#!/bin/bash # a simple script to test a linode GPU instance for superject abstraction PLACE=/tmp/neural mkdir -p $PLACE cd $PLACE echo "using the Superject archetypes..." occasions=("Journey" "Science" "Magic" "Nature" "Power" "Education" "Connection" "Obstacle" "Tool" "Retreat" "Fortune" "Justice" "Sacrifice" "Death" "Art" "Decay" "Ruin" "Mystery" "Bridge" "Energy" "Transformation" "World") qualia=("Sad" "Happy" "Fear" "Surprise" "Angry" "Disgust" "Grief" "Hunger" "Love" "Pain" "Relief" "Sonic" "Visual" "Tactile" "Scent" "Taste" "Hot" "Cold" "Calm" "Tense" "Full" "Empty") lures=("Assemble" "Cook" "Destroy" "Hex" "Enact" "Exchange" "Experiment" "Gather" "Give" "Grow" "Repair" "Make" "Perform" "Play" "Protect" "Prototype" "Question" "Resist" "Reverse" "Serve" "Solve" "Trick") echo "occasions..." for i in "${occasions[@]}" do export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 echo "dreaming $i" dream $i --save-progress --save-every 30 --epochs=6 --iterations=600 done echo "lures..." for i in "${lures[@]}" do export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 echo "dreaming $i" dream $i --save-progress --save-every 30 --epochs=6 --iterations=600 done #export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 #time dream "Satisfying propositions" --save-progress --save-every 100 --epochs=2 --iterations=300 --random # note in big-sleep.py -> torch,cuda.set_device(1) # and/or CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python myscript.py # ffmpeg -r 24 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -i The_Grand_Evocateur_of_intensity.%d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p The_Grand_Evocateur_of_intensity_m3.mp4