#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual) @title{XMPP} A module for using the Jabber/XMPP protocol. @table-of-contents[] @section{Require} @scheme[(require (planet zzkt/xmpp))] If you are using @scheme[send] provided from @scheme[scheme/class] you should use a prefix to avoid a name clash with @scheme[send]. @scheme[(require (prefix-in xmpp: (planet zzkt/xmpp)))] @section{Protocol Support} A minimal subset of the XMPP protocols are supported, but not much beyond sending and receiving messages and presence updates. This module should eventually implement XMPP-Core and XMPP-IM to conform with RFCs 3920 and 3921. Currently, the default connection uses 'old style' SSL, which is deprecated and may cause problems with some servers. Progress toward supporting the full protocol is documented in the file 'xmpp.ss' @section{Session} It is necessary to establish a session with a Jabber server before sending any messages or presence updates. This can be done manually, or with the help of with-xmpp-session. @defform[(with-xmpp-session [jid jid?] [password string?] body)]{ Establishes an XMPP session using the id @scheme[jid] and password @scheme[pass] and evaluates the forms in @scheme[body] in the session's scope.} @section{Sending} Once a session is established, the 'send' function can be used to send messages, presence updates or queries. @section{Messages} To send a message containing @scheme[text] to a user with the @scheme[jid] of @scheme[to]. @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid pass (send (message to text))) ] @section{Presence} @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid pass (send (presence))) ] @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid pass (send (presence #:status "Available"))) ] @section{Response Handling} @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid pass (set-xmpp-handler 'message print-message)) ] @section{Rosters} @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid pass (send (request-roster jid))) ] @schemeblock[ (with-xmpp-session jid1 pass (send (add-to-roster jid1 jid2 name group))) ] @section{Example Chat Client} @schemeblock[ (define (read-input prompt) (display prompt) (read-line (current-input-port))) (define (chat) (let ((jid (read-input "jid: ")) (pass (read-input "password: ")) (to (read-input "chat with: "))) (with-xmpp-session jid pass (set-xmpp-handler 'message print-message) (let loop () (let ((msg (read-line (current-input-port)))) (send (message to msg)) (loop)))))) ] and chat away...