseman warmer warmonger warner warrant warranter warrantor warrior washer washerman washerwoman washstand wassailer waster watch watcher watchmaker watchman watchword waterer waterleaf waterman watermark watermelon waterproof waterscape waterspout waterworn watt wattle wattling waul wave wavelet waver waverer wawl wax waxwork waybill wayfarer wayside wayward weak weakener weakling weald wealth wean weapon wear wearer wearisome weasel weather weather-bound weatherboard weathercock weatherglass weatherproof weatherworn weave weaver web weber webfoot webster weder wedge wedlock wee weeder week weep weeper weevil weft weigela weigh weighbridge weigher weight weir weird weka welch welcher welcome welcomer weld welder welfare well well-known well-nigh well-read well-set wellhead wellingtons welsh welsher welshman welt welter wench wencher wend wends went wept were werewolf wesleyan west western westerner westernmost westmost westward westwards wet wether whack whacker whale whaleboat whaler whaling whang whap wharf whatever whatnot whatsoever wheat wheatear wheatworm wheedle wheel wheelbarrow wheeler wheelhouse wheeling wheelwork wheelwright wheeze whelk whelm whelp whereabouts wherefore wheresoever wherever whet whiff whiffletree whig while whiles whim whimper whinchat whiner whip whipcord whiplash whipper whippersnapper whippletree whipsaw whipstitch whir whirl whirler whirligig whirling whirlwind whisk whisker whisper whisperer whist whistle whistler whistling whit white white-hot whitebait whitecap whitehead whitener whites whitester whitetail whitethorn whitethroat whitewash whitewood whitlow whitsun whitsuntide whittle whittlings whiz who whole wholesale wholesome whoop whooper whop whopper whore whoredom whoremonger whoreson whorl wichitas wick wicker wickerwork wicket wide wide-awake widespread widgeon widow widower widowhood width wield wife wig wigeon wiggle wiggler wight wigwag wigwam wild wildebeest wilder wildfire wile will willet willing willow wilt wimble wimple wince winch wind winder windfall windflower windlass windmill window windpipe windsor windstorm windward wineglass winger wink winker winkle winner winnow winsome winter wipe wiper wire wire-puller wirework wireworm wis wisdom wiseacre wish-wash wisp wit witch witchcraft withdraw withdrawer withe wither withers withhold withholder withstand withstander withstood witnesser wivern wives wizard woad wobble woe woke wold wolf wolfram wolframite wollastonite wolves woman womanhood womankind womb wombat won wonder wonderer wonderland wonders wont woo wood woodchuck woodcock woodcraft woodcut woodcutter woodland woodman woodpecker woodruff woodsman woodward woodwork woodworm wooer woof word wordbook wore work workbag workbasket workbench workbox worker workfellow workhouse workingman workman workroom workshop world world-wide worldling worm wormhole wormwood worn worn-out worrier worrisome worse worser worshiper worst wort worth worthwhile would-be wound wounder wove wrack wraith wrangle wrangler wrap wrapper wrasse wrath wrawl wreak wreath wreathe wreck wrecker wrench wrest wrester wrestle wrestler wretch wriggle wriggler wright wringer wrinkle wrist wristband wristlet writ write writer writhe wrong wrongdoer wronger wrote wroth wrought wrung wrymouth wryneck wulfenite wye wys wyvern xenotime xeroderma xiphias xiphosura xylem xylocopa xyris yachtsman yea yeoman yielder youngster younker youth zealot