// description: biological diets (herbivorous, carpophagous, etc.) // source: http://phrontistery.info/feed.html output [diet] diet allotriophagy // definition = craving for strange foods androphagy // definition = cannibalism anthropophaginian // definition = cannibal anthropophagous // definition = eating humans aphagia // definition = inability to eat or swallow apivorous // definition = eating bees arachnivorous // definition = feeding on spiders autocoprophagy // definition = eating one's own feces autophagy // definition = feeding on body's own tissues baccivorous // definition = eating berries batrachivorous // definition = frog-eating bibliophagist // definition = one who devours books, literally or figuratively calcivorous // definition = feeding on or living in limestone cardophagus // definition = donkey; something that eats thistles carnivorous // definition = eating flesh carpophagous // definition = fruit-eating cepivorous // definition = onion-eating chthonophagia // definition = eating dirt comburivorous // definition = consuming by fire coprophagous // definition = eating feces creatophagous // definition = carnivorous; flesh-eating creophagous // definition = flesh-eating; carnivorous detritivore // definition = animal that eats decomposing organic matter dysphagia // definition = pathological difficulty in swallowing endophagy // definition = cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within entomophagous // definition = eating insects equivorous // definition = consuming horseflesh exophagy // definition = cannibalism outside one's own group foliophagous // definition = eating leaves; eating folios of books formivorous // definition = eating ants fructivorous // definition = feeding on fruit frugivorous // definition = eating fruit fucivorous // definition = eating seaweed galactophagist // definition = milk drinker gamophagia // definition = destruction of one gamete by another geophagy // definition = practice of feeding on soil; dirt-eating glossophagine // definition = eating using the tongue graminivorous // definition = feeding on grass or cereals granivorous // definition = feeding on seeds gumnivorous // definition = feeding on tree saps herbivorous // definition = eating only plant matter hippophagy // definition = feeding on horses homnivorous // definition = eating humans hylophagous // definition = eating wood hyperphagia // definition = eating too much ichthyophagous // definition = fish-eating insectivorous // definition = eating insects kreatophagia // definition = eating of raw meat larvivorous // definition = feeding on larvae lignivorous // definition = feeding on wood limivorous // definition = eating mud lithophagous // definition = stone-swallowing; rock-boring; eating rock lotophagous // definition = feeding on lotuses; indolent; lazy; dreamy mallophagous // definition = eating wool or fleece meconophagist // definition = consumer of opium or heroin meliphagous // definition = feeding upon honey mellivorous // definition = honey-eating merdivorous // definition = dung-eating microphagous // definition = feeding on small creatures or plants monophagous // definition = feeding on only one type of food mucivorous // definition = feeding on plant juices mycophagous // definition = eating fungus myristicivorous // definition = feeding upon nutmegs myrmecophagous // definition = feeding on ants necrophagous // definition = feeding on the dead nectarivorous // definition = feeding on nectar nucivorous // definition = nut-eating omnivorous // definition = eating anything; eating both plant and animal matter omophagy // definition = eating of raw flesh as a ritual observance onychophagist // definition = nail-biter ophiophagous // definition = eating snakes oryzivorous // definition = rice-eating ossivorous // definition = feeding on bones ostreophagous // definition = oyster-eating ovivorous // definition = eating eggs ovivorous // definition = eating sheep paedophage // definition = eater of children pagophagia // definition = eating trays of ice to help offset iron deficiency panivorous // definition = bread-eating pantophagy // definition = omnivorousness phthirophagous // definition = lice-eating phyllophagous // definition = leaf-eating phytivorous // definition = feeding on plants phytophagous // definition = feeding on vegetable matter piscivorous // definition = fish-eating placentophagy // definition = eating of the placenta plantivorous // definition = plant-eating plasmophagous // definition = consuming plasma poephagous // definition = eating grass or herbs; herbivorous poltophagy // definition = prolonged chewing of food polyphagous // definition = eating many types of food psomophagy // definition = swallowing food without thorough chewing radicivorous // definition = eating roots ranivorous // definition = eating frogs rhizophagous // definition = root-eating rhypophagy // definition = eating filth sanguivorous // definition = blood-drinking saprophagous // definition = feeding on decaying material sarcophagous // definition = feeding on flesh; carnivorous saurophagous // definition = eating lizards scatophagous // definition = dung-eating seminivorous // definition = seed-eating stercovorous // definition = feeding on dung or excrement thalerophagous // definition = feeding on fresh vegetable matter theophagy // definition = sacramental consumption of a god toxicophagous // definition = eating poison toxiphagous // definition = poison-eating univorous // definition = living on only one host or source of food vegetivorous // definition = eating vegetables vermivorous // definition = eating worms xerophagy // definition = eating of dry food; fast of dry food in the week preceding Easter xylophagous // definition = wood-eating zoophagy // definition = eating animals