# -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8; -*- * Superject (working title) #+BEGIN_QUOTE A proposition, for Whitehead, is neither true nor false in itself. It is a lure for feeling the world that “might be.” A proposition is what places a concrescing subject (an occasion of experience) in relation to a potential predicative pattern. It is the potential togetherness of subject and predicate that characterizes a proposition and not its actual exemplification. But propositions do not hang in the thin air of abstraction; they always emerge from somewhere and are entertained by an actual subject within a particular milieu. The proposition’s relevance and importance (or its “truth”—in William James’ sense) is contingent upon the world that it finds itself within. —Adam Nocek #+END_QUOTE * propositions (notes) Various notes can be found in the ~notes/~ folder * propositions (cards) Card design can be found in the ~cards/~ folder and rendered cards can be found in the ~cards/_ouput~ folder. Ways of using the cards can be found in [[file:Process and Reality.org]] - testing deck creating using [[https://github.com/andymeneely/squib][squib]] - edit card descriptions in the ~cards.txt~ files - change layout in the ~layout.yml~ file(s) - change design logic in the ~deck.rb~ file #+ATTR_html: :width 600px #+CAPTION: cards (example) [[file:cards/img/_example.png]]