#lang scheme/base (require scheme/class openssl (prefix-in xmpp: "xmpp.ss")) (provide (all-defined-out)) ; a class which wraps the xmpp in a thread and allows messages to be picked up ; and sent by the game (define debug-netloop #f) (define jabberer% (class object% (init-field (jid "none@nowhere") (pass "xxxx")) (field (incoming '()) (outgoing '()) (thr 0) (debug-jab #t)) (define/public (get-incoming) incoming) (define/public (clear-incoming) (set! incoming '())) (define/public (msg-waiting?) (not (null? incoming))) (define/public (get-msg) (let ((msg (car incoming))) (set! incoming (cdr incoming)) msg)) (define/public (send-msg to msg) (set! outgoing (append outgoing (list (list to msg)))) #;(printf "~a~n" outgoing)) (define (message-handler sz) (when debug-jab (printf "rx <---- ~a ~a~n" (xmpp:message-from sz) (xmpp:message-body sz))) (set! incoming (cons (list (xmpp:message-from sz) (xmpp:message-body sz)) incoming))) (define/public (start) (set! thr (thread run))) (define/public (stop) (kill-thread thr)) (define (run) (xmpp:with-xmpp-session jid pass (xmpp:set-xmpp-handler 'message message-handler) (let loop () (when debug-netloop (printf ".~n")) (when (not (null? outgoing)) #;(when debug-jab (printf "tx ----> ~a ~a~n" (car (car outgoing)) (cadr (car outgoing)))) (xmpp:send (xmpp:message (car (car outgoing)) (cadr (car outgoing)))) (set! outgoing (cdr outgoing))) (sleep 0.1) (loop)))) (super-new)))