# -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8; -*- #+LaTeX_CLASS: zzkt-article #+LateX_Header: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} #+OPTIONS: toc:2 num:nil html-style:nil #+author: #+title: Allen & Heath CQ-20B based on MIDI Protocol V1.2 Issue 2 [[file:img/CQ-20B.png]] The CQ uses MIDI Channel 1 for all control messaging. * Available Controls ** Scene change ** Soft Keys ** Mutes ** Levels ** Panning/Balance ** Getting values * Reference Tables ** Decimal, HEX, Note conversions [[file:img/cq_ref_1.png]] ** Soft Key Note and Hex values [[file:img/cq_ref_2.png]] ** Mutes Parameter Numbers [[file:img/cq_ref_3.png]] ** Level Parameter Numbers — Inputs and FX to Outputs and FX [[file:img/cq_ref_4.png]] ** Level Parameter Numbers — Outputs, FX unit input and DCAs [[file:img/cq_ref_5.png]] ** Pan Balance Parameter Numbers — Inputs and FX to Main LR and Outputs [[file:img/cq_ref_6.png]] * Further - CQ MIDI Protocol